David Miliband


  • “The wedding ring on my left hand was bought by my grandfather, Samuel Miliband, in Brussels in 1920. I never knew him, as he died when I was one. But his ring was kept by my aunt until it was placed on my finger by my wife Louise 32 years later.” -David Miliband

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  • “I mean, Britain is a country of successful Muslim businesspeople, teachers and educators, journalists. So, we have to say very strongly that the two million plus Muslims in Britain, the vast bulk of them make a huge contribution to our society, and they actually make it the vibrant society it is.” -David Miliband

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  • “One thing that I feel very, very strongly is that we talk about Islamic countries, Islamic people, Islamic leaders, as either moderates or extremists. It’s almost like there are only two categories of Muslims. And actually, that doesn’t show respect. It shows lack of understanding of the diversity of Muslim thought.” -David Miliband

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  • “Communism was meant to be an alternative religion.” -David Miliband

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  • “My advice is very simple: if you can win a small battle, it gives you confidence in the political process to take on bigger battles, and so it is very much a bottom-up grass-roots way of doing politics.” -David Miliband

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  • “The test of leadership for David Cameron was actually to bring the British Conservative Party back in to the mainstream.” -David Miliband

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  • “One of the jewels in the crown of Labour’s time in office was the rescue of the National Health Service. As the Commonwealth Fund, the London School of Economics and the Nuffield Foundation have all shown, health reforms as well as additional investment were essential to improved outcomes, especially for poorer patients.” -David Miliband

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  • “Everything about my politics has been about the future.” -David Miliband

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  • “In Britain, the centrally prescribed welfare to work system short-changes the young unemployed. Transport, housing and education are over centralised.” -David Miliband

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  • “My memories are of my dad taking me to football on Saturday mornings, and my mum taking me swimming. Those are the things I remember from my childhood, not sitting around the table debating capitalism and the profit squeeze.” -David Miliband

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  • The problems that the world faces – from nuclear proliferation to climate change – can’t be tackled by the West alone. They need a coalition of not just West and East, but they need a coalition of Christian and Jew and Muslim. – David Miliband

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