

Quotations on the topic of ‘amazing’ from all listed authors (click on the ‘click to view listing’ links to view each quote in full).

  • “I enjoy looking at words on paper and visualizing how to make them come to life. As a director, the creative process is really amazing.” -Alfonso Ribeiro

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  • “It’s so amazing, standing on the corner -this happened in Washington, D.C. – and somebody comes by in a Cadillac and you hear ‘Manic Monday’ on the radio, and you don’t even know this person, and they’re listening to it and singing along with it. Wow! Blows your mind.” -Debbi Peterson

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  • “The past 6 and a half years have been the most amazing years of my life. It’s sad it has come to an end but Avril and I are still family and moving forward in the most positive way possible.” -Deryck Whibley

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  • “Having my first number one single and being able to travel to places I’ve never been before has been amazing. The tour was also fantastic. There are so many things which I’ve experienced this year which I never even dreamed of.” -Gareth Gates

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  • “The Beethoven Experience provided the opportunity to solidify the relationship between the Orchestra and me, the Orchestra and me and the public, between all of us and the city of New York, because Beethoven after all is a really amazing point of reference.” -Lorin Maazel

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  • “Maggie Smith is an amazing woman, and not as serious in real life.” -Allen Leech

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  • “Janet Jackson is an icon, I’ve been honored to meet her a few times, working with her would be amazing.” -Eric West

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  • “What do I think of L.A.? It’s boring, with some amazing nuggets. Like there are some parts of it that are great, but by and large I think it’s quite boring.” -Jemaine Clement

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  • “I think Andrew Stanton is such an amazing, creative mind.” -Lynn Collins

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  • “It’s amazing… to enjoy the results of your labor.” -Michael Rady

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  • “I think Gina Rowlands is an amazing actress.” -Angela Sarafyan

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  • “Obviously, there’s the seedy side of the strip club world and pole dancing. But, pole dancing, as an art form, is really beautiful. It’s been hyper-sexualized because it’s associated with strippers, but if you think about it, just in terms of other kinds of dancing, they’re using an instrument to create these amazing dance forms.”…

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  • “The fact that I even get in Broadway shows is, to me, still amazing, but then to win a Tony was just incredible.” -Jane Krakowski

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  • “I just feel energized when I am around young, talented people. There is something about these kids that’s amazing. I learn as much from them as they do from me.” -Sally Struthers

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  • “It’s amazing that something only an atom thick can be an impenetrable barrier. You can have gas on one side and vacuum or liquid on the other, and with a wall only one atom thick, nothing would go through it.” -Paul McEuen

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  • “Ted Danson is amazing. He’s incredible.” -Alison Brie

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  • “I had amazing stuff happen right off the top. I thought this was how it worked. Hollywood is awesome! Cut to three years later: What happened?” -Dana Fox

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  • “It’s been an amazing year of individual performances.” -Steve Kerr

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  • “When you think of it I haven’t really done a lot of horror. It’s amazing: I have done some really good ones, but I haven’t done a lot of them.” -Michael Rooker

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  • “It’s amazing what you can get on open source now if you actually use the right search engines to find the material.” -Gus O’Donnell

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  • “It’s just amazing that there are so many prejudices even now.” -Ione Skye

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  • “They played Boston. They played at the Boston Tea Party and through an amazing chain of events I got to hang out with them backstage even though I was underage.” -Jonathan Richman

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  • “One of the amazing things about the Internet is that the content creators are the gatekeepers. We can think of an idea and execute it quickly, and we didn’t have to pitch the idea to a major network or convince a studio head to sign-off on the concept.” -Ray William Johnson

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  • “I know plenty of actresses in their early thirties who look amazing, although there’s that old saying: ‘Ladies get older, men get more distinguished.’” -Scott Porter

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  • “It’s amazing to me that, in the 42 years since President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law, women today still receive fewer wages than men for the same work.” -Mike Honda

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  • “It is really quite amazing that all of the folks supporting privatization, from the president on down, keep invoking the name of my grandfather, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.” -James Roosevelt

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  • “It is amazing that it is my destiny to be the first Aussie to win the Masters.” -Adam Derek Scott

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  • “Steven Tyler is awesome. He is so humble. He’s really sweet and coming from him and his career, it’s amazing.” -Ashthon Jones

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  • “The best part is it’s a dream come true. I’ve always wanted to be a working actor, and the good part of it… it’s all good! I work long hours, but it’s amazing. They pay me. That’s amazing! I get to kiss Keri Russell, and that ain’t too bad.” -Scott Foley

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  • “I got to work with Jennifer Tilly, she was amazing. Such, such a smart actress.” -April Bowlby

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  • “I listen to every thing, all kinds of stuff. I’ve been obsessed with the Nas and Damian Marley record, ‘Distant Relatives.’ I feel like a lot of people haven’t heard it, and it’s amazing.” -Eve Jihan Jeffers

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  • “I have the most amazing support network around me.” -Jenny Frost

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  • “Personally I had the opportunity to go on several ride alongs with the LA County Sheriff’s Department with some amazing detectives, who were invaluable to me.” -Nancy McKeon

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  • “Music makes your soul feel amazing while you’re performing it.” -Bijou Phillips

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  • “If we’re given a number of circumstances to deal with, the brain goes into this mode of trying to find a solution, and it’s amazing how good we are at it.” -Jon Brion

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  • “My family is just an amazing melting pot of wonderful religions and faiths.” -Rima Fakih

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  • “It’s amazing to see things that are suggested in the book fully developed and so brilliantly realized through the artistry of the designers.” -Suzanne Collins

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  • “‘Breaking Bad’ is the best, the greatest, the most amazing thing I have ever watched on television.” -Tony Kaye

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  • “And Shanghai is amazing. I’m a fan of science fiction so when you’re there in the night with all the lights and all this modernity, it’s like a set in a movie.” -Berenice Marlohe

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  • “I think that we’re in a really amazing time, where there are really a lot of really fantastic female actresses and comedians. I imagine there’s just a lot of opportunity for women to have powerful roles. Or it’s just that there’s more women writing TV. Women tend to maybe write strong women.” -Whitney Cummings

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  • “If I can help and influence girls who are going through body-image issues then I think that’s amazing.” -Kate Upton

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  • “My dad was a journalist. He was in Rwanda right after the genocide. In Berlin when the wall came down. He was always disappearing and coming back with amazing stories. So telling stories for a living made sense to me.” -Patrick J. Adams

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  • “It was an amazing performer. Very temperamental, it spent a lot of time in its trailer.” -Tilda Swinton

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  • “I had one drama teacher who was amazing, Ms. Perkins. She really tried to inspire me and get me going.” -Carlos Pena, Jr.

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  • “You know, ‘The Golden Girls’ was a very unusual show to start on. I was young, and it was a show about old people, and it was a very traditional show, but it was also an amazing training ground for a joke-writer. It forced me to learn those skills.” -Mitchell Hurwitz

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  • “It’s amazing the hours you pull when you’re the lead of a show.” -Jamie Luner

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  • “I’m crazy about my father, he’s an amazing man, a real adventurer. He took us with him to travel all over the world. We were in places that were so remote, that white people hardly ever reach them.” -Peta Wilson

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  • “Shanghai set out to take over from Hong Kong and I think it’s done that. It’s got the most amazing futuristic skyline which rivals and even betters Tokyo.” -Paul Oakenfold

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  • “My mom is a really good cook. I didn’t get the cooking gene, but she cooks this really amazing dinner every Christmas, and that’s always really fun.” -Miranda Cosgrove

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  • “‘True Blood’ is amazing. I have to give a shout out to ‘Melrose Place’ because I do watch. I love ‘Entourage.’ One of my favorite shows back in the day was ‘Friday Night Lights.’” -Tristan Wilds

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  • “Everyone at home is so supportive. People recognise me, say how proud they are of me. It’s awesome to hear, it’s amazing to know I can touch so many people in a positive way.” -Kirsty Coventry

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  • “Of all the planets apart from Earth in our solar system, Mars is the most hospitable. Yeah. Right. Better keep my visit short. And yet, despite the discomfort, the danger, I love it here. I love coming back for these imaginary vacations. The sights are amazing.” -Greg Bear

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  • “I think the fact that I made enough noise in the world that I might be remembered is an amazing achievement. You can’t ask for more than that.” -Nas

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  • “I feel fortunate. I’ve really gotten to work with amazing talented people, and to learn from them, which is why I’m doing this. If I can work with the best director I’m going to do it.” -Armie Hammer

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  • “Training in taekwondo for eight years and then being able to do it in a film was pretty amazing.” -Dev Patel

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  • “As a planning board commissioner, I have to review the applications for development throughout the city, and the bulk of those applications have been for the waterfront. I think the progress the waterfront has made is amazing.” -Vincent Frank

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  • “It is amazing how the public steadfastly refuse to attend the third day of a match when so often the last day produces the best and most exciting cricket.” -Frank Woolley

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  • “Usher is amazing. He’s perfection to me as a performer. He gets down.” -Ciara

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  • “I’m jamming ‘Black Sabbath Vol. 4’ all the time. Zappa’s ‘Cruising With Ruben &amp The Jets.’ A lot of Gong lately. Some Hawkwind. The Residents’ ‘Duck Stab’ is amazing. Some Fugs. Lots of stuff, man. I’m pretty schizophrenic with records.” -Ty Segall

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  • “I don’t know if it has set in or not. Honestly, it’s crazy. It’s such an amazing honor. I remember thinking back to being in my room waiting for the call to see if I got the part. It’s like winning the lottery. I’m proud to be a member of such an amazing cast –…

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  • “I used the music kind of as therapy, and it’s just amazing that I feel so free after doing that. I feel like I had it trapped inside of me and now I feel free. So it’s been a very good therapy session for me as well.” -Vanilla Ice

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  • “Some of the most amazing human beings on the face of the planet go to sci-fi conventions, although I’m sure a few of them wouldn’t admit it.” -Richard Hatch

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  • “When I left the show, the fans were so amazing in terms of the outpouring of support and continued support all that time whatever ways they could be in touch with me.” -Alice Barrett

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  • “Sayles could pull a performance out of a dog. I’m serious. He was just amazing. The world could fall apart and he remained on neutral.” -Elizabeth Pena

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  • “I am auditioning again – getting back to theatre would be amazing.” -Harry Melling

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  • “We’ve always described our sound as a bit more guitar driven than normal pop music. Kind of Pink in a boy band form. We’ve heard a few people say that so now we use it. I think Pink is amazing person to be compared to.” -Liam Payne

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  • “I mean, it’s amazing that I get to meet all these people. I’ve learned so much from all of them. I just worked with Sofia Coppola and that was amazing. I learned so much from her. I can’t even describe how much fun I had.” -Elle Fanning

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  • “New York is the coolest city. The place just never sleeps. It’s amazing.” -Margot Robbie

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  • “Science fiction is an amazing literature: plot elements that you would think would be completely worn out by now keep changing into surprising new forms.” -Connie Willis

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  • “It’s the degree of success and the length of time that is amazing.” -Ruth Handler

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  • “I got a phone call from Fearne Cotton. It was amazing! I literally couldn’t believe it. It was so cool. It was the night before I was going on her show to sing on the ‘Live Lounge.’ She was so lovely.” -Birdy

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  • “I’m definitely doing better. I never realized that I would get the support that I’ve gotten from everybody – from my fans, to people that I’ve idolized my whole life. So it’s overwhelming, it’s amazing and I believe that everything happens for a reason so I’m in a really good place right now.” -Pia Toscano

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  • “Another little known fact about Amazing Tennis – the computer opponents are modeled after real people. In an odd turn of events, I joined a division 3 college tennis team at age 38.” -David Crane

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  • “It is spectacular. From about five minutes in, when we knew for sure that we were going to have the weather to go, the smile on my face just got bigger and bigger, and I was just beaming through the whole launch. I mean, it is just an amazing ride.” -Chris Hadfield

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  • “It is pretty amazing. My parents, who came from Nicaragua to the U.S. – who would have thought that they would have American kids on the Olympic team? I think that’s the epitome of the Olympic dream.” -Diana Lopez

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  • “To see a player dunk in women’s college basketball is just amazing. It’s great to see that the game has reached that level now.” -Holly Johnson

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  • “I spent well over a year on the road with Sarah Vaughn. That was amazing.” -Jan Hammer

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  • “With so many amazing artists on one bill, we expect this concert to be incredibly powerful in its ability to raise both money and awareness for the long-term rebuilding effort we must all support.” -Brad Delson

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  • “The average session takes about one to two hours. It’s totally amazing because when a person breathes, they go through one stage of relaxation after another, and every stage releases tension.” -Leonard Orr

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  • “It’s great when people appreciate your work, but I don’t know how seriously to take it. The amazing thing is that I found something so early that I can support myself doing, and that can even be extremely lucrative, but I love it either way.” -Adrien Brody

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  • “It’s the most amazing cast, a dream cast. We laugh all the time.” -Nicole Sullivan

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  • “I made some friends who are still friends, and this is the city of my birth. I love living here when there’s a reason to, other than just moving here. I still don’t like the winters here, but it’s an amazing city and I love it.” -Michael McKean

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  • “When I go outside of L.A., no matter where it is, really anywhere I go, people will be stopping me or taking pictures or whatever it is. And it’s great. It’s amazing. I’m just lucky.” -Michael Welch

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  • “You go through at least the first two years of Star Trek and you find some amazing stuff. Everything that was going on Gene put into the series. He just put strange costumes on the actors and painted them funny colours and left the same situation in.” -Majel Barrett

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  • “Working with Omarion is pretty amazing. That’s like my brother. He’s really cool.” -Teyana Taylor

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  • “Lorne finally said, Do the Blues Brothers thing. The response was amazing. People went nuts.” -Steve Cropper

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  • “The travel, the amazing work I have had the chance to do, the meetings with different people are all very inspiring and give me lots of positive energy.” -Saskia de Brauw

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  • “Voice-acting, on the fun meter, is off the scale. You show up, you don’t have to be all primped up, or dressed up. And you get to work with some amazing people, and goof off for four hours.” -Jason Marsden

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  • “I basically left Texas with no money. I was making $3.50 working in some mall, so I didn’t have a lot of cash. I took $1,000 and headed to California. Along the way I stopped in Vegas because I had always wanted to see Caesar’s Palace. So I stopped there and won $2,500 on a…

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  • “I’ve always been fascinated with the juxtaposition of technology in music, not only in recording, but in the keyboard. It’s amazing the way you can apply technology to an art form.” -Geoff Downes

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  • “It’s amazing. My kids have grown me in ways I never knew possible. The patience I’ve received and the love I get from them is just amazing.” -Candace Cameron Bure

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  • “I had this really great amazing thing happen where I almost finished the book and I really needed to come up with an ending and I decided to go back and re-read the book and see if I could come up with an ending.” -Cory Doctorow

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  • “What you know about the people whom you know at all well is truly amazing, even though you have never formulated it.” -Harry Stack Sullivan

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  • “What would be a show that I would rescue? If I could bring anything back, it would be ‘The Carol Burnett Show’. Tim Conway is just… I just watched him so many times do stuff over and over. He’s just so amazing.” -Tony Hale

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  • “I do think musical-theater actors can get a bad rap, and I see why. There is a certain slickness – there’s nothing better than an amazing musical, but an okay musical can be one of the worst times you’ve ever had.” -Laura Benanti

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  • “Every time I sit in the audience and watch a show that I have been involved with, it is such an amazing feeling to see all those people around me, knowing they are actually watching and enjoying something I have written.” -Bjorn Ulvaeus

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  • “Gary Ross is amazing. He’s just – he always has a billion ideas of what he wants, but has a very clear perspective also he just makes it work. He really does. He’s trying different things and making everything look amazing.” -Liam Hemsworth

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  • “There are amazing schools and amazing educators that are doing a wonderful job. And then there are a lot of educators that are not prepared to deal with inclusive education. They haven’t been trained. It’s really quite lovely and easy when you understand how to do it.” -Laura San Giacomo

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  • “Luckily, I have some amazing friends.” -Rebecca Black

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  • “It’s amazing what a spray-on tan will do.” -David Cook

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  • “I think Chris Weitz is an amazing director, and his sensibility – I wouldn’t even know how to articulate it – it’s just, he’s a very sensitive, interesting guy.” -Elizabeth Reaser

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  • “I will always be the way I was a couple years ago before anything happened. And that’s to my parents’ credit, my amazing parents who have been around me my whole life and raised me right. I’m very happy with what has happened so far.” -Kaley Cuoco

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  • “I can’t believe it. I’m speechless. It is amazing to see where I’ve come from the last two years.” -Libby Trickett

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  • “I always knew that St. Jude was an amazing organization but meeting the kids and seeing how the hospital works first hand was truly beautiful. It doesn’t feel like a regular hospital all dreary and sad. It’s a colorful, beautiful, comfortable, fun place to live and the energy is wonderful.” -Ariana Grande

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  • “Success breeds volume, and it’s just amazing how many young writers, artists, and musicians there are in town.” -Steven Curtis Chapman

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  • “What turns me on is to walk into a sold-out venue. The audiences are so much the same as they were in the ’60s. It’s just an amazing thing. I can’t explain it, but I hope it never stops.” -Chubby Checker

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  • “Warren Spector is amazing, and his team is as good as any in the business. Shame to see all the revenues from their game entangled with all the madness of the Dallas office.” -Mike Wilson

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  • “I’m lucky that most of the time I’m on location in amazing places. Most of the time, I don’t need holidays, I just stop working.” -Stephanie Beacham

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  • “It is not short of amazing, the power of a great idea to weld men together. There was in it a peculiar, intense, vital spirit if you will, that I have never felt before in any strike.” -Ray Stannard Baker

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  • “It’s amazing. I can’t believe how brilliant the whole thing is – my daughter, Georgia, is just wonderful.” -Edward Hall

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  • “The days when you needed amazing Silicon Graphics machines to run animation software are gone now.” -Dave Rowntree

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  • “I remember going for the first time to a place called The Roxy in New York because you can see people breakdancing there. That’s the only reason I went! It’s amazing, kids are still doing that.” -Chris Frantz

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  • “Most New Yorkers want to look amazing, and they want you to understand that they look amazing, but they also want you to stop staring at them.” -Ellie Kemper

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  • “I think ‘Game of Thrones’ was extraordinary. I want to do some period pieces. It would be lovely to tell great stories, that is my main ambition. And to be working with amazing creators.” -Stana Katic

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  • “I love heels… whoever created heels is amazing!” -Katie Cassidy

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  • “I cried when I found out I was a finalist, I kind of went limp when they called my name. I felt like my spirit jumped out of my body, and I was just flesh – it was just amazing.” -Naima Adedapo

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  • “And then we watched an amazing number of movies from the late ’60s and ’70s, which is my favorite time, and we studied their camera movements, their stocks, the way they lit stuff, the colors they used.” -Ted Demme

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  • “I was friends with all different people and all different groups. And that led me to being friends with a few people who didn’t even go to my school. Now I have the most amazing collection of friends of all ethnic backgrounds and upbringing and financial backgrounds.” -James Maslow

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  • “You know, I was a kid when I went into ‘Coronation Street’ and I had an amazing time. I got some fantastic opportunities from Corrie and from ‘Soapstar’ and I’d never say they did anything other than help me.” -Richard Fleeshman

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  • “It was an amazing experience to work with Michael Jackson, who is a legend.” -Mario Vazquez

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  • “You can’t ask every player to do the same thing. That’s why we have amazing midfielders, defenders, forwards and keepers. You can’t ask them to be of the same mold.” -Tiffeny Milbrett

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  • “It’s amazing when you’re playing to a crowd who barely understands English but they’re singing parts of your song back to you.” -Jason Derulo

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  • “To win one Moonman is amazing, to win two is incredible.” -Harry Styles

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  • “I’m no actor. And I wasn’t like George Lucas or Spielberg, making home movies as a teenager, either. But I would go back and watch certain movies again and again. By the time I saw ‘The Graduate’ I was aware of how these amazing stories could be told.” -Nancy Meyers

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  • “It’s amazing the relationships you forge in a kitchen. When you cooperate in an environment that’s hot. Where there’s a lot of knives. You’re trusting your well-being with someone you’ve never before met or known.” -Alexandra Guarnaschelli

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  • “I think for business reasons, fiscal reasons, I think these cable networks can take greater risks and I think with a risk comes better programming. And I think USA has got an amazing identity to it now that is clearly defined with its ‘Characters welcome’ tag.” -Tim DeKay

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  • “Everyone says, ‘You give birth, you go home, and you have this amazing baby and it’s just beautiful’. And I walked in and I just started sobbing.” -Bridget Moynahan

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  • “The best player I’ve ever played with was Paul Gascoigne. He had everything. He was amazing.” -Paul Ince

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  • “It was amazing that a play that seems dated in this world… A man whose best friend is a six-foot white rabbit… But it caught on, especially with young people – they surprised me most of all.” -James Stewart

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  • “This band has never had an argument. It’s just amazing.” -Dave Edmunds

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  • “It’s amazing to me that people have any interest in such a low-level sex scandal. If I were sleeping with a congressman, maybe, but I’m a nobody and the people I’m writing about are nobodies.” -Jessica Cutler

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  • “They say it’s good but I didn’t know what I was doing until I got into the suit and they put the moustache on me, and somehow, when I got all the drag on, it came out. It was the most amazing thing. I’m truly extraordinary.” -Harvey Korman

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  • “It’s amazing to hear, as a voice matures and then starts to decline, what kind of emotion is still conveyed by a really good vocalist.” -Tom Wopat

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  • “When I tour, it’s like, well, like a food tour as much as a comedy tour. I try to eat at all the weird places, the obscure barbecue joints, burger places. There are a few spots in L.A. that I’m obsessed with – one of them is the Taco Zone taco truck on Alvarado. There…

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  • “Stories are amazing and powerful because they can resonate with people depending on their needs and experiences and speak truths we need to hear in that moment in time.” -Sue Monk Kidd

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  • “Well just meeting J. K. Rowling was amazing because she created all this world. And all the fans, we all get so obsessed with it and then you met the one person who made it all up. It was just so amazing. And I was just so amazed that that she wrote this book and…

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  • “The network is opening up some amazing possibilities for us to reinvent content, reinvent collaboration.” -Tim O’Reilly

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  • “The ’60s were an amazing time.” -Peter Max

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  • “I know no subject more elevating, more amazing, more ready to the poetical enthusiasm, the philosophical reflection, and the moral sentiment than the works of nature. Where can we meet such variety, such beauty, such magnificence?” -James Thomson

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  • “Changing my body has given me the ability to do all these amazing things that I never in a million years imagined I could do.” -Robin Quivers

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  • “The best days I have are usually days where I’m out in the woods and something happens, like I see an amazing animal like a fox, or I get a glimpse of a wild pig or something that I never see. Or crazy things happen.” -Amy Ray

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  • “I want to be like Tom Cruise from ‘The Outsiders’ and go on and do amazing movies for a long time.” -Ashton Kutcher

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  • “That’s double-edged: it’s amazing that they’re bringing me in and showing people new ideas, and at the same time it’s a little hard because seventy percent of the time or even higher I’m not going to get those roles.” -Rachel True

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  • “I was so happy that it filmed in New York not only because it’s an amazing city, but also because a lot of people across the world somehow started to think about New York as a dangerous place to be and envisioned it as some war zone after that happened.” -Alicia Witt

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  • “It’s every little girl’s dream to have an exact look-alike doll. It’s amazing.” -Bindi Irwin

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  • “Well, Freddie Mercury is a really huge rock star in my head. I’ve always thought he was just so tough and such an amazing entertainer, really a contradiction in many ways as well. So he was incredible.” -Karen O

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  • “I really enjoyed being Peppy Miller. She was an amazing character and her energy followed me everywhere. When I talk about her I want to be her again.” -Berenice Bejo

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  • “It was really amazing. I mean, he’d never mentioned that he played in the symphony, like serious violin playing, not fiddle playing. And he just blew us away.” -Guy Clark

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  • “Yoga’s an amazing release.” -Monica Keena

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  • “My heroes are guys like Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Matt Damon. These are amazing actors with amazing careers that every actor should aspire to. I’m not saying I’m going to get anywhere close. It’s not going to be an easy feat. I’m just in awe of their careers.” -Dylan O’Brien

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  • “In grade school I was taught that the United States is a melting pot. People from all over the world come here for freedom and to pursue a better life. They arrive with next to nothing, work incredibly hard, learn a new language and new customs, and in a generation they become an integral part…

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  • “The greatest thing about doing this movie was that Chris and I both were involved in folk music in the ’60s. I had a group, but I don’t think it was at the same level as Chris, because he’s an amazing musician.” -Eugene Levy

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  • “For the past 21 years, I’ve been privileged to be part of an amazing organization called the International Women’s Media Foundation.” -Judy Woodruff

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  • “And my first film was Carnal Knowledge, another amazing experience, largely because of Mike Nichols, who would tell me you can’t do anything wrong because you’re doing everything right.” -Carol Kane

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  • “I also met, early on Ella Fitzgerald. Her songbooks are some of the most amazing bodies of work.” -Johnny Mathis

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  • “The amazing thing is that I’m sane. I’m not bitter. I’m not drugged out. I’m not broke. I’m still married to the same guy. My children don’t hate me.” -Brenda Lee

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  • “It was really cool to work with Dakota Fanning. I’ve watched her grow up and I’ve always loved her films, loved her. It was amazing working with someone who was American as well, because obviously it’s going to be a different energy straightaway. We got on really well she’s so professional and hardworking.” -Kaya Scodelario

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  • “I thought it was amazing to work with authors, to get a manuscript and try to make up a cover for it.” -Dick Bruna

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  • “Acting is fantastic, but to be able to create a whole world on celluloid is amazing. It’s like taking your dreams straight from your head and projecting them onto a screen.” -Amber Benson

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  • “I’m the lead singer of the Beach Boys and an ambassador of this amazing music that touched a generation.” -Mike Love

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  • “I think this is the biggest win in my career. To beat Venus in Wimbledon is just something amazing.” -Elena Vesnina

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  • “Being in an area of the planet where scientists believe mankind started is quite amazing.” -Jan de Bont

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  • “’10’ was amazing! I had no career before ’10’ and then all of a sudden I was able to do pretty much whatever I was able to do in the business.” -Bo Derek

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  • “When I see myself in the videogame it’s amazing how realistic I look. This is the most authentic and realistic soccer game I have ever seen. It is like I’m looking in a mirror. The attention to detail is incredible.” -Claudio Reyna

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  • “What’s amazing is that I’m recognized all over the world through ‘Red Dwarf.’ British fans are exceptional, but the American fans are something else. Some of them fly 500 miles to stand in line for three hours, just to meet me, then when they do they collapse. It makes you feel like a rock star!”…

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  • “Just knowing that through my music I actually inspire people is amazing for me and I find it very heartwarming.” -Thia Megia

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  • “As far as the girls in my grade, it was always kind of an on-and-off thing. When all this came up, it was kind of hard. My guy friends and my family friends have been so amazing and supportive.” -Stacie Orrico

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  • “I studied voice for about two years with an amazing coach, and I never rose above the level of mediocre.” -Danny Strong

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  • “I definitely look up to Meryl Streep because she’s been in so many amazing movies, and I just think that she’s one of the greatest actresses out there. I also look up to Jennifer Lawrence, especially knowing her and knowing that she is so awesome and so nice.” -Willow Shields

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  • “I love voice over! I just think it is amazing!” -Atticus Shaffer

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  • “I feel like I’m really blessed and lucky that I have a very good social life outside of the gym, and I have a really amazing family. My parents are so supportive. I have a younger brother and two younger sisters, and they’re really awesome. So I feel like I get the best of both…

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  • “Painting is the most magical of mediums. The transcendence is truly amazing to me every time I go to a museum and I see how somebody figured another way to rub colored dirt on a flat surface and make space where there is no space or make you think of a life experience.” -Chuck Close

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  • “Turns out, I couldn’t catch them – or even get close to them. I realized that sharks are amazing, beautiful animals who have absolutely no interest in checking me out.” -Malin Akerman

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  • “There were two things going on: 1) I had already established in my own mind where I wanted to go with the next series, and having James around as a Grey Eminence would have complicated matters. He had had an amazing life and it was time to bid him good-bye.” -Raymond E. Feist

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  • “I’m always improving and I want to get better and never hit a plateau. I find it an amazing adventure.” -Nigel Kennedy

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  • “I’m overly excited to finally announce this amazing global partnership deal back home with EMI Music. I know I have mentioned doing music in the past but for legal reasons I was not in a position to release any new music.” -Melanie Brown

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  • “I was about 14, and my friend’s stepdad asked me to do a 10K with him because his son – who was more into basketball – didn’t want to. It was amazing, and I still remember the time I got: 48:23.” -Sean Astin

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  • “It’s amazing to see places like Madison Square Garden on the schedule again.” -Roger Andrew Taylor

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  • “I love Prince Harry. Good looking and a bit of a rebel. Me and his dad are as thick as thieves and I knew Harry before I knew his dad so we’ve met a few times. I think he’s amazing. And I think you can relate to him because he’s made mistakes. He’s cool.” -Cheryl…

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  • “I would love to work with Anthony Hopkins I would love to work with Meryl Streep I would love to work with DeNiro I would love to work with Johnny Depp I’d love to work with Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow… I think she’s amazing.” -Tara Reid

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