Henry A. Wallace


  • “Until democracy in effective enthusiastic action fills the vacuum created by the power of modern inventions, we may expect the fascists to increase in power after the war both in the United States and in the world.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and ‘with malice toward none and charity for all’ go forward on the great adventure of making political, economic and social democracy a practical reality, we shall not fail.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “It has been claimed at times that our modern age of technology facilitates dictatorship.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “What we must understand is that the industries, processes, and inventions created by modern science can be used either to subjugate or liberate. The choice is up to us.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so, but in time of peace they follow power and the dollar wherever they may lead.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so, but in time of peace they follow power and the dollar wherever they may lead.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They are doing this even in those cases where they hope to have profitable connections with German chemical firms after the war ends.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “We must not tolerate oppressive government or industrial oligarchy in the form of monopolies and cartels.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “If this liberal potential is properly channeled, we may expect the area of freedom of the United States to increase. The problem is to spend up our rate of social invention in the service of the welfare of all the people.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “Monopolists who fear competition and who distrust democracy because it stands for equal opportunity would like to secure their position against small and energetic enterprise.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “This dullness of vision regarding the importance of the general welfare to the individual is the measure of the failure of our schools and churches to teach the spiritual significance of genuine democracy.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • “A liberal knows that the only certainty in this life is change but believes that the change can be directed toward a constructive end.” -Henry A. Wallace

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  • It has been claimed at times that our modern age of technology facilitates dictatorship. – Henry A. Wallace

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