

Quotations on the topic of ‘dad’ from all listed authors (click on the ‘click to view listing’ links to view each quote in full).

  • “Although my dad was a doctor, we weren’t necessarily a super-artsy family. We were just a classic, traditional family who got to take a lot of piano lessons and became a bunch of musicians.” -Lisa Loeb

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  • “I’m the fun dad, I am also the disciplinarian.” -Johnny Knoxville

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  • “You know my dad pushed me to believe that I was going to be the best. I just never thought of life without tennis, even looking forward.” -Andre Agassi

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  • “My dad was this sort of avant-garde guy who did all kinds of weird things. He was a true original and anybody who met him never forgot him.” -Paul Thomas Anderson

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  • “I’m into being a dad, that’s where my focus is most of the time. I’m an actor that’s my job, but it’s not my life. I have a lot of other interests too.” -Paul Walker

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  • “We busted a lot of family secrets with this. But to make a long story short, my parents relationship was built heavily on security issues for my Mom, and when my Dad couldn’t provide security, the relationship unraveled.” -Kenny Loggins

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  • “My dad calls me ‘Mac’ a lot, from ‘Mike Tyson’s Punch Out’ – Little Mac is the main character. I was obsessed. I can still beat Mike Tyson on ‘Punch Out.’” -Mayer Hawthorne

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  • “I don’t think I’ve had a holiday in my entire life that wasn’t about my dad’s work.” -Kat Dennings

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  • “My dad’s gay experiences really had a very positive influence on me and my straight relationships – how to better accept all the weirdness and ambiguity and ups and downs and paradoxes. I knew from the beginning I was writing about love.” -Mike Mills

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  • “I think my dad is the only Arabic descendent who is an unsuccessful businessman.” -Shakira

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  • “I feel connected to the Second World War because my father lost his father in that war. So, through my dad and the effect it had on him of losing his father young, I always felt connected to the war. It goes back years, but it still feels to me as if we’re completely living…

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  • “You always give credit where credit is due – to high school coaches, college coaches – but my dad, the foundation that he built with me, is where all of this came from. The speed, the determination, the mindset, just the natural belief that you can do anything you put your mind to, it all…

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  • “I don’t know much about only children. I was the middle one of three, and if ever I was alone with mum and dad, it was a rare moment.” -Elizabeth Hurley

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  • “I think in my case, I had no choice but to have a good sense of humor. I grew up with my dad, Danny Thomas, and George Burns and Bob Hope and Milton Berle and Sid Caesar and all those guys were at our house all the time and telling jokes and making each other…

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  • “I wanted to perform well for my mom and dad, because in high school, I didn’t have a job. My brothers, they worked at Pizza Hut or places like that, but sports, that was my way of giving back.” -Junior Seau

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  • “The only ones I trust really are my Mum and Dad and those who are closest to me.” -Katie Price

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  • “Money stress is what used to remind me of my Dad most.” -Ted Rall

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  • “My dad was the manager at the 45,000-acre ranch, but he owned his own 1,200-acre ranch, and I owned four cattle that he gave to me when I graduated from grammar school, from the eighth grade. And those cows multiplied, and he kept track of them for years for me. And that was my herd.”…

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  • “My dad was a diplomat and after living in America, where I was born, he was posted to Cairo.” -Arabella Weir

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  • “My dad was depressed a lot of the time, and there were a lot of things in his life that he never resolved.” -Juliana Hatfield

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  • “My parents divorced when I was young but I was brought up in two really loving households. I didn’t have a contentious relationship with my mom or dad.” -Matt Damon

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  • “I come from an ordinary family – my dad is a carpenter, a roof-maker – and we’ve always loved racing together.” -Sebastian Vettel

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  • “When dad told me Mr Steptoe had passed away, I broke down.” -Louise Brown

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  • “It was tough at the time but when I was younger, my Dad. I would say my Dad, because without him I wouldn’t have been here. I mean it was tough for me because he was really demanding. With him, it was never enough, you know, anything I did was never enough.” -Thierry Henry

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  • “Every kid needs to say, ‘I want what my mom and dad have.’” -Josh McDowell

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  • “In my case, I was born to parents who were very young, and I don’t think they were entirely ready to have a child. My dad was going to college and working two or three jobs at the same time, and my mum was working and going to school.” -Gillian Anderson

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  • “My dad was an absentee dad, so it was always important to me that I was part of my daughter’s life, and she deserved two parents, which is part of the rationale behind us staying married for 30 years.” -Samuel L. Jackson

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  • “My senior year of high school, when I was getting recruited for college, my dad goes to me, ‘You can become an Olympic champion.’ And that’s the first time that I’d heard someone else say that to me. I was like, ‘Uh, are you talking to me?’” -Ryan Lochte

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  • “The worst advice I ever received from my dad was to play by the book.” -Dimebag Darrell

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  • “The only time I think about life beyond F1 is when I contemplate becoming a dad. But there’s no way that’s going to happen while I’m still racing. To be successful in F1 you need to be very selfish in lots of ways and you’re away from home for long periods. That’s not the kind…

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  • “But you know, my dad called me the laziest white kid he ever met. When I screamed back at him that he was putting down a race of people to call me lazy, his answer was that’s not what he was doing, and that I was also the dumbest white kid he ever met.” -Norman…

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  • “I came from somewhat of a musical family. I had an uncle on Broadway. My dad kind of knows how to play instruments. Although, I always find it annoying when he does play an instrument.” -Nate Ruess

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  • “I grew up in a predominantly Caucasian neighborhood, but my mom is Filipino-Spanish and my dad is Irish.” -Shay Mitchell

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  • “The moment my doctor told me, I went silent. My mum and dad were with me, then we all went to pieces. I was saying, No, I’ve got my flight to Sydney in two hours. I’m getting on a plane.” -Kylie Minogue

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  • “I grew up in Texas, and people love their American-made muscle cars there. I grew up around people who loved cars and took care of cars and my dad’s a big car nut, so I learned a little bit about cars – how to love them, most importantly. I think that from the time I…

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  • “When I used to do musical theatre, my dad refused to come backstage. He never wanted to see the props up close or the sets up close. He didn’t want to see the magic.” -Nia Vardalos

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  • “As a kid who wasn’t into sports, at school I felt almost alienated at times, whereas in the theatre community there was this amazing sense of camaraderie. Early on, we would go to rehearsals with my dad and I was like the mascot for the backstage crew. That was a big part of my childhood,…

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  • “I want any excuse to come home. My dad is not a spring chicken any more. If anyone says, ‘Go buy a postage stamp in London,’ I’ll go and do it.” -Emily Mortimer

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  • “My dad says he likes to bask in my glow.” -Robert Pattinson

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  • “I grew up with baseball I played in Little League and went to games with my dad. But I, as I grew up, became more of a basketball fanatic than a baseball one.” -Jonah Hill

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  • “My mom was a professional. My dad and mom met each other in a movie called ‘New Faces of 1937.’ My mom went under the name Thelma Leeds, and she did a few movies, and she was really a great singer, and when she married my dad and started to have a family, she sang…

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  • “I love being a dad, it keeps me fit and inspired and children are so funny. They always supply you with acting material!” -Wesley Snipes

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  • “My first outdoor cooking memories are full of erratic British summers, Dad swearing at a barbecue that he couldn’t put together, and eventually eating charred sausages, feeling brilliant.” -Jamie Oliver

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  • “We all have experiences in our lives that change us, and we all learn from people, like my dad, but at the end of the day, it’s only us. And we’re only responsible to make ourselves happy.” -Tom Brady

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  • “I was born in 1968, just eighteen months after my sister Chrisse and just one year after Dad passed the bar exam.” -Carre Otis

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  • “My dad was an editor and a writer, and that’s actually what I aspired to be.” -Anne M. Mulcahy

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  • “I have great faith that Heaven’s there and I’ll see my brothers and my mom and dad when I get there.” -Ernie Harwell

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  • “When I was 7, my dad asked his friend to teach me. I played my first tournament competition when I was 8. I remember I shot around 125.” -Yani Tseng

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  • “If a dad does his job, we don’t need prisons, we don’t need jails. That’s what I saw growing up.” -Mike Singletary

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  • “I’ve become a less brave traveller since I became a dad, but in the past I was more foolhardy than brave.” -David Mitchell

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  • “I stayed in Baghdad every summer until I was 14. My dad’s sister is still there, but many of my relatives have managed to get out. People forget that there are still people there who are not radicalized in any particular direction, trying to live normal lives in a very difficult situation.” -Andy Serkis

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  • “I was always the new kid in school, I’m the kid from a broken family, I’m the kid who had no dad showing up at the father-son stuff, I’m the kid that was using food stamps at the grocery store.” -Dave Mustaine

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  • “My dad had a personal style which was very attractive. It was quite reserved and quite elegant, and it was infectious.” -Bill Nighy

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  • “There’s a lot of research behind the scenes that you don’t get to see, but I have an instinct that my dad nurtured from when I was born. I was very lucky then.” -Steve Irwin

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  • “I didn’t have any role models really. My best friend was a dog. My mum and dad saved a dog from the gutter and that dog was my brother before Jesse was born. Sami was his name and he was my role model.” -Ville Valo

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  • “I was into the Mets because my Dad worked at IBM where he got free Mets tickets, so I was into the Mets… then I got to ‘Saturday Night Live’ where my boss has unbelievable N.Y. Yankees tickets, so he invites us to the games. I’m going to all the games, so I might as…

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  • “The only time I ever look good dancing is if I’m next to my dad at a wedding.” -Cat Deeley

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  • “My dad used to draw these great cartoon figures. His dream was being a cartoonist, but he never achieved it, and it kind of broke my heart. I think part of my interest in art had to do with his yearning for something he could never have.” -Kathryn Bigelow

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  • “My grandfather had two boys, my uncle had three boys, my dad had me and my two brothers, each of my brothers have had two boys. Then something happened with the chromosomal experiment and suddenly I’ve got three girls.” -Greg Kinnear

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  • “My dad had this rock hard body and would work 12- to 13-hour days. The guys he worked with were scrap-iron guys. Nobody on that road crew had read a book in 10 years, but there was something about the way they lived I really admired.” -Richard Russo

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  • “A company that pays attention to the family unit is a successful company. We don’t isolate the family. We don’t make rides that say, ‘Hey mom, dad, you go sit on the bench.’” -Michael Eisner

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  • “I’ve always taken my love of children from my father. He was a children magnet. Suddenly, having my first child hit home what my dad went through.” -Robert Carlyle

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  • “My memories are of my dad taking me to football on Saturday mornings, and my mum taking me swimming. Those are the things I remember from my childhood, not sitting around the table debating capitalism and the profit squeeze.” -David Miliband

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  • “Politicians… talk in generalities and lies, and I think they’ve caused all our grief. They’re so awful, they’re really funny. I hate thinking this because my dad loved politics.” -Paul Lynde

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  • “My mom’s a social worker, and my dad works in non-profit organisations.” -Seth Rogen

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  • “I’ve just got crap hair. Although I inherited a lot of stuff from my dad, including giant knees, I didn’t get his good, thick hair. I got my mother’s thin, wispy, non-event hair instead.” -Jenny Eclair

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  • “I always wanted to be a stay-at-home dad making art, making movies.” -Robert Rodriguez

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  • “In high school I dated a white woman. She would come to visit me on the rez. And her dad, who was very racist, didn’t like that at all. And he told her one time, ‘You shouldn’t go on the rez if you’re white because Indians have a lot of anger in their heart.’” -Sherman…

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  • “I listened to the radio, so I was influenced by everyone from Michael Jackson to Milli Vanilli. But thankfully my dad had a collection of Cat Stevens albums while my mom was listening to jazz.” -Jason Mraz

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  • “You know, I’m just – I’m really happy for my dad.” -Nicole Richie

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  • “My dad tells me that he took us to a pantomime when I was very, very small – panto being a sort of English phenomenon. There’s traditionally a part of the show where they’ll invite kids up on the stage to interact with the show. I was too young to remember this, but my dad…

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  • “My mum always told me I was precious, while my dad always told me I was worthless. I think that’s a good grounding for a balanced life.” -Alan Cumming

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  • “I used to have a silk dressing gown an uncle bought in Japan and when I came downstairs in it, my dad used to call me Davinia. There was never embarrassment about that kind of thing. My sister used to dress me up a lot. She thought I was a little doll.” -David Walliams

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  • “Now that I’m a dad, I’m practicing what I call ‘one- handed cooking,’ because I’ve got something more important in my other arm. I’m whipping up lots of frittatas and omelets.” -Curtis Stone

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  • “My dad worked two jobs and moved us to the suburbs, and just being a black person, I went through a lot of racism and being called names and being bullied every single day. And it was hard. I didn’t have any friends.” -Sherri Shepherd

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  • “My dad has sometimes felt that I grew up a little lacking in sufficient eccentricity – in the sense that I’m willing to live as an adult in a house with walls that are parallel to each other, that sort of thing.” -Jaron Lanier

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  • “My dad was a huge country music fan, but he also had a band and he sang. So he’d listen to a lot of music and the songs that he’d learn for the band were more from the male artists. So my earliest country memories were Waylon Jennings, Conway Twitty, George Jones, Johnny Paycheck even.”…

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  • “I never saw my dad cry. My son saw me cry. My dad never told me he loved me, and consequently I told Scott I loved him every other minute. The point is, I’ll make less mistakes than my dad, my sons hopefully will make less mistakes than me, and their sons will make less…

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  • “Me and my dad are friends. We’re cool. I’ll never be disappointed again, because I don’t expect anything anymore from him. I just let him exist, and that’s how we get along.” -Drake

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  • “My dad liked a lot of Motown, but I didn’t listen to it until my teenage years.” -John Legend

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  • “I love my mom and dad.” -Taylor Momsen

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  • “My dad sold encyclopedias and my mom worked in a factory office.” -Mike Myers

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  • “Becoming a dad means you have to be a role model for your son and be someone he can look up to.” -Wayne Rooney

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  • “I know my dad is a big Internet freak, and he’s been known to be a Wikileaker.” -Anthony Kiedis

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  • “My dad read the Bible ten times, and I want to do it in my lifetime. But it’s definitely tough getting through.” -Pamela Anderson

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  • “My mother always taught me, even my dad, just never let other people’s opinions of you shape your opinion of yourself. And I never have and I never will.” -Ruben Studdard

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  • “I loved climbing because of the freedom, and having time and space. I remember coming off Everest for the last time, thinking of Dad and wishing that he could have seen what I saw. He would have loved it.” -Bear Grylls

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  • “I was lucky to have my dad in my life. As crazy as things got, I always had him to put his hand on my shoulder.” -Sharon Stone

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  • “Within our culture, every school has a swimming pool. We lived on the coast. People swam in the surf. It’s a very sporty nation and at that particular time anyone who had an artistic bent was very much an outsider. So if you liked reading or ideas or playing the piano then your dad viewed…

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  • “So much of my aesthetic was formed by my dad.” -Ron Perlman

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  • “I had bohemian parents in Seattle in the last ’60s living in a houseboat. My dad wrote science fiction novels and painted big murals and oil paintings.” -Rainn Wilson

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  • “In a school where everyone is famous or rich or whatever, you have a culture, ‘What does your dad do?’ ‘What does your mom do?’” -Cynthia Nixon

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  • “I think ‘Family Guy’ and ‘American Dad’ have definitely staked out their own style and territory, and now the accusations are coming that ‘The Simpsons’ is taking jokes from ‘Family Guy.’ And I can tell you, that ain’t the case.” -Matt Groening

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  • “I grew up in the world of bad television, on my dad’s sets and then as a young schmuck on dating shows and so on.” -George Clooney

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  • “My dad and my uncles owned a bar outside of Cincinnati. I worked there growing up, mopping floors, waiting tables.” -John Boehner

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  • “It’s just really making sure I am doing the best job I can do as a dad. I do think that is my No. 1 job.” -Tony Dungy

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  • “I am lucky to have had an attentive, curious and loving dad and heart-smart, down-to-earth, gifted mother. They changed the outlooks of their own lives and have never forgotten the people and organizations that helped them dream bigger than their circumstances should have allowed.” -Jennifer Garner

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  • “My hat was pulled down and this girl said ‘Are you really him?’ I whispered ‘Yeah, I’m really him.’ She screamed, ‘Mom! Dad! It’s Heath Ledger!” -Josh Hartnett

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  • “My dad works in child protection and he’s spent many, many years in that line of work.” -Chris Hemsworth

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  • “You know, my mother’s beautiful, my dad was a really handsome man, and there was a lot of talk about looks when I was growing up.” -Courteney Cox

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  • “I mean, my dad’s a television producer, and I knew I could get a job as an assistant or a reader with one of his friends, but it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do.” -J. J. Abrams

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  • “My guess is my brother would call his mom and his dad pretty regularly, a lot more than I probably did.” -Jeb Bush

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  • “I’m lucky because my dad taught me to be frugal and save. And that’s important because I want to know that I don’t have to take an acting job for two or three years if I don’t want to and that I’ll still be able to make my house and car payments and buy food…

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  • “My mom and dad just loved the fact that I fooled around. They just embraced it. They’d always kind of enjoy it, and they liked it when I made them laugh.” -Dominic Monaghan

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  • “When I started writing, I did have some idealised notion of my dad as a writer. But I have less and less of a literary rivalry with him as I’ve gone on. I certainly don’t feel I need his approval, although maybe that’s because I’m confident that I’ve got it.” -Paul Theroux

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  • “It was, you know, probably 80 degrees out in L.A., and my dad took me outside and there was snow. At the time, I thought, ‘Every kid doesn’t have snow in their backyard on Christmas?’” -Tori Spelling

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  • “I’d like to play Matt Damon’s daddy. He’s a wonderful actor, I really admire him, and I’d like to play his dad one day.” -Larry Hagman

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  • “The one thing that kept our family together was the music. The only thing that our family would share emotionally was to have our dad cry over something the kids did with music.” -Dennis Wilson

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  • “I am the granddaughter of a Welsh coal miner who was determined that his kids get out of the mines. My dad got his first job when he was six years old, in a little village in Wales called Nantyffyllon, cleaning bottles at the Colliers Arms.” -Ann Romney

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  • “I say this as a young dad seeing children going into primary school: I don’t think we should underestimate the formative effect on a child of those first years in primary school.” -Nick Clegg

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  • “I feel like I’ve lived quite a sheltered life, like my mom and dad were quite protective of me.” -Leona Lewis

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  • “I bought a house for my mom, I bought a house for my dad, I bought a house for my sister.” -Trey Parker

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  • “I watched Italia ’90 with my Mum and Dad and my brother, you know, leaping around the house when the penalties were on… It would be great to be part of that, to have that kind of impact.” -Steven Gerrard

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  • “I’m not an American, but I have this weird connection to America in different ways through my dad living here for five years, my godfather being an American who I’m very close to.” -Damian Lewis

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  • “I met Gemma, my wife, when she was 12. She had a schoolgirl crush on me and her dad had arranged for her to meet me. Later, she started coming to my concerts, but I only got to know her well after her mother died. I rang to see how she was, and that’s how…

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  • “People who build family businesses are not classically trained. They have to deal with an enormous amount of politics. You think corporate politics are tough? Go work for your dad or your mom.” -Gary Vaynerchuk

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  • “I hate being clean-shaven. My daughter gets very upset if I shave and says, ‘Bring back the spikes, Dad.’” -Eric Bana

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  • “I was always okay with the fact that I was taller and bigger than everybody else growing up. My mom, my dad, and my friends always told me I was beautiful.” -Jordin Sparks

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  • “In Heaven, I believe my dad is somewhere doing something nice. I feel I’ve been too lucky to travel this far without somebody guiding me.” -Katherine Jenkins

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  • “I was a very sickly kid. While I was in the hospital at age 7, my Dad brought me a stack of comic books to keep me occupied. I was hooked.” -Len Wein

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  • “My dad was a mime and then he had his company and created plays for children and was very successful with it.” -Marion Cotillard

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  • “My dad is a marketing mastermind.” -Serena Williams

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  • “I grew up in Chicago, so I’ve always been a Bears fan. Dad used to take me to Bears games and Cubs games. My brother used to ride me over to Lake Forest College on his Honda Supersport and we’d watch the Bears practice. I remember those guys out there as monsters – they were…

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  • “My dad was a homicide cop in the gay neighborhood in the city when gay neighborhoods were desperate, depressing, sad places run by the mob. The only gay people he’d met when I came out to him were corpses.” -Dan Savage

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  • “But while mum and dad were incredibly caring, it was also a very chaotic household where everyone fought about everything. So I know what it’s like to internalize all that chaos.” -Dave Eggers

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  • “My role model is my dad.” -Seann William Scott

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  • “My mother told me Homer Ditto was not my father. Nope. Mom had had a fling with some other guy who was my dad. Some dude who didn’t stick around too long who Mom was happy to get rid of. She chose Homer, and Homer chose me, so he lent me his name even though…

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  • “If my Dad doesn’t like you, you will know. My Mom is just too innocent to ever lie. She doesn’t even cuss.” -Channing Tatum

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  • “My father was so good-natured and had such a happy disposition. I’ve always confused him with Jimmy Stewart. So, think Jimmy Stewart. That’s my dad.” -Jane Pauley

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  • “My dad always said he couldn’t remember a time when I did not want to act.” -Gwyneth Paltrow

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  • “You do need parental guidance and I was in a great position with both my mum and dad. They split when I was a baby but even though I stayed with my mom they were both very much involved in my upbringing.” -Leonardo DiCaprio

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  • “I want my kids to see me as Dad, for God’s sake, not a television personality.” -Gordon Ramsay

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  • “I was always embarrassed because my dad wore a suit and my mother wore flat pumps and a cozy jumper while my friends’ parents were punks or hippies.” -Shirley Manson

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  • “Barack Obama knows that to create an economy built to last, we need to focus on middle-class families. Families who stay up on Sunday nights pacing the floor, like my dad did, while their children, tucked in bed, dream big dreams. Families who aren’t sure what Monday morning will bring, but who believe our nation’s…

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  • “My dad was in the army. World War II. He got his college education from the army. After World War II he became an insurance salesman. Really, I didn’t know my dad very well. He and my mother split up after the war. I was raised by my maternal grandmother and grandfather, and by my…

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  • “My mom and dad met at Anaheim High School. After they got married, all they wanted to do was have four children, and they did.” -Gwen Stefani

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  • “But I honestly don’t read critics. My dad reads absolutely everything ever written about me. He calls me up to read ecstatic reviews, but I always insist that I can’t hear them. If you give value to the good reviews, you have to give value to the criticism.” -Fiona Apple

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  • “My dad was a Communist Party member who fought for his country.” -Tim Roth

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  • “The golden child may be the oldest one, unless it’s the youngest. It may be the toughest one, unless it’s the most sensitive. It’s not even necessary that Mom and Dad have the same favorite – and typically they don’t.” -Jeffrey Kluger

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  • “My dad spent his whole life getting into fights for telling what he believed to be the truth. Basically it comes from my dad-and he’s screaming right-wing, so there you are.” -Thom Yorke

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  • “I think the hardest thing about making music now is being a great dad at the same time. There’s an insanity that goes with writing – a mad scientist thing that you have to go through – and sacrificing a kid’s upbringing to do that is not an option.” -Eddie Vedder

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  • “My dad gave me my first bike at 16. I soon fell off and was in a wheelchair for weeks. I haven’t fallen since.” -Hugh Laurie

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  • “My dad is a Jack Nicholson lookalike and a frustrated performer, my mother’s into reading and poetry. I suppose the thing I owe them most is my confidence.” -Michael Sheen

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  • “One of the things I like about when I tour sometimes is that occasionally you’ll see a dad there with his 12-year-old son and they’re both enjoying it.” -Tim Vine

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  • “My father was the quintessential husband and dad.” -Sidney Poitier

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  • “‘I Know You Care’ is about my dad. And I haven’t seen him for a long, long time. And my parents divorced when I was really young. And I guess I just wanted a – it was my way of saying that I wasn’t bitter or angry anymore. I was just sad and just felt…

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  • “My father came from a very poor background, but I was very fortunate in the sense that we were never in need. My dad was determined to make sure that we didn’t want for things. He wanted to give us more opportunity than he had, a better shot at a better life.” -Brad Pitt

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  • “During the Depression, my dad made radios to sell to make extra money. Nobody had any money to buy the radios, so he would trade them for dogs. He built kennels in the backyard, and he cared for the dogs.” -Betty White

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  • “Losing my parents was the most crushing thing that ever happened to me. I lost my dad when I was 26, and it changed my life entirely.” -Harlan Coben

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  • “My mother taught public school, went to Harvard and then got her master’s there and taught fifth and sixth grade in a public school. My dad had a more working-class lifestyle. He didn’t go to college. He was an auto mechanic and a bartender and a janitor at Harvard.” -Ben Affleck

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  • “I was always a kid trying to make a buck. I borrowed a dollar from my dad, went to the penny candy store, bought a dollar’s worth of candy, set up my booth, and sold candy for five cents apiece. Ate half my inventory, made $2.50, gave my dad back his dollar.” -Guy Fieri

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  • “Come Christmas Eve, we usually go to my mom and dad’s. Everybody brings one gift and then we play that game when we all steal it from each other. Some are really cool, others are useful and some are a bit out there.” -Amy Grant

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  • “I was born and raised in East Los Angeles by a single mom who had three biological kids and adopted four more. I never met my dad.”

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  • “I didn’t know my Dad – he moved out early. And my mom’s politics were kind of hardscrabble. She didn’t think about Democrats or Republicans. She thought about who made sense. I’ve been both in my life.” -Dennis Miller

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  • “My dad was a labourer and my mum had exactly the same job as Noel Gallagher’s mum – she was a dinner lady at our local school. Everyone comes over from Ireland and they get the same jobs.” -Danny Boyle

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  • “I think my dad has helped me tremendously.” -Rand Paul

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  • “My dad was dean of fine arts at the university. I was casting bronzes in the school foundry. I was using the university as a playground.” -Maya Lin

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  • “When I moved out of London 13 years ago, I found a whole other reason not to drive. This was because my new husband Dan, unlike my dad, did drive, and this became a great source of fun and adventure.” -Julie Burchill

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  • “Yes, I always remember my dad’s, mom’s and my grandma’s perfumes.” -Marc Jacobs

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  • “I grew up in a house where my father encouraged my brother and me to fail. I specifically remember coming home and saying, ‘Dad, Dad, I tried out for this or that and I was horrible,’ and he would high-five me and say, ‘Way to go.’” -Sara Blakely

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  • “I sort of always had an inkling towards some kind of an art form. I grew up in a very small town, and I just figure-skated. My dad played hockey and I was surrounded by sports, but it wasn’t quite doing it for me. I wasn’t totally fulfilled, and I did a lot of skating.”…

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  • “Also for me it was different because I play a lot of villains and in this one I play a dad and I play a good guy, basically. He’s the Secretary of the Treasury. I never had a job like that.” -Christopher Walken

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  • “I didn’t come from a trailer park. I grew up middle class and my dad had money and my mom made my lunch. I got a car when I was sixteen. I’m proud of that.” -Kid Rock

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  • “In addition, there is one title I cherish a great deal more than Congressman and that is the title of… Dad.” -J. C. Watts

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  • “I met my grandfather just before he died, and it was the first time that I had seen Dad with a relative of his. It was interesting to see my own father as a son and the body language and alteration in attitude that comes with that, and it sort of changed our relationship for…

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  • “My sister is totally my dad’s daughter because she loves sports.” -Ashley Tisdale

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  • “I’ll back up anything my dad says.” -Floyd Mayweather, Jr.

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  • “To be fair to my dad, he is one of the brightest men I’ve ever met.” -Philip Seymour Hoffman

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  • “A spirit is, like, your mother, my dad, who’ve made it. They can come around, but they come around in a loving way because they’ve already made it to God. Most people make it.” -Sylvia Browne

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  • “My humanitarian work evolved from being with my family. My mom, my dad, they really set a great example for giving back. My mom was a nurse, my dad was a school teacher. But my mom did a lot of things for geriatrics and elderly people. She would do home visits for free.” -Cat Cora

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  • “I’m always on the court with my dad.” -Venus Williams

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  • “The problem with me, as far as getting married and having a family, is that my comedy is so important to me. So I don’t know if I’ll ever be as good a dad as my dad.” -Adam Sandler

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  • “I have to remind my dad, ‘Journalists – no matter how many cigars they smoke with you – are not your friends, so don’t talk to them.’” -Cameron Diaz

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  • “My dad was a Methodist minister.” -George McGovern

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  • “My dad was a militant atheist, or is a militant atheist. My mum was sort of bought up in a religious family because she was a Protestant from Ireland but wasn’t especially religious.” -Tony Blair

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  • “My dad had a commercial film company, so he had a videotape player before anyone. So he got Mel Brooks movies or Citizen Kane or some classic old movies. And every summer the revival house in Evanston would show the great films from the ’50s and ’60s and ’70s.” -John Cusack

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  • “I go off and make movies I come home, and I’m a dad and I hang with my girls.” -Clive Owen

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  • “They have had such a crazy life living with me as their dad. Not crazy but different from their friends.” -Sebastian Bach

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  • “I’ve dated all kinds of guys and didn’t know who I’d end up with. But I kind of assumed it would be someone more like my dad than not.” -Miranda Lambert

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  • “My dad’s whole family is in Madras and I was born in America so we didn’t have that big Indian community. I don’t really have anything interesting to say about it. When I talk about it people are like, ‘meh, let’s talk about something else.’” -Mindy Kaling

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