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  • David Amram on knowledge


    “Allen Ginsberg was a world authority on the writing of William Blake, and had an incredible knowledge of classic literature and world politics.” -David Amram

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  • Yoshihiko Noda on knowledge


    “I hope to attend it as Japan needs to tell the world the lessons, knowledge and reflections learned from the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant.” -Yoshihiko Noda

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  • Nils-Axel Morner on knowledge


    “All handling by IPCC of the Sea Level questions have been done in a way that cannot be accepted and that certainly not concur with modern knowledge of the mode and mechanism of sea level changes.” -Nils-Axel Morner

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  • George Boole on knowledge


    “Probability is expectation founded upon partial knowledge. A perfect acquaintance with all the circumstances affecting the occurrence of an event would change expectation into certainty, and leave nether room nor demand for a theory of probabilities.” -George Boole

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  • Liberty Hyde Bailey on knowledge


    “Anyone who acquires more than the usual amount of knowledge concerning a subject is bound to leave it as his contribution to the knowledge of the world.” -Liberty Hyde Bailey

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  • Anne Wilson Schaef on knowledge


    “Whole areas of knowledge and information have been defined into nonexistence because the system cannot know, understand, control, or measure them.” -Anne Wilson Schaef

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  • Will Estes on knowledge


    “I think education is one of the greatest tools for most kids not only to expand their book knowledge, but their ability to experience new things – I think it opens more doors than any other experience I can think of.” -Will Estes

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  • John Warnock on knowledge


    “Without television and mass communication, that knowledge wouldn’t exist. So I think it actually has the possibility of turning people into more understanding and more empathetic people.” -John Warnock

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  • Ernst Mach on knowledge


    “The presentations and conceptions of the average man of the world are formed and dominated, not by the full and pure desire for knowledge as an end in itself, but by the struggle to adapt himself favourably to the conditions of life.” -Ernst Mach

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  • Daniel Bell on knowledge


    “The intellectual takes as a starting point his self and relates the world to his own sensibilities the scientist accepts an existing field of knowledge and seeks to map out the unexplored terrain.” -Daniel Bell

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  • Robert Scheer on knowledge


    “For example, I spent a lot of time with Reagan, both before he ran for governor and when he was running for president. As a print reporter without the cameras, I was able to really test the quality of their minds and their knowledge base.” -Robert Scheer

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  • Polykarp Kusch on knowledge


    “The knowledge and understanding of the world which science gives us and the magnificent opportunity which it extends to us to control and use the world for the extension of our pleasure in it has never been greater than it now is.” -Polykarp Kusch

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  • John Olver on knowledge


    “As this body of knowledge has evolved, a much more critical job for researchers and scientists has evolved into explaining and educating policy makers and the public to the risks of global warming and the possible consequences of action or of no action.” -John Olver

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  • John Cheever on knowledge


    “Wisdom we know is the knowledge of good and evil, not the strength to choose between the two.” -John Cheever

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  • Mickey Spillane on knowledge


    “If you’re a singer you lose your voice. A baseball player loses his arm. A writer gets more knowledge, and if he’s good, the older he gets, the better he writes.” -Mickey Spillane

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  • Chris Tucker on knowledge


    “I think all the knowledge and all the travels that I’ve done, I’m going to do a lot of great work in the future.” -Chris Tucker

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  • Edward Tufte on knowledge


    “The idea of trying to create things that last – forever knowledge – has guided my work for a long time now.” -Edward Tufte

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  • Gertrude Jekyll on knowledge


    “In garden arrangement, as in all other kinds of decorative work, one has not only to acquire a knowledge of what to do, but also to gain some wisdom in perceiving what it is well to let alone.” -Gertrude Jekyll

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  • John Cameron on knowledge


    “When I entered medical physics in 1958 there were fewer than 100 in the U.S. and I could see many opportunities to apply my knowledge of nuclear physics.” -John Cameron

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  • Richard Leakey on knowledge


    “A number of scientists with greatly different backgrounds can come up with completely different assessments. The discussions or controversies are endless. Once a year, we try to bring the most important discoverers together to exchange their experiences and knowledge.” -Richard Leakey

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  • James Lafferty on knowledge


    “It has been common knowledge to informed collectors that many times the finest and rarest art glass is found unsigned.” -James Lafferty

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  • Albert J. Nock on knowledge


    “Life has obliged him to remember so much useful knowledge that he has lost not only his history, but his whole original cargo of useless knowledge history, languages, literatures, the higher mathematics, or what you will – are all gone.” -Albert J. Nock

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  • Kurt Loder on hope


    “So no one should rely on television either for their knowledge of music or for news. There’s just more going on. It’s an adjunct to the written word, which I think is still the most important thing.” -Kurt Loder

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  • Carol Bellamy on hope


    “And most importantly perhaps, children can learn about their rights, share their knowledge with the children of other nations, identify problems with them and establish how they might work together to address them.” -Carol Bellamy

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  • Eddie Redmayne on hope


    “I’m quite ignorant about fashion and I’m colourblind, so it’s all a tad tricky. My only knowledge of that world comes through Christopher Bailey, whom I first met in 2008 when I did a campaign for Burberry that featured musicians, artists, actors and sportsmen.” -Eddie Redmayne

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