Kellan Lutz


  • “Because I’m always away, coming home to a clean house means a lot to me. Trust me, I’ve lived with a lot of roommates, and straight guys are just kids who don’t pick up after themselves.” -Kellan Lutz

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  • “As far as ‘Twilight’ goes, I’m in love with my character. I’m in love with the whole series. I love doing the fan conventions around the world, I love to travel. So wherever it fits in, I’d love to continue doing that for the rest of my life. Just meeting the fans who made everything…

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  • “I am so fidgety – I swear I have ADD – and I always need to be doing something or being outside, just playing sports.” -Kellan Lutz

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  • “The coolest part about seeing a girl wear something comfortable is the smile that you can just feel coming through from inside her.” -Kellan Lutz

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  • “‘Immortals’ is all action. I love action movies. That’s really where I want to spearhead my career.” -Kellan Lutz

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  • “I was blessed, because I come from a family where they knock you down before you float away. I have a lot of brothers who just make sure we have our feet on the ground, and my mom is a rock star. She is an amazing mother.” -Kellan Lutz

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  • “I love the idea of marriage. I definitely want marriage and little Kellans running around.” -Kellan Lutz

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  • “I finish so many books it’s amazing. I’m also doing Rosetta Stone, learning some French.” -Kellan Lutz

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  • “See, I don’t really go after girls. Most of the girlfriends I’ve had have come after me. So it’s really funny when girls get offended because I don’t hit on them.” -Kellan Lutz

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  • “What I’ve learned from different designers is that it’s key to be true to who you are and your vision. That’s always been my line of thinking. Working through the whole design process, I don’t want to create something I wouldn’t be proud to wear.” -Kellan Lutz

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  • “Even in high school, I had friends that I didn’t know were gay until years later. I’d find out on Facebook or something and be like, ‘Oh, that explains some things,’ or ‘Wow, no wonder they were so cool.’” -Kellan Lutz

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  • “Motion capture is amazing. I prefer it. You wear a ‘Power Ranger’-esque suit, you have tape balls on you, you have 60 cameras around you capturing your every movement and there’s no hair, no makeup.” -Kellan Lutz

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  • I started out modeling at a young age and surrounded myself with different brilliant minds. I have so many people to get educated from, and I’ve been a sponge. – Kellan Lutz

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