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  • NeNe Leakes on health


    “I think that everyone is saying all kinds of things about ‘rich.’ Not only am I rich from doing some of things I’ve been able to do, but I’m rich in spirit. I’m rich in health. I’m rich in every way possible.” -NeNe Leakes

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  • Jerzy Kosinski on health


    “As I go to sleep I remember what my father said-that one can never be sure if one will awake. The way my health is now, this is becoming more and more real.” -Jerzy Kosinski

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  • Jay Weatherill on health


    “I believe that investing in our children’s development from the earliest age is the single most important contribution we can make to the health and wellbeing of our citizens, their capacity and the future prosperity of our state.” -Jay Weatherill

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  • Charles Kennedy on health


    “I should do something about the cigarettes I quite accept that it’s bad for your health, but you know a moderate tipple is positively beneficial and, at certain times, absolutely essential.” -Charles Kennedy

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  • Paul Farmer on health


    “You can’t have public health without a public health system. We just don’t want to be part of a mindless competition for resources. We want to build back capacity in the system.” -Paul Farmer

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  • Bernie Sanders on health


    “Look, if you have somebody who doesn’t have health insurance, who doesn’t have a doctor or dentist, and in order to deal with their cold or flu or dental problem, they go to an emergency room – in general, that visit will cost ten times more than walking into a community health center.” -Bernie Sanders

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  • Criss Angel on health


    “I’m actually tougher on myself as I get older. It’s a vicious cycle. The things that are important in life are the things that you can’t buy in life: love, health and happiness. I say that, and I believe that, and I try to live that.” -Criss Angel

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  • Frank Bruno on health


    “People take the mickey out of mental health, but it is very delicate.” -Frank Bruno

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  • William Temple on health


    “You may keep your beauty and your health, unless you destroy them yourself, or discourage them to stay with you, by using them ill.” -William Temple

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  • Lionel Trilling on health


    “We are all ill: but even a universal sickness implies an idea of health.” -Lionel Trilling

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  • Tammy Bruce on health


    “When the courts decide that murderers, rapists, and others who maliciously break our social contract deserve health care that most working Americans can’t afford, they are condemning good people to death.” -Tammy Bruce

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  • Mandy Patinkin on health


    “I’m active in PAX, which is a gun awareness organization. We treat gun safety as a public health issue.” -Mandy Patinkin

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  • Michelle Bachelet on health


    “As a doctor, when I was minister of health and would go somewhere, little girls would come up to me and say, ‘I want to be like you one day, I want to be a doctor.’ Now, they tell me, ‘I want to be president just like you.’ All of us can dream as big…

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  • Mitch McConnell on health


    “The fact is, if our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill to end the bailouts cut spending and shrink the size and scope of government, the only way to do all these things it is to put someone in the White House who won’t veto any of these things.”…

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  • Placido Domingo on health


    “The voice collects and translates your bad physical health, your emotional worries, your personal troubles.” -Placido Domingo

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  • Kiana Tom on health


    “Balance is key: I need to be successful in my career to feel fulfilled, be surrounded by people I care about to share it with, and have my health to be able to do the things I love to do!” -Kiana Tom

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  • Eric Ries on health


    “Here in Silicon Valley, I have taken part in hundreds of conversations trying to convince people to dive in and become entrepreneurs. All too often, innovators with good, safe, jobs are unwilling to put their family’s access to health care at risk by walking away from company-backed medical insurance.” -Eric Ries

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  • Julie Bishop on health


    “Advances in science and medical research and public health policies have meant that life expectancy for Australians is one of the highest in the world.” -Julie Bishop

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  • Rowan D. Williams on health


    “The answer was that in Burundi, having a clean bill of health has taken on a very particular meaning: unless and until you have paid for your hospital treatment, you simply can’t leave, you are in effect a captive.” -Rowan D. Williams

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  • Britt Ekland on health


    “I believe you need scientific proof that something works before you entrust your health to it.” -Britt Ekland

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  • Mike Pence on health


    “You bet every member of Congress who votes for this bill ought to read it, read it thoroughly, and understand that what we’re looking at here amounts to nothing more than a government takeover of our health care economy, paid for with nearly a trillion dollars in new taxes on individuals and small businesses. And…

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  • Sugar Ray Leonard on health


    “Aaron Pryor wants to get into the ring with me. He wants to be able to retire, and he will. For health reasons.” -Sugar Ray Leonard

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  • Paul Nurse on health


    “Better understanding of the natural world not only enhances all of us as human beings, but can also be harnessed for the better good, leading to improved health and quality of life.” -Paul Nurse

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  • Patricia Cornwell on health


    “In my forties, my optimism was boundless. I had really good health and tremendous success which allowed me to do anything I wanted.” -Patricia Cornwell

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  • Joe Manchin on health


    “I believe in health care reform.” -Joe Manchin

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