

Quotations on the topic of ‘experience’ from all listed authors (click on the ‘click to view listing’ links to view each quote in full).

  • “My Marine experience helped shape who I am now personally and professionally, and I am grateful for that on an almost daily basis.” -Jim Lehrer

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  • “The act of writing… is the act of trying to understand why my opinion is what it is. And ultimately, I think that’s the same experience the reader has when they pick up one of my books.” -Jodi Picoult

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  • “To pursue a so-called Third Way is foolish. We had our experience with this in the 1960s when we looked for a socialism with a human face. It did not work, and we must be explicit that we are not aiming for a more efficient version of a system that has failed.” -Vaclav Klaus

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  • “I would love to be a father. I had a great father who taught me how gratifying that is. I’m not going to deny myself that. I think I’d be good at it. Everybody wants that experience. I definitely do.” -Mike Myers

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  • “Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don’t.” -Pete Seeger

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  • “Experience teaches us that we do not always receive the blessings we ask for in prayer.” -Mary Baker Eddy

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  • “If the experience of science teaches anything, it’s that the world is very strange and surprising. The many revolutions in science have certainly shown that.” -John Polkinghorne

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  • “Actually, music gave me the support when I needed it. I would never have gone to college unless I’d gotten a piano scholarship. And now I’m so glad I got to learn to play the cello, which is a different experience, you’re flexing a different muscle, but it’s beautiful because it is music.” -Jamie Foxx

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  • “I hate these platforms that are all over the place today they are all about grabbing attention. They are suburban! I never do a platform. Well, I did, in the 1970s, but that was a bad experience.” -Manolo Blahnik

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  • “My father respected and admired my mother and was a person who was always standing by my side, encouraging me to do more and believed in my capacity. So in that sense, my own experience was very good in becoming an empowered woman. From early on, I carried that strong message: ‘You can do it.’…

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  • “The experience gathered from books, though often valuable, is but the nature of learning whereas the experience gained from actual life is one of the nature of wisdom.” -Samuel Smiles

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  • “Just as we accumulate memories of facts by integrating them into a network, we accumulate life experiences by integrating them into a web of other chronological memories. The denser the web, the denser the experience of time.” -Joshua Foer

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  • “Other people do not have to change for us to experience peace of mind.” -Gerald Jampolsky

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  • “I believe that being an actress or being involved in a movie has to be a life experience, otherwise why go for it? I have to change me, and I have to learn things, and I have to push me and my limits. By acting, I find a freedom inside of a prison in a…

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  • “Like every aspect of cancer I’ve weathered thus far, today’s experience was not at all demoralizing, expensive or humiliating. No, it was just plain fun.” -April Winchell

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  • “Life is full of change and uncertainty. We know this. We experience it on a daily basis.” -Carre Otis

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  • “I’ve had a fair amount of experience with snakes, and I find them to be pretty honest in terms of how you read their body language and emotions. They’ll tell you when they’re grumpy. They’ll tell you when they’re okay.” -Dominic Monaghan

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  • “I had such a close relationship with my dog, and my dog so filled the need in my life to have children that I just wanted Cathy to have that experience.” -Cathy Guisewite

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  • “Baseball is a rookie, his experience no bigger than the lump in his throat as he begins fulfillment of his dream.” -Ernie Harwell

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  • “The impulse to dream was slowly beaten out of me by experience. Now it surged up again and I hungered for books, new ways of looking and seeing.” -Richard Wright

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  • “I think theatre is by far the most rewarding experience for an actor. You get 4 weeks to rehearse your character and then at 7:30 pm you start acting and nobody stops you, acting with your entire soul.” -Christopher Eccleston

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  • “To me, the job of the artist is to provide a useful and intelligent vocabulary for the world to be able to articulate feelings they experience everyday, and otherwise wouldn’t have the means to express in a meaningful and useful way.” -Mos Def

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  • “I have the ordinary experience of being anonymous when I’m in an airplane talking to air-traffic control, and they don’t know who they’re talking to. I have a lot of common experiences.” -Harrison Ford

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  • “The fact that I am a writer comes from the experience of being cut away from my roots and living in Venezuela, where I couldn’t find a place for myself, for years and years.” -Isabel Allende

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  • “People were being so mean as a result of my ability – a gift, really. So I think that’s what makes me fight harder to provide an option to aspiring kids or artists. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I went through… to see a little girl or a little dancer experience such…

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  • “Making movies is a very different experience in a lot of ways. It’s difficult when you’re used to owning the copyright and having a landlord’s possessory rights – I rent my plays to the companies that do them and, if I’m upset, I can pull the play. But the only two directors I’ve worked with…

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  • “Acting can be a narrow and isolated experience, because you only examine your particular part.” -Damian Lewis

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  • “When a novel has 200,000 words, then it is possible for the reader to experience 200,000 delights, and to turn back to the first page of the book and experience them all over again, perhaps more intensely.” -Jane Smiley

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  • “I think it’s really, really important to mix it up as an actor, to try to get as much kind of varied experience as you can, not only for your own personal growth as an actor but for the audience to keep them guessing about what you’re going to do.” -Liev Schreiber

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  • “I definitely feel more complete than before. There’s a void you have when you don’t feel you’ve found the other part of who you are, so I’m in a different place now and that’s nice to experience.” -Mariah Carey

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  • “I’m a method writer. In order to write about the emotion, I have to experience it. I get physically tired and exhausted, devoting hours and hours and hours to it.” -Sherman Alexie

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  • “You can’t dodge them all. I got hammered plenty of times through the years. But you just get up and keep playing. I can tell you from experience, though. Sometimes it hurts like hell.” -Terry Bradshaw

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  • “It is often difficult to watch yourself onscreen, especially 60-feet high. As an actor, it is an uncomfortable experience.” -Chris Hemsworth

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  • “I have a mess in my head sometimes, and there’s something very satisfying about putting it into words. Certainly it’s not something that you’re in charge of, necessarily, but writing about it, putting it into your words, can be a very powerful experience.” -Carrie Fisher

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  • “Boredom is the dream bird that hatches the egg of experience. A rustling in the leaves drives him away.” -Walter Benjamin

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  • “For me, I’d rather have an intense experience than not.” -Joaquin Phoenix

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  • “Yes, all my songs come from personal experience and relationships.” -Rick Springfield

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  • “Well, my background is journalism. I don’t have any creative-writing experience except for one class I took as a sophomore in college.” -Dave Eggers

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  • “Religion points to that area of human experience where in one way or another man comes upon mystery as a summons to pilgrimage.” -Frederick Buechner

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  • “Do I ever think Gossip will be really massive in America? No, I don’t think it’ll happen – and that’s fine. It’s kind of nice because I get to experience everything at once. I get to come home and it not be weird, like in Paris or something. It is nice to be completely anonymous.”…

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  • “Great art – or good art – is when you look at it, experience it and it stays in your mind. I don’t think conceptual art and traditional art are all that different.” -Damien Hirst

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  • “These are tough times and under this Tory-led government many people in Manchester are suffering and getting left behind. If elected I will use all my energy, skills, experience and knowledge to stand up for our communities and get things done for the better.” -Lucy Powell

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  • “I wouldn’t go up on a stage now if you paid a thousand dollars for one minute of acting. It’s a nasty experience. You’re up there all by yourself. You’re so damn exposed.” -Elia Kazan

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  • “I was never afraid of failure after that because, I think, coming that close to death you get kissed. With the years, the actual experience of course fades, but the flavor of it doesn’t. I just had a real sense of what choice do I have but to live fully?” -Debra Winger

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  • “My parents had an experience of life that is as opposite to mine as you can imagine.” -Jane Pauley

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  • “It’s wonderful to be in love. And it’s definitely wonderful to cuddle and have sex and get to experience life with somebody. But it’s OK if you don’t find him and you’re 24. You can find it someday.” -Leighton Meester

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  • “No matter what his position or experience in life, there is in everyone more latent than developed ability far more unused than used power.” -James Cash Penney

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  • “I felt alienated by the experience and decided to stay away from corporate employment.” -Lee Child

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  • “The printed page conveys information and commitment, and requires active involvement. Television conveys emotion and experience, and it’s very limited in what it can do logically. It’s an existential experience – there and then gone.” -Bill Moyers

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  • “None of us feels the true love of God till we realize how wicked we are. But you can’t teach people that – they have to learn by experience.” -Dorothy L. Sayers

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  • “I enjoy writing but I much prefer the experience of having written.” -Fareed Zakaria

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  • “Yes, I’ve listened to just a few audiobooks – but hope to listen to more. I’ve wanted to investigate how my own books sound in this format and find the experience of listening, and not reading, quite fascinating.” -Joyce Carol Oates

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  • “I was quite able at the insignificant work I did in MI6, but absolutely dysfunctional in my domestic life. I had no experience of fatherhood. I had no example of marital bliss or the family unit.” -John le Carre

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  • “When I was 27 years old, I organized legal aid clinics to help low-income seniors. It was a life-altering experience.” -Ron Wyden

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  • “I like directors who have worked as actors. They know the experience.” -Gabrielle Union

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  • “There’s no wrong way to experience a film.” -Vera Farmiga

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  • “I wouldn’t say I’m a very original thinker, but if I have a good experience with something, I’ll want to take it further or adapt it in some way.” -Gwyneth Paltrow

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  • “For me, titles are either a natural two-second experience or stressful enough to give you an ulcer. If they don’t pop out perfect on the first try, they can be really hard to repair. Or, worse, if the author thinks they pop out perfect, but the publishing house does not agree, it’s difficult to shift…

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  • “I think being a parent is the most challenging thing you do. That’s why we’re here. It’s at the heart of what it is to be a human being. It’s the ultimate experience because it questions everything about who you are. But it’s difficult.” -Michael Sheen

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  • “If you’re out there stressing on your pro day, then you’re not going to perform well, so I plan on having a little fun. Play a little music while we’re out there throwing the football, have everybody tapping their toes and bobbing their head and just go out there and make the most of the…

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  • “In fact the experience at Oxford has really helped me later in life.” -Imran Khan

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  • “As an actress, it’s part of your job to be able to imagine just about anything – even if it’s not within your personal experience.” -Rachel Weisz

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  • “If you search and search and stop searching, then ultimately you’ll find what you need. It is the experience of living.” -Marion Cotillard

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  • “Writing a story or a novel is one way of discovering sequence in experience, of stumbling upon cause and effect in the happenings of a writer’s own life.” -Eudora Welty

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  • “I learn from experience.” -Alan Dershowitz

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  • “It’s always good to get a smaller tournament under your belt so that by the time you get to the Slams, you have a lot of experience.” -Serena Williams

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  • “There’s no experience like on-the-job training.” -Hank Azaria

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  • “I started thinking about joy. Everything in our society is so purposeful. Let’s bring joy back to the experience.” -Sara Blakely

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  • “Although our inattention can contribute to our lack of total well-being, we also have the power to choose positive behaviors and responses. In that choice we change our every experience of life!” -Greg Anderson

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  • “I had great faith in Irish actors, that they’d be hip to the whole theatre thing, and they are. I had no illusions of coming over here as some kind of big shot. It’s been a learning experience for me too.” -Christopher Meloni

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  • “I want to be able to experience everything. I want to experience being a husband, experience being a father, experience, maybe, hopefully, someday being a grandfather, and all those things. I want that experience. When I die, I want to be exhausted.” -Bryan Cranston

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  • “All experience is subjective.” -Gregory Bateson

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  • “If you haven’t read you don’t have the voice. The lack of voice eliminates experience.” -George Saunders

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  • “I’m very accepting with my age. It’s like notches on your belt: experience, wisdom, and a different kind of beauty. There comes a day when you’ve become comfortable in your skin.” -Zoe Saldana

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  • “A statesman wants courage and a statesman wants vision but believe me, after six months’ experience, he wants first, second, third and all the time – patience.” -Stanley Baldwin

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  • “You have to trust your kids. They have to experience life, and you just hope you’ve provided them a foundation for what’s right and what isn’t.” -Jack Nicklaus

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  • “You can live your whole life in your brain and not experience what’s around you. You go crazy that way.” -Fiona Apple

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  • “Doesn’t all experience crumble in the end to mere literary material?” -Ellen Glasgow

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  • “I started off on stage because it was the only work I could get. I haven’t been back for 11 years. I think any stage experience is good experience, as far as being an actor is concerned.” -Tim Roth

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  • “As with real reading, the ability to comprehend subtlety and complexity comes only with time and a lot of experience. If you don’t adequately acquire those skills, moving out into the real world of real people can actually become quite scary.” -Jeffrey Kluger

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  • “Bringing an end to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians may help the young Arab generation to realise their aspirations. Israel is more than willing to offer our experience in building a modern economy in spite of limited resources to the whole region.” -Shimon Peres

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  • “Writing a novel is a terrible experience, during which the hair often falls out and the teeth decay.” -Flannery O’Connor

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  • “Age should not have its face lifted, but it should rather teach the world to admire wrinkles as the etchings of experience and the firm line of character.” -Clarence Day

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  • “It’s a very small and select slice of all the people who have ever been born. I believe we’ve come back during this time, those of us who are here now, specifically to experience it. And to cause a ‘quickening of the spirit.’” -Neale Donald Walsch

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  • “I wanted to experience New York, to look up and see buildings.” -Haile Gebrselassie

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  • “A lot of why I do something is just the novelty of the experience.” -Edward Norton

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  • “When I’m home on a break, I lock myself in my room and play guitar. After two or three hours, I start getting into this total meditation. It’s a feeling few people experience, and that’s usually when I come up with weird stuff. It just flows. I can’t force myself. I don’t sit down and…

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  • “A lot of people fear death because they think that so overwhelming an experience has to be painful, but I’ve seen quite a few deaths, and, with one exception, I’ve never known anyone to undergo anything like agony. That’s amazing when you think about it. I mean, how complicated the mechanism is that’s being taken…

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  • “But beginners to the World Economics Forum have to understand there is no single Davos experience, and there is no single Davos community either. There are numerous tribes who interact only at a minimal level.” -Evan Davis

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  • “It’s always an interesting experience for a politician to be heard in silence, I have to say.” -Theresa May

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  • “I think I have a tendency to look at things subjectively rather than objectively when I reflect on my experience.” -Ricky Williams

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  • “Age is only a number, a cipher for the records. A man can’t retire his experience. He must use it. Experience achieves more with less energy and time.” -Bernard Baruch

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  • “Women artists need to break barriers in order for women’s experience to be valuable.” -Liz Phair

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  • “A commitment to human rights cannot be fostered simply through the transmission of knowledge. Action and experience play a crucial role in the learning process.” -Daisaku Ikeda

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  • “Lord of the Rings was my first experience making movies and at the time, I had no ideas how movies were done. I thought that’s the way they’re done, so in a way, I had nothing to compare it to.” -Orlando Bloom

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  • “To the artist is sometimes granted a sudden, transient insight which serves in this matter for experience. A flash, and where previously the brain held a dead fact, the soul grasps a living truth! At moments we are all artists.” -Arnold Bennett

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  • “Anything that’s different from your own realm of experience as a human being, whether it’s driving a car or a boat, or using guns, anything that separates you from yourself and leads you more towards this character’s existence is a big help.” -Colin Farrell

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  • “I remember when I took Quentin Tarantino with me to a very private screening of the documentary ‘Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired,’ which shows some of the legal irregularities of his case. I was involved by the film, and it was an amazing experience to see people weep at the end of it.” -Harvey Weinstein

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  • “What is truth? Truth doesn’t really exist. Who is going to judge whether my experience of an incident is more valid than yours? No one can be trusted to be the judge of that.” -Tracey Emin

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  • “America is an idea. And it’s the solemn responsibility of each ‘temporary’ president to protect and nurture that noblest of all ideas – with integrity. This man, Mitt Romney, has shown – not through his experience, but through his actions and words – that he is unqualified to carry out that responsibility.” -Jennifer Granholm

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  • “I absolutely believe in the power of tithing and giving back. My own experience about all the blessings I’ve had in my life is that the more I give away, the more that comes back. That is the way life works, and that is the way energy works.” -Ken Blanchard

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  • “Every day is a new experience and I take it as it comes.” -Zac Efron

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  • “Reading a book is like re-writing it for yourself. You bring to a novel, anything you read, all your experience of the world. You bring your history and you read it in your own terms.” -Angela Carter

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  • “You experience the films through the actors, so they’re all locked into your imagination in some kind of layer of fantasy or hatred or wherever they settle into your imagination.” -Danny Boyle

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  • “I think it’s easy for people to assume that fame is equal to glory, but it can be a very isolating experience.” -Sophia Bush

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  • “I have three goddaughters – I’m not sure why they trust me, because I have no experience with children – but I try.” -Diane Kruger

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  • “I left Jamaica for a while, because as an artist I need to experience different things, see the world, have different energies. Living in one place is not good for me.” -Ziggy Marley

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  • “I always considered myself as a character actor. I always try to be versatile to show different sides of human experience.” -Robert Duvall

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  • “Games have grown and developed from this limited in-the-box experience to something that’s everywhere now. Interactive content is all around us, networked, ready. This is something I’ve been hoping for throughout my career.” -Shigeru Miyamoto

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  • “The spectacles of experience through them you will see clearly a second time.” -Henrik Ibsen

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  • “All of the legal defense funds out there, they’re looking for people out there with court of appeals experience, because court of appeals is where policy is made. And I know, I know this is on tape and I should never say that because we don’t make law, I know. I know.” -Sonia Sotomayor

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  • “I’ve told people who have just started to make a film that the one thing you might experience is this feeling that everybody is conspiring against you, because you’re not necessarily able to tell what’s real and what’s not.” -Gus Van Sant

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  • “Fun is to experience things you would not have been able to experience in any other setting.” -Mike Krzyzewski

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  • “I was emotionally and physically punched in the stomach. This is not a place where you go and deliver the lines and then you come back. It’s kind of a life-changing experience. But it can’t get better than this for any actor – this is like an opera.” -Javier Bardem

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  • “No characters in ‘Stay Close,’ including the leads, are black and white. I want them to be grey. I think that makes for a much more interesting reading experience, something that will stay with you a little bit longer.” -Harlan Coben

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  • “Fatigue is what we experience, but it is what a match is to an atomic bomb.” -Laura Hillenbrand

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  • “If we could only snap the fetters of the body that bind the feet of the soul, we shall experience a great joy. Then we shall not be miserable because of the body’s sufferings. We shall become free.” -Vinoba Bhave

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  • “Everybody’s got one killer story. It doesn’t take talent to tell that story, it just takes experience.” -Kevin Smith

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  • “Any place that anyone can learn something useful from someone with experience is an educational institution.” -Al Capp

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  • “We need creativity in order to break free from the temporary structures that have been set up by a particular sequence of experience.” -Edward de Bono

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  • “A great deal has been written in recent years about the purported lack of motivation in the children of the Negro ghettos. Little in my experience supports this, yet the phrase has been repeated endlessly, and the blame in almost all cases is placed somewhere outside the classroom.” -Jonathan Kozol

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  • “Performing is a profound experience, at least for me.” -James Taylor

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  • “My own experience is that a certain kind of genius among students is best brought out in bed.” -Allen Ginsberg

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  • “We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.” -Jeff Bezos

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  • “The sole substitute for an experience which we have not ourselves lived through is art and literature.” -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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  • “However it is debased or misinterpreted, love is a redemptive feature. To focus on one individual so that their desires become superior to yours is a very cleansing experience.” -Jeanette Winterson

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  • “Mysteriously and in ways that are totally remote from natural experience, the gray drizzle of horror induced by depression takes on the quality of physical pain.” -William Styron

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  • “I’d done table reads for my own screenplays, and I always thought they were so much fun. Why couldn’t we do these for other classic screenplays and bring them to life? You can experience live theater, where you get to see plays produced by different directors and different casts, but there’s really nothing like that…

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  • “The crucial question one comes back to is the examination without that experience is meaningless. And I think it’s true that society is becoming more and more passive, less and less fired up with enthusiasm, in many spheres.” -Peter Hammill

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  • “Life it is not just a series of calculations and a sum total of statistics, it’s about experience, it’s about participation, it is something more complex and more interesting than what is obvious.” -Daniel Libeskind

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  • “Artists need some kind of stimulating experience a lot of times, which crystallizes when you sing about it or paint it or sculpt it. You literally mold the experience the way you want. It’s therapy.” -Erykah Badu

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  • “Sometimes I think our problems are made worse by the kind of business we’re in. Playing these road shows is a weird experience.” -Loretta Lynn

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  • “Prudence is but experience, which equal time, equally bestows on all men, in those things they equally apply themselves unto.” -Thomas Hobbes

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  • “I want people to think of me as a nice person. I really am so blessed. All of this has been a great experience and I thank the American public so much for putting me in this position. I appreciate every second of it.” -Carrie Underwood

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  • “It has always amazed me how tax cuts don’t work until they take effect. Mr. Obama’s experience with deferred tax rate increases will be the reverse. The economy will collapse in 2011.” -Arthur Laffer

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  • “No matter how close to personal experience a story might be, inevitably you are going to get to a part that isn’t yours and, actually, whether it happened or not becomes irrelevant. It is all about choosing the right words.” -Roddy Doyle

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  • “The bullied straight kid goes home to a shoulder to cry on and support and can talk freely about his experience at school and why he’s being bullied. I couldn’t go home and open up to my parents.” -Dan Savage

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  • “When you go to the movies with your whole family, it’s a different experience. For some reason, it’s something that you’re all doing together and you take away something special in that.” -Vin Diesel

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  • “Making an album should be an honest experience. It shouldn’t be about trying to gauge where popular music is today it should be about artistic expression and putting down what you want to put down.” -Scott Weiland

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  • “My life path has been a blessing and a great learning experience. Skateboarding is my passion and I don’t see that changing. When I’m not skating, I love to surf. I’m open to the new experiences and opportunities.” -Ryan Sheckler

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  • “I remember when I was 33 or 34, it was devastating because I realized I wasn’t a kid anymore. The great thing about 40 was that I really felt like I had life experience and knew what I was doing now.” -Jennifer Lopez

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  • “Experience isn’t interesting until it begins to repeat itself. In fact, till it does that, it hardly is experience.” -Elizabeth Bowen

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  • “I always thought that one of the reasons why a painter likes especially to have other painters look at his or her work is the shared experience of having pushed paint around.” -Chuck Close

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  • “Joy, rather than happiness, is the goal of life, for joy is the emotion which accompanies our fulfilling our natures as human beings. It is based on the experience of one’s identity as a being of worth and dignity.” -Rollo May

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  • “Where you are in consciousness has everything to do with what you see in experience.” -Eric Butterworth

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  • “Obviously an actor draws on his own experience.” -Christopher Walken

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  • “I really do love Diana Ross I grew up listening to her records. I grew up in a little town in Mexico, so while we got the music, we never got the experience of watching her.” -Salma Hayek

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  • “To be in a situation where you have no rights whatsoever is something I wish everybody could experience. People’s attitudes would change. It would be a better place.” -Tommy Chong

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  • “I always try to keep the circumstances in my life fresh. I like to change the physical environment I live in, change the people around me and try to experience things for the first time. I think that keeps one on their toes, creatively and spiritually.” -Lenny Kravitz

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  • “The science of politics is the one science that is deposited by the streams of history, like the grains of gold in the sand of a river and the knowledge of the past, the record of truths revealed by experience, is eminently practical, as an instrument of action and a power that goes to making…

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  • “Intuition is the very force or activity of the soul in its experience through whatever has been the experience of the soul itself.” -Henry Reed

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  • “Producing is just a big learning experience.” -Ashley Tisdale

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  • “Experience taught me that working families are often just one pay check away from economic disaster. And it showed me first-hand the importance of every family having access to good health care.” -Dave Obey

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  • “Existence itself does not feel horrible it feels like an ecstasy, rather, which we have only to be still to experience.” -John Updike

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  • “But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go.” -Charles de Secondat

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  • “My experience is that’s rare – that you have a script that is… what they call ‘film-ready.’” -Laura Linney

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  • “There is only one thing which can master the perplexed stuff of epic material into unity and that is, an ability to see in particular human experience some significant symbolism of man’s general destiny.” -Lascelles Abercrombie

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  • “It lies in human nature that where you experience your first laughs, you also remember the age kindly.” -Vaclav Havel

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  • “I discovered early on that some performers live their life in order to act, so all their relationships are simply an experience that they can feed back into their work. Which I find vampiric.” -Cate Blanchett

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  • “At every step the child should be allowed to meet the real experience of life the thorns should never be plucked from his roses.” -Ellen Key

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  • “There is no wider gulf in the universe than yawns between those on the hither and thither side of vital experience.” -Rebecca West

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  • “I do write a lot from personal experience, but I also embellish a bit.” -Miranda Lambert

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  • “If we’re picking people to draw out of their own conscience and experience a ‘new’ Constitution, we should not look principally for good lawyers. We should look to people who agree with us. When we are in that mode, you realize we have rendered the Constitution useless.” -Antonin Scalia

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  • “The experience of being in space didn’t change my perspective of myself or of the planet or of life. I had no spiritual experience.” -Sally Ride

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  • “You know, young actors say all the time, ‘Should I use my own life experience?’ And my response is, ‘What choice do you have?’” -David Mamet

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  • “Find what’s hot, find what’s just opened and then look for the worst review of the week. There is so much to learn from watching a restaurant getting absolutely panned and having a bad experience. Go and see it for yourself.” -Gordon Ramsay

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  • “In my books, I never portray violence as a reasonable solution to a problem. If the lead characters in the story are driven to it, it’s at the extreme end of their experience.” -Dean Koontz

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  • “You know, in 1975 I couldn’t get a job in New York City because I was American. The kitchens were predominantly run by French, Swiss, German, and basically I got laughed at. I had education, I had experience, but got laughed at because I was American.” -Emeril Lagasse

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  • “Music is subjective to everyone’s unique experience.” -Jared Leto

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  • “The aim of all commentary on art now should be to make works of art – and, by analogy, our own experience – more, rather than less, real to us. The function of criticism should be to show how it is what it is, even that it is what it is, rather than to show…

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  • “The experience and behavior that gets labeled schizophrenic is a special strategy that a person invents in order to live in an unlivable situation.” -R. D. Laing

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  • “Some writers can only deal with childhood experience, because it’s complete. For another kind of writer, life goes on, and he’s able to keep processing that as well.” -V. S. Naipaul

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  • “There are people hell-bent on the idea that we’re a Christian band in disguise, and that we have some secret message. We have no spiritual affiliation with this music. It’s simply about life experience.” -Amy Lee

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  • “If a movie is really working, you forget for two hours your Social Security number and where your car is parked. You are having a vicarious experience. You are identifying, in one way or another, with the people on the screen.” -Roger Ebert

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  • “Love is blind. My politics has been, too. I think you can fall in love with ideas, and you can fall in love with people. It’s a very subjective experience. And I’m loyal to that experience.” -Robert Wyatt

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  • “Everybody’s entitled to think whatever they want and to express that, but my personal day-to-day experience does not come into contact with any of those people.” -Amy Grant

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  • “So that ends my first experience of matrimony, which I always thought a highly over-rated performance.” -Isadora Duncan

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  • “There’s a vintage which comes with age and experience.” -Jon Bon Jovi

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  • “I had a lot of experience with people smarter than I am.” -Gerald R. Ford

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  • “There’s a positive side to film and television, the sense of feeding into the theater… Your fans will follow you, hopefully, and be open-minded to see you play other things and experience other stories you want to tell.” -Kim Cattrall

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