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  • Oliver Goldsmith on hope


    “As writers become more numerous, it is natural for readers to become more indolent whence must necessarily arise a desire of attaining knowledge with the greatest possible ease.” -Oliver Goldsmith

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  • Tavis Smiley on hope


    “We give you the facts. I told you information is power – knowledge is power. We can’t be in an ideological battle to redeem the soul of this country if we don’t have the facts.” -Tavis Smiley

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  • Orson Scott Card on hope


    “The education that prepared me was my general education classes, which I tried to avoid when I was a stupid undergraduate, but which gave me the foundation of general knowledge that makes a career as a writer possible.” -Orson Scott Card

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  • Shaquille O’Neal on hope


    “I’m on a mission. And I know the older I get, I may lose a step or two, but it’s all up in the medulla oblongata. I’ve got a lot up there. I’ve got a lot of knowledge… in this medulla oblongata.” -Shaquille O’Neal

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  • Gabrielle Union on hope


    “Just like I find men who talk sports who don’t really know sports annoying, I think men might find women who don’t really have a true passion and knowledge of sports maybe not so attractive.” -Gabrielle Union

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  • Dorothy Denning on hope


    “While many hackers have the knowledge, skills, and tools to attack computer systems, they generally lack the motivation to cause violence or severe economic or social harm.” -Dorothy Denning

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  • Kevin Mitnick on hope


    “It’s kind of interesting, because hacking is a skill that could be used for criminal purposes or legitimate purposes, and so even though in the past I was hacking for the curiosity, and the thrill, to get a bite of the forbidden fruit of knowledge, I’m now working in the security field as a public…

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  • Louis Pasteur on hope


    “Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.” -Louis Pasteur

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  • Janet Jackson on hope


    “In complete darkness, it is only knowledge and wisdom that separates us.” -Janet Jackson

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  • Jacob Bronowski on hope


    “Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty.” -Jacob Bronowski

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  • Alton Brown on hope


    “I think a lot of food shows, especially when we started ‘Good Eats’ back in the late ’90s, they were still really about food. ‘Good Eats’ isn’t about food, it’s about entertainment. If, however, we can virally infect you with knowledge or interest, then all the better.” -Alton Brown

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  • Vera Farmiga on hope


    “Doubt is the middle position between knowledge and ignorance. It encompasses cynicism but also genuine questioning.” -Vera Farmiga

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  • A. N. Wilson on hope


    “In the past, I used to counter any such notions by asking myself: ‘Would you really want President Hattersley?’ I now find that possibility rather cheers me up. With his chubby, Dickensian features and his knowledge of T.H. Green and other harmless leftish political classics, Hattersley might not be such a bad thing after all.”…

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  • Theodore Bikel on hope


    “Epistemology is the study of knowledge. By what conduit do we know what we know?” -Theodore Bikel

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  • Jeffrey Kluger on hope


    “Psychopaths know the technical difference between right and wrong – which is one of the reasons their insanity pleas in criminal cases so rarely succeed they just fail to act on that knowledge.” -Jeffrey Kluger

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  • Daisaku Ikeda on hope


    “I believe that we must maintain pride in the knowledge that the actions we take, based on our own decisions and choices as individuals, link directly to the magnificent challenge of transforming human history.” -Daisaku Ikeda

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  • Carlos Castenada on hope


    “A man of knowledge chooses a path with a heart and follows it and then he looks and rejoices and laughs and then he sees and knows.” -Carlos Castenada

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  • Evan Davis on hope


    “The new industries are brainy industries and so-called knowledge workers tend to like to be near other people who are the same. Think of the City of Hollywood. People cluster. This means you have winning regions, such as London and Cambridge, and losing regions. The people who want to be top lawyers in Sunderland are…

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  • Eddie Van Halen on hope


    “‘For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge’ took a year to record that’s why the playing on it might sound somewhat labored. ‘Balance,’ on the other hand, was written and recorded in only four months, so the whole process was quicker and more immediate.” -Eddie Van Halen

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  • John Polkinghorne on hope


    “I’m a very passionate believer in the unity of knowledge. There is one world of reality – one world of our experience that we’re seeking to describe.” -John Polkinghorne

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  • Nate Silver on hope


    “Distinguishing the signal from the noise requires both scientific knowledge and self-knowledge.” -Nate Silver

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  • Phyllis McGinley on hope


    “Getting along with men isn’t what’s truly important. The vital knowledge is how to get along with a man, one man.” -Phyllis McGinley

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  • Igor Stravinsky on hope


    “I have learned throughout my life as a composer chiefly through my mistakes and pursuits of false assumptions, not by my exposure to founts of wisdom and knowledge.” -Igor Stravinsky

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  • Jonathan Kozol on hope


    “So long as these kinds of inequalities persist, all of us who are given expensive educations have to live with the knowledge that our victories are contaminated because the game has been rigged to our advantage.” -Jonathan Kozol

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  • Walter Benjamin on hope


    “All human knowledge takes the form of interpretation.” -Walter Benjamin

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