

Quotations on the topic of ‘faith’ from all listed authors (click on the ‘click to view listing’ links to view each quote in full).

  • “Ann Romney makes all women proud by the way she has conducted her life as a strong woman of faith, as a mother, as a wife and as a true patriot.” -Nikki Haley

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  • “I don’t really go down one path. I wouldn’t call myself a Buddhist, or a Catholic or a Christian or a Muslim, or Jewish. I couldn’t put myself into any organized faith.” -Dean Cain

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  • “The mere assemblage of peace loving people to interchange convincing reasons for their common faith, mere exhortation and argument to the public in favor of peace in general fall short of the mark.” -Elihu Root

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  • “In the latter case life rests upon a thousand presuppositions which the individual can never trace back to their origins, and verify but which he must accept upon faith and belief.” -Georg Simmel

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  • “In Christ the original image of God is restored, by faith in this world and by sight in the world to come.” -Walter Lang

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  • “Whoever removes the Cross and its interpretation by the New Testament from the center, in order to replace it, for example, with the social commitment of Jesus to the oppressed as a new center, no longer stands in continuity with the apostolic faith.” -Hans Urs von Balthasar

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  • “Therefore, the church is not absolutely necessary as an object of faith, not even for us today, for then Abraham and the other prophets would not have given assent to those things which were revealed to them from God without any intervening help of the church.” -William Ames

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  • “I’ll tell you, in my life I’ve never once have seen a Hispanic panhandler, because in our community, it would be viewed as shameful to be out on the street begging. Those are all conservative values – faith, family, hard work, responsibility.” -Ted Cruz

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  • “I have learned that track doesn’t define me. My faith defines me. I’m running because I have been blessed with a gift.” -Allyson Felix

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  • “When the principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then the battle is your calling, and peace has become sin. You must at the price of dearest peace lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy with all the fire of your faith.” -Abraham Kuyper

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  • “Great feelings will often take the aspect of error, and great faith the aspect of illusion.” -Robert Burton

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  • “Sectarian divide has created a schism in our society that is a major challenge. As monarch of all Bahrainis, it pains me to see many harmed by the actions of a few. And yet I am optimistic and have faith in our people. We all realize that now is the time to strike a balance…

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  • “Of course, bad marriages are so pervasive that they have invaded the faith community too.” -Jerry B. Jenkins

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  • “I heard my name associated with the Peter Pan syndrome more than once. But really, what’s so wrong with Peter Pan? Peter Pan flies. He is a metaphor for dreams and faith.” -Mark Burnett

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  • “Hollywood is a suction for your confidence or your faith or your togetherness. Just walking on the street you can feel it.” -Robin Wright Penn

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  • “Downtown, one has less time. But there are in Europe much people who have the faith, in South America, too.” -Yannick Noah

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  • “And so, today, if the state can no longer appeal to the old moral principles that belong to the Christian tradition, it will be forced to create a new official faith and new moral principles which will be binding on its citizens.” -Christopher Dawson

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  • “I have faith in the jury system.” -Nancy Grace

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  • “I can’t really put it in one sentence because although on one hand Preacher is about faith and yes it is also about, I suppose, the search for God, the search for faith and the manipulation and the abuse committed by figures in whom I suppose people have faith.” -Garth Ennis

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  • “There are a lot of things I can take, and a few that I can’t. What I can’t take is when my older brother, who’s everything that I want to be, starts losing faith in things. I saw that look in your eyes last night. I don’t ever want to see that look in your…

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  • “At the time I perceived most religious men, particularly the pastors with all their talk about love, faith and relationship, as effeminate.” -Luke Ford

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  • “You have got to believe in yourself every time you go out there and race. If you have no faith in your ability all that training has been a waste of time.” -Maurice Greene

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  • “We receive by faith and we keep it by faith.” -Benny Hinn

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  • “Men of Virginia, countrymen of Washington, of Patrick Henry, of Jefferson, and of Madison, will ye be true to your constitutional faith?” -Caleb Cushing

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  • “If solace is any sort of succor to someone, that is sufficient. I believe in the faith of people, whatever faith they may have.” -Studs Terkel

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  • “Anyone who really studies Catholicism deeply is aware of the mystical nature of our faith. Even references to Christ’s mystical body has connections to that principle.” -Dennis Kucinich

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  • “We’re telling a story. And the demands of that are different from the demands of a documentary. The audience must believe in order to keep faith in the story.” -Bradley Whitford

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  • “Ultimately it’s a leap of faith and a leap of imagination to put yourself back in time into those conditions and situations and see how you would react.” -Derek Jacobi

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  • “God does say He will graciously entertain our prayers. He says that if we exercise faith, and if our request is in accordance with His will, He will hear us.” -Walter Martin

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  • “Comics don’t work if the story is all in the text and the images are illustrative. It’s hard to have enough faith in the artists to allow them to do their job.” -Denise Mina

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  • “You often feel that your prayers scarcely reach the ceiling but, oh, get into this humble spirit by considering how good the Lord is, and how evil you all are, and then prayer will mount on wings of faith to heaven.” -Charles Simeon

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  • “I grew up in a very religious family and it is the motivating force to every thing I do. I am fortunate to have had adults all around me who really lived their faith, in helping other people and doing the best you can do.” -Marian Wright Edelman

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  • “We will never fully explain the world by appealing to something outside it that must simply be accepted on faith, be it an unexplained God or an unexplained set of mathematical laws.” -Paul Davies

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  • “There are a lot of Christian fundamentalists there are a lot of Muslim extremists. Every religion – Mormonism – has something way on the side that’s completely using the religion as some weird backbone for their twisted faith. It has nothing to do with their religion.” -Patrick Wilson

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  • “Man doesn’t dictate what you do or how you do it. If you believe in God, believe in God have your faith in him. That’s where my faith lies.” -Ray Lewis

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  • “Fanatics do not have faith – they have belief. With faith you let go. You trust. Whereas with belief you cling.” -Yann Martel

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  • “In the last analysis, of course, an oath will encourage fidelity in office only to the degree that officeholders continue to believe that they cannot escape ultimate accountability for a breach of faith.” -James L. Buckley

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  • “I believe that the Framers of the Constitution made their intent clear when they wrote the First Amendment. I believe they wanted to keep the new government from endorsing one religion over another, not erase the public consciousness or common faith.” -Nick Rahall

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  • “I was brought up the Mexican way, where actors are paid very little and every part you take is an act of faith. If people respect that, then great.” -Gael Garcia Bernal

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  • “No relief was forthcoming from my then-Catholic faith, which said the practice of homosexuality was a ‘mortal sin’ subject to damnation.” -James McGreevey

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  • “It comes with faith, for with complete faith there is no fear of what faces you in life or death.” -Jacqueline Cochran

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  • “As a small business owner for the last 15 years, when I think of what truly changed my life, it was my faith, a strong family, my mom did a really, really good job of encouraging me in very clear and discernible ways.” -Tim Scott

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  • “We can reach our potential, but to do so, we must reach within ourselves. We must summon the strength, the will, and the faith to move forward – to be bold – to invest in our future.” -John Hoeven

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  • “Seeds of faith are always within us sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth.” -Susan Taylor

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  • “Ours is a country built more on people than on territory. The Jews will come from everywhere: from France, from Russia, from America, from Yemen… Their faith is their passport.” -David Ben-Gurion

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  • “Faith is the first step to understanding. Either it’s the Word of an infallible God, the fallible words of men, or faith in what you personally believe. You’ve got to have faith in something. Believe me.” -Ray Comfort

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  • “Men who accomplish great things in the industrial world are the ones who have faith in the money producing power of ideas.” -Charles Fillmore

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  • “Faith is the black person’s federal reserve system.” -Hattie McDaniel

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  • “It helps, I think, to consider ourselves on a very long journey: the main thing is to keep to the faith, to endure, to help each other when we stumble or tire, to weep and press on.” -Mary Richards

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  • “The United States have fulfilled in good faith all their treaty stipulations with the Indian tribes, and have in every other instance insisted upon a like performance of their obligations.” -Martin Van Buren

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  • “I did not compose my work as one might put on a church vestment… rather it sprung from the truly fervent faith of my heart, such as I have felt it since my childhood.” -Franz Liszt

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  • “I love the fact that we, as black people, carry our faith with us. We share it and embrace it and love it and talk about it because we talk about everything else and why not that and that was the first impression that I had that really touched me.” -Boris Kodjoe

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  • “I’ve spent the last 50 years or so steeping myself in the world’s religions, and I’ve done my homework. I’ve gone to each of the world’s eight great religions and sought out the most profound scholars I could find, and I’ve apprenticed myself to them and actually practiced each faith.” -Huston Smith

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  • “Through history, people look for something spiritual. The greatest scientists in the world were men of religion and faith, too.” -Kirstie Alley

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  • “But instead of standing up for reason, our government is handing education over to the world of faith.” -Polly Toynbee

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  • “So many of my friends are still trying to get record deals, and I’ve had one for 10 years now, where my only goal is to make the best music I can make. I’ve been very lucky. I have great faith that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, and whatever happens is going to…

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  • “Have faith in your own thoughts.” -Brooke Shields

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  • “I am sensitive to the value of faith and religion and spirituality in people’s lives because I’m a journalist.” -Peter Jennings

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  • “I still have all the faith and love for my music and yet I’m still playing places for kids.” -Juliana Hatfield

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  • “These are strange times. Reason, which once combatted faith and seemed to have conquered it, now has to look to faith to save it from dissolution.” -Johan Huizinga

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  • “The attributes for entrepreneurs cut both ways. You need the ability to ignore inconvenient facts and see the world as it should be and not as it is. This inspires people to take huge leaps of faith. But this blindness to facts can be a liability, too. The characteristics that help entrepreneurs succeed can also…

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  • “My mother’s family were full-on Irish Catholics – faith in an elaborate old fashioned, highly conservative and madly baroque style. I sort of fell out of the tribe over women’s rights and social justice issues when I was just 13 years old.” -Geraldine Brooks

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  • “Creativity is always a leap of faith. You’re faced with a blank page, blank easel, or an empty stage.” -Julia Cameron

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  • “I haven’t lost faith in human nature and I haven’t decided to be less compassionate to strangers.” -Armistead Maupin

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  • “I think that my preaching style and many of my ideas and ideals about faith are based in both Pentecostal and Baptist background.” -T. D. Jakes

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  • “Was the real Jesus of history one and the same as the Christ of faith whom we read about in the New Testament and worship in the church? Was Jesus really raised from the dead? Is he really the divine Lord of lords?” -John Clayton

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  • “And as the Divine that goes forth from the Lord is the good of love and the truth of faith, the angels are angels and are heaven in the measure in which they receive good and truth from the Lord.” -Emanuel Swedenborg

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  • “Republican values – strong families, faith, personal responsibility and freedom, among others – are not unique to specific subsets of the electorate. They are universal values, and it is Republicans’ job to remind Americans of that fact.” -Gary Bauer

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  • “Are you gonna fuel your faith or fuel your fear? I’m all about fueling my faith, especially when it’s hard to do so.” -Carrie-Anne Moss

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  • “I am prejudiced in favor of him who, without impudence, can ask boldly. He has faith in humanity, and faith in himself. No one who is not accustomed to giving grandly can ask nobly and with boldness.” -Johann Kaspar Lavater

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  • “Catholicism played such a huge part in my life, I would not have survived without my faith.” -Samantha Morton

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  • “The substance of faith is a hope in the unseen.” -Ron Suskind

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  • “Tyler Perry’s brand is faith, family and this whole thing that I’ve built, while my company, 34th Street Films, is like Disney’s Touchstone. We can do anything. People don’t know what to expect from me yet.” -Tyler Perry

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  • “Our religion does not discriminate according to color, sex or anything else. What counts is piety and faith.” -King Hussein I

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  • “The age of innocent faith in science and technology may be over.” -Barry Commoner

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  • “As reason is a rebel to faith, so passion is a rebel to reason.” -Thomas Browne

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  • “Oklahomans value our children and our seniors. Oklahomans value traditions of faith. Oklahomans value our heroes, our veterans. Oklahomans value innovation and the creative arts.” -Brad Henry

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  • “Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church is often labeled today as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along by every wind of teaching, look like the only attitude acceptable to today’s standards.” -Joseph Ratzinger

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  • “Dawkins considers that all faith is blind faith, and that Christian and Muslim children are brought up to believe unquestioningly. Not even the dim-witted clerics who knocked me about at grammar school thought that.” -Terry Eagleton

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  • “My faith doesn’t go over real well in Hollywood.” -Jim Caviezel

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  • “Once you’re successful with a certain kind of music, it’s hard not to have faith in it as a means to stay successful.” -Roberta Flack

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  • “I have great faith in the intelligence of the American viewer and reader to put two and two together and come up with four.” -Jim Lehrer

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  • “Faith gives you an inner strength and a sense of balance and perspective in life.” -Gregory Peck

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  • “The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible.” -David Viscott

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  • “The balance between faith and reason is for the determination of each individual, and of the people as a whole, not of unauthorized government officials uttering impious humbug as they arbitrarily try to define that balance.” -Conrad Black

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  • “Science has sometimes been said to be opposed to faith, and inconsistent with it. But all science, in fact, rests on a basis of faith, for it assumes the permanence and uniformity of natural laws – a thing which can never be demonstrated.” -Tryon Edwards

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  • “You know, this is a war of ideology, a war of thoughts and of faith. And we need people to really stand for faith and trust, not hope and change.” -Sharron Angle

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  • “Risk means everything from being honest about your faith, to moving, to quitting a job that’s paying you a fortune but it’s not what’s in your heart. Risking things is one of the biggest fears we have.” -John Tesh

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  • “I’m just glad that my community has faith and confidence in me.” -Charles Rangel

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  • “The enemies of the Christian religion and the Law of God confuse law with faith.” -Randall Terry

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  • “I do believe that belief is the most powerful thing we have in this world. So, if we believe in something enough. And we have faith, we can make it a reality. That is basically the basis of my entire career and my entire life.” -Corey Feldman

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  • “I’d be lying if I said I had confidence in every choice I’ve made, that I have faith in every film I do on every shot.” -Ethan Hawke

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  • “I’m a private guy, and you don’t want to be out there preaching to people. But faith leads you in the decisions you make. You don’t always pick the right path, but it’s there in your conscience.” -Tim McGraw

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  • “A large psychic void is left by a loss of faith. So many Catholics have tried so many things to replace it.” -Phil Donahue

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  • “President Obama and his radical feminist enforcers have had it in for Catholic medical providers from the get-go. It’s about time all people of faith fought back against this unprecedented encroachment on religious liberty. First, they came for the Catholics. Who’s next?” -Michelle Malkin

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  • “I had faith in the concept and the theory that all Americans are endowed with the right to a fair trial and I would be fairly judged and fairly tried.” -Wesley Snipes

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  • “The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future.” -Stephen Ambrose

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  • “Courage is sometimes frail as hope is frail: a fragile shoot between two stones that grows brave toward the sun though warmth and brightness fail, striving and faith the only strength it knows.” -Frances Rodman

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  • “Faith, culture, structure and guidance are good things.” -Bethenny Frankel

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  • “I have never lost my faith in God.” -Maureen O’Hara

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  • “I think the Moslem faith teaches hate.” -Jerry Falwell

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  • “The Great Inflation of the 1970s destroyed faith in paper assets, because if you held a bond, suddenly the bond was worth much less money than it was before.” -Ron Chernow

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  • “In a democracy, dissent is an act of faith.” -J. William Fulbright

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  • “I have great faith that Heaven’s there and I’ll see my brothers and my mom and dad when I get there.” -Ernie Harwell

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  • “Let it ever be remembered that genuine faith in Christ will ever be productive of good works for this faith worketh by love, as the apostle says, and love to God always produces obedience to his holy laws.” -Adam Clarke

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  • “I don’t have too much faith in destiny, or an afterlife. This is it.” -Robin Gibb

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  • “Stand straight, walk proud, have a little faith.” -Garth Brooks

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  • “Is a faith without action a sincere faith?” -Jean Racine

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  • “I guess my religious faith sustained me more than anything else. Family is also very important. If I didn’t have children, it would have been too difficult. Even if you are strong, you still need people who would support you all the way.” -Corazon Aquino

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  • “Film is an illusion. Fame is ephemeral. Faith and family are what endure.” -Emilio Estevez

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  • “When you put your total faith in God, no matter what happens, to a person who’s a true believer, if you die, you know you’re going to heaven to be with God.” -Jim Bakker

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  • “By concentrating on what is good in people, by appealing to their idealism and their sense of justice, and by asking them to put their faith in the future, socialists put themselves at a severe disadvantage.” -Ian Mcewan

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  • “You work on things and you have such faith in them while you’re making them that everything feels special – in a way.” -Guy Pearce

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  • “When did we begin to lose faith in our ability to effect change?” -Wynton Marsalis

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  • “Education is extremely important to the Hispanic community, as well as faith, and certainly working hard.” -Luis Fortuno

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  • “You just kind of have faith. If that sounds kind of mystical, it’s because I really don’t know how it works, but I trust that it does. I try to write the way I read, in order to find out what happens next.” -Richard Russo

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  • “Well, I think that Catholicism’s basic foundation of faith is personal conscience. I think it’s between you and God, not you and the Church.” -Martin Sheen

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  • “Your faith in yourself is all you will ever have. Don’t let anyone take it away from you, ever.” -Holly Marie Combs

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  • “I’m a Christian. I go to church when I can. I was raised Baptist. I went to a Lutheran school. I’m a nondenominational practicing Christian. I have a lot of faith.” -Brittany Murphy

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  • “We’re reclaiming America and restoring honor. I believe we do that with faith, with hope, with charity, and honoring our brothers and our sisters as we honor each other.” -Alveda King

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  • “I had very supportive parents that made the way for me, even at a time when there were very few women – no women, really maybe two or three women – and very few, fewer than that, African-American women heading in this direction, so there were very few people to look up to. You just…

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  • “I’m a believer in belief. Faith is something that works – it causes people to do things, it has results. It’s an intangible, indefinable, very real thing. And it moves people, sometimes to atrocity. And sometimes to survival.” -Tommy Lee Jones

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  • “First, I prepare. Then I have faith.” -Joe Namath

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  • “Purity is not imposed upon us as though it were a kind of punishment, it is one of those mysterious but obvious conditions of that supernatural knowledge of ourselves in the Divine, which we speak of as faith. Impurity does not destroy this knowledge, it slays our need for it.” -Georges Bernanos

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  • “My faith is an important part of my life and over the years I’ve learnt that it takes a proud man to say he doesn’t need anything. It has been a quiet strength and a backbone through a lot of difficult times.” -Bear Grylls

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  • “‘The Purpose-Driven Life’ is not just a mega-bestselling work of Christian faith it is the thing that every voter, secular or not, yearns for.” -Eric Liu

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  • “If faith produce no works, I see That faith is not a living tree. Thus faith and works together grow, No separate life they never can know. They’re soul and body, hand and heart, What God hath joined, let no man part.” -Hannah More

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  • “Christ does not save us by acting a parable of divine love he acts the parable of divine love by saving us. That is the Christian faith.” -Austin Farrer

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  • “I never search for a reason why – I have faith in the Lord’s purpose.” -Willie Stargell

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  • “I’m about as big a star as the Baha’i faith has got, which is pretty pathetic.” -Rainn Wilson

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  • “There were periods of my life when a lot of people didn’t believe in me. I still had faith in myself. I really had to ask myself life questions. Where do I see myself in five years? Create a ladder for yourself, and walk up the steps. Climb that ladder.” -Fergie

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  • “All of my children are ideologically and politically in sync with me, they all have authentic Christian faith. It’s something I’m very grateful for.” -Mike Huckabee

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  • “I have very little faith that I’ll ever find someone. I’ve had some bad luck and I’ve made some bad choices – not in men, but in how I’ve chosen to deal with relationships.” -Selma Blair

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  • “Faith goes out through the window when beauty comes in at the door.” -George Edward Moore

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  • “The investigator should have a robust faith – and yet not believe.” -Claude Bernard

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  • “I am not a great theologian. I know there is a theological concept called invincible ignorance in which a strong enough faith binds you to any facts to the contrary.” -Barney Frank

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  • “My faith means everything to me. God and I talk constantly.” -Sherri Shepherd

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  • “Such a faith would be fatal to my reason, to my liberty, and even to the success of my undertakings it would immediately transform me into a stupid slave, an instrument of the will and interests of others.” -Mikhail Bakunin

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  • “Faith is never identical with piety.” -Karl Barth

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  • “In my career as an actor, there is a catchphrase that Scofield always says often in regards to his brother, ‘Have a little faith.’ In my own career as an actor, there were times when I was the only one who believed in myself in the face of the odds.” -Wentworth Miller

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  • “It is amazing to think after all that has happened in this country in the last few years, the last few decades, that so many people have this blind faith that government is our friend and therefore, so we don’t need protections against it.” -James Bovard

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  • “Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor reason, but taking God at His work.” -Faith Evans

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  • “That is not to say that we can relax our readiness to defend ourselves. Our armament must be adequate to the needs, but our faith is not primarily in these machines of defense but in ourselves.” -Chester W. Nimitz

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  • “Thank goodness I had a great family growing up, a great foundation. But I will say my faith, my parents, my family, all that stuff is very, very important. And I’ll say that until the day I die.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “Competition got me off the farm and trained me to seek out challenges and to endure setbacks and in combination with my faith, it sustains me now in my fight with Alzheimer’s disease.” -Pat Summitt

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  • “I still have a belief and a faith that some great things are still going to happen in my career. If I didn’t believe that, it makes no sense for me to be out there, and on top of that, I know this is a period of time that God wants me to persevere through.”…

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  • “My faith experience, well, as you can imagine, you need a lot of faith to raise five boys.” -Ann Romney

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  • “That is the definition of faith – acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.” -Dan Brown

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  • “Our ministry is supported entirely by faith, through the missions gifts of readers who receive my messages every three weeks. We seldom mention money, and we never burden supporters.” -David Wilkerson

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  • “Learning how to relive again on life’s terms sure doesn’t do much for your confidence. You have to kind of walk in faith that the next step is going to be just a little bit better than the last step.” -Joe Nichols

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  • “Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible.” -Mary McLeod Bethune

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  • “In properly organized groups no faith is required what is required is simply a little trust and even that only for a little while, for the sooner a man begins to verify all he hears the better it is for him.” -G. I. Gurdjieff

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  • “The hajj is one of the five essential practices of Islam when they make the pilgrimage to Mecca, Muslims ritually act out the central principles of their faith.” -Karen Armstrong

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  • “I just can’t say enough about the actors having faith and trust in the writers and the writers having faith and trust in the actors.” -Kyle Chandler

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  • “What makes community organizing especially attractive is the faith it places in the ability of the poor to make decisions for themselves.” -Paul Wellstone

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  • “It is not reason which makes faith hard, but life.” -Jean Ingelow

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  • “There’s a loss of faith in the banking system that for so long has been the backbone of prosperity and growth.” -Lucy Powell

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  • “Faith, sir, we are here today, and gone tomorrow.” -Aphra Behn

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  • “Earmarks have become a symbol of a Congress that has broken faith with the people. This earmark ban shows the American people we are listening and we are dead serious about ending business as usual in Washington.” -John Boehner

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  • “I think basically becoming famous has taken the place of going to Heaven in modern society, hasn’t it? That’s the place where your dreams will come true. It’s an act of faith now they think that’s going to sort things out.” -Jarvis Cocker

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  • “Well, I’ve never left my faith – but have I made a lot of mistakes? But was I fortunate that I was brought up in that Pentecostal church, where I heard about God’s love and God’s forgiveness.” -Billy Ray Cyrus

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  • “I find that it’s hard to fully examine one’s life and not have faith be part of the discussion.” -J. J. Abrams

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  • “Comedy is an escape, not from truth but from despair a narrow escape into faith.” -Christopher Fry

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  • “People with deep faith and big hearts are concerned, as I am about the circumstance that Ms. Schiavo is in. I want them to know I will do what I can, but there are limits to what any particular person – irrespective of the title they currently hold – can do.” -Jeb Bush

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  • “My faith is the grand drama of my life. I’m a believer, so I sing words of God to those who have no faith.” -Olivier Messiaen

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  • “I am shy to admit that I have followed the advice given all those years ago by a wise archbishop to a bewildered young man: that moments of unbelief ‘don’t matter,’ that if you return to a practice of the faith, faith will return.” -A. N. Wilson

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  • “It is no longer a question of a Christian going about to convert others to the faith, but of each one being ready to listen to the other and so to grow together in mutual understanding.” -Bede Griffiths

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  • “I had great faith in Irish actors, that they’d be hip to the whole theatre thing, and they are. I had no illusions of coming over here as some kind of big shot. It’s been a learning experience for me too.” -Christopher Meloni

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  • “When faith is lost, when honor dies, the man is dead.” -John Greenleaf Whittier

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  • “I have my work and my faith… If that’s boring to some people, I can’t tell you how much I don’t care.” -Madonna Ciccone

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  • “The best thing about science is that hard, empirical answers are always there if you look hard enough. The best thing about religion is that the very absence of that certainty is what requires – and gives rise to – deep feelings of faith.” -Jeffrey Kluger

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  • “Honestly, I think a good film is spiritual, regardless of whether its subject is faith.” -Vera Farmiga

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  • “We got on his label, and the Bizarre organization is just going up and up. So we have faith.” -Alice Cooper

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  • “If you have abandoned one faith, do not abandon all faith. There is always an alternative to the faith we lose. Or is it the same faith under another mask?” -Graham Greene

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  • “I have a disproportionate amount of faith in the goodness of the world and that everything will actually work out okay.” -Sloane Crosley

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  • “I would not attack the faith of a heathen without being sure I had a better one to put in its place.” -Harriet Beecher Stowe

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  • “People will make leaps of faith and get excited by your product if you just get it in front of them.” -James Dyson

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  • “I want the French people to respect values that allow each individual to practice his or her faith, but in the frame of our common rules of secularism.” -Francois Hollande

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  • “For both faith and want of faith have destroyed men alike.” -Hesiod

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  • “I have faith in the United States and our ability to make good decisions based on the facts.” -Al Gore

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