Tony Parsons


  • “The most convincing argument against early parenthood is that you are in a relationship that is likely to fall apart before that child grows up.” -Tony Parsons

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  • “The thing I care about is my weight – I’m as fanatical about it as a member of Girls Aloud. I weigh myself every morning. I know exactly what I want to be – 82kg – and I try to stick to it.” -Tony Parsons

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  • “I box for four hours a week and my diet is pretty healthy.” -Tony Parsons

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  • “I have found having my dad as my North Star has worked well for me.” -Tony Parsons

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  • “When he was born, I looked at my little boy and felt an unconditional love I never knew was inside me. As he grew, and I watched him stagger about, squeak his first words, and turn into a beautiful little boy, that feeling did not change.” -Tony Parsons

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  • Largely this is a class thing – writers tend to be cosseted little middle-class kiddies who think that the world owes them a royalty cheque. But just doing it – being in your room for years on end, locked in your head, alone with invented ghosts – it weakens and softens the body. And I…

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