

Quotations on the topic of ‘famous’ from all listed authors (click on the ‘click to view listing’ links to view each quote in full).

  • “They can gas me, but I am famous. I have achieved in one day what it took Robert Kennedy all his life to do.” -Sirhan Sirhan

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  • “At the time when this famous historical battle was fought in Kosovo, the people were looking at the stars, expecting aid from them. Now, six centuries later, they are looking at the stars again, waiting to conquer them.” -Slobodan Milosevic

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  • “Italian girls are famous for being snobby and expecting men to make the first move. In America, if I don’t make eye contact, the guys won’t come over and talk. American girls just go for it. You men are spoiled.” -Silvia Colloca

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  • “In France, we don’t yet have the craft that American TV does or big studios like Paramount. It was so cool going through those famous gates when you have your own little pass and picture on it. Woo hoo, I’m going to work!” -Lizzie Brochere

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  • “I guess some people want to be performers because they want to be famous.” -Jenny Slate

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  • “People are famous for being famous and for nothing else. And good luck to them, because it lasts about a year and then they’re nothing again.” -Brian Johnson

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  • “You get to be famous or have some notoriety and there are so many people who want a piece of you.” -Oscar De La Hoya

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  • “Hold on to that. You have an autograph. I’m going to be famous some day.” -Haywood Nelson

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  • “They eat the dainty food of famous chefs with the same pleasure with which they devour gross peasant dishes, mostly composed of garlic and tomatoes, or fisherman’s octopus and shrimps, fried in heavily scented olive oil on a little deserted beach.” -Luigi Barzini

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  • “Persons famous in the arts partake of the immortality of princes, and are upon a footing with them.” -Francis I

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  • “The big thing that everyone forgets, you’re famous and on TV and everything, but I think there’s something very rewarding to be able to write a song, record it, and have it turn out as you heard it in your head, or even better.” -Phil Collen

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  • “Slowly but surely, we are acquiring that famous culture of democracy, which is our objective.” -Paul Biya

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  • “Indy makes the race driver. You become famous when you come here.” -Rodger Ward

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  • “Famous remarks are very seldom quoted correctly.” -Simeon Strunsky

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  • “More than anything else, my mother wanted to be an actress – a famous actress – which in the 1950s was all about being young, sexy, and available. She was all that, and more. She had big blue eyes, alabaster skin, a heart-shaped face, a beautiful figure. She was just a knockout.” -Meredith Baxter

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  • “Everyone always asks me, ‘Do you want to be famous… ‘ I never really thought about becoming famous. I just want to work, to be able to put out inspiring and good film and TV.” -Kim Shaw

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  • “That save from Pele’s header was the best I ever made. I didn’t have any idea how famous it would become – to start with, I didn’t even realise I’d made it at all.” -Gordon Banks

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  • “I still forgive him, because by doing what he did, he made it famous.” -Alberto Korda

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  • “I think the thing to remember, though, the next time you hear someone who is really certain that he is on the side of the angels, is that the idea of angels was created by human beings, who are famous for being frequently untrustworthy and occasional.” -Jon Carroll

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  • “Practically everyone in Hollywood has a neighbor who’s been famous, wants to be famous, is famous, has been married to someone famous, worked with someone famous, slept with someone famous, been blackmailed by someone famous.” -Jennifer Grey

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  • “People should recognize who you are and how you can act rather then how famous you are.” -Mae Whitman

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  • “I don’t see myself as famous at all so I’m continuing my life as normal.” -Ashley Madekwe

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  • “Fame is something I think happens as a result of trying to do good work. If you’re trying to be famous, your work usually suffers.” -Justin Theroux

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  • “Once you start telling people you’re famous, they believe you.” -Melissa de la Cruz

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  • “The one thing you’ve got to say about Columbia is that it has courses that are famous. It has alumni who come back and say it was the best thing they ever did.” -William Scott

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  • “They were all famous and fantastic fellows.” -Peter Scott

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  • “I love being famous. It validates that I have something to say.” -Richard Lewis

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  • “I don’t really see myself as famous.” -MyAnna Buring

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  • “When I wasn’t famous, I had a lot of friends, almost all of them Italian. The racism only started when I started to play football.” -Mario Balotelli

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  • “It was I who made Fellini famous, not the other way around.” -Anita Ekberg

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  • “My buildings are more famous than me.” -Jean Nouvel

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  • “I mean he’s a very famous director… they’re not going to put their… and he’s very tough, he doesn’t like interference at all, so he kept them at bay.” -Ronald Harwood

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  • “It isn’t false modesty when I say this, but although I am supposed to be a famous person it doesn’t mean anything to me. I just sit at home and work.” -Gyorgy Legeti

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  • “Yankee Stadium, and the Yankees are so famous for Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Lou Gehrig, all of those guys.” -Bert Campaneris

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  • “We were marching since we were babies and all we did was make Jane Fonda famous.” -Robert Patrick

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  • “I’m in that comfortable niche where I’m not that famous and sometimes people do need to put a barrier between them and their followers. When you’re real famous you need to do that but I’m not that famous so I don’t need that kind of barrier.” -Tony Levin

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  • “In Australia, there is a very famous show called ‘Home and Away.’ I was cast on that at 15. The day I started filming, my life changed.” -Tammin Sursok

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  • “Some very famous directors have started in the mail room, which is just getting inside the studio, getting to know people, getting to know the routine.” -Kenneth Anger

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  • “In New York, after that famous home run, they expected me to be up there every year. That homer raised me to a high level, with the top guys in the game.” -Bobby Thomson

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  • “You can get awful famous in this country in seven days.” -Gary Hart

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  • “When I was young, I did actually model and was much photographed by famous photographers. But I was always a bookworm.” -Marina Warner

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  • “I wasn’t a kid who moved out from Iowa with aspirations of becoming a famous star – I was intrigued by the idea of filmmaking and by the idea of what it would be like to play a character in a movie.” -Jason Lee

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  • “Few if any teenagers can relate to getting up for school and finding famous comics like Pryor and Williams hanging out in your living room after a hard night of partying. But that’s Hollywood.” -Pauly Shore

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  • “If it’s not some daring, dangerous affair, it’s just not interesting, or so it seems. So, here you have two people – a famous American iconic couple – who actually like each other sexually, in marriage. Imagine.” -Shelley Long

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  • “My office walls are covered with autographs of famous writers – it’s what my children call my ‘dead author wall.’ I have signatures from Mark Twain, Earnest Hemingway, Jack London, Harriett Beecher Stowe, Pearl Buck, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, to name a few.” -Debbie Macomber

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  • “King Crimson were the only really famous band I’d been in.” -Jamie Muir

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  • “When you’re famous, you don’t get to meet people because they want you to like them when the present themselves to you, and you don’t see the real people.” -Cass Elliot

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  • “Of course, Hollywood is still making some excellent pictures which reflect the great artistry that made Hollywood famous throughout the world, but these films are exceptions, judging from box office returns and press reviews.” -Pola Negri

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  • “Well, I think a lot of people just want to be famous.” -Dan Fogler

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  • “Popstars really draws you in. It’s fascinating. It’s interesting to watch people thrown together in that kind of a situation. Even if the egos weren’t involved and they weren’t trying to be world famous. It’s the Real World, only better.” -Scott Patterson

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  • “I want to be so famous that drag queens will dress like me in parades when I’m dead.” -Laura Kightlinger

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  • “It’s funny to be discovered by a lot of people who didn’t know you before. People always used to say, ‘Do you shop at Home Depot?’ or ‘Does your kid go to such and such school?’ They want to know why they know me, even if they don’t know my name. I don’t think that’s…

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  • “I was brought up with psychics and tarot cards. My mum was always told I was going to be in a boy band and be famous as a singer.” -Lee Ryan

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  • “It’s every teenager’s dream to be in a band, tour the world and be famous.” -Joey McIntyre

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  • “What Whitney Houston has accomplished will never be accomplished. She’s the most famous person on the planet as far as vocaling and her songs. So I’m very happy that I can sit here and say I had a chance to know her. And I’m still dazed that she’s gone. But she lives because her music…

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  • “It wasn’t not being famous any more, or even not being a recording artist. It was having nobody who needed me, no phones ringing, nothing to do. Because I’m still too young to do nothing. I was only 24 when all that happened. Now, at 40, I feel I’ve got more to give than I…

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  • “When I was in fourth grade… this wonderful teacher said you didn’t have to write a book report, you could just talk about the book, you could do a drawing of the book, you could write a play inspired by the book, and that’s what I did. I got to be so famous. I had…

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  • “Becoming famous and selling a lot of records doesn’t change a thing.” -Macy Gray

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  • “I’m famous. That’s my job.” -Jerry Rubin

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  • “I fear that, in the end, the famous debate among materialists, idealists, and dualists amounts to a merely verbal dispute that is more a matter for the linguist than for the speculative philosopher.” -Moses Mendelssohn

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  • “I don’t feel I was ever a ‘famous’ child actor. I was just a working actor who happened to be a kid. I was never really in a hit show until I was a teenager with West Wing playing First Daughter Zoey Bartlet. In a way, that was my saving grace – not being a…

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  • “When you become famous, you start getting invites to parties where there are famous athletes and famous rock stars, politicians, people who have tremendous power and affluence. It’s not in my DNA, but certainly I have been exposed to it.” -Billy Baldwin

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  • “I wanted to be a rich, famous rock-and-roll star in that order.” -Dee Snider

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  • “It’s not a matter of becoming a superstar. Fame and money aren’t the purpose of all this. No actor’s going to say, ‘I don’t want to be famous.’ But the main purpose for doing what I’m doing is the passion in the work.” -Christopher Lambert

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  • “I think success right now is not about how famous you are or how much you’re getting paid, but it’s more about if you’re steadily working and you’re happy with what you’re doing.” -Sarah Hyland

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  • “I grew up being the girl who would always tune in to watch famous people talk about their careers, how they handled scandals and mega fame. I’m trying to pick up tips.” -Rebecca Black

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  • “The first syndicating I tried was when two partners and I created a production company in 1952. We wanted to syndicate famous Bible stories and sell them for $25 a show.” -Casey Kasum

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  • “We had an interesting thing at that first dinner. It was prior to the availability of several new hotels in Los Angeles, and we were more or less committed to the old Ambassador Hotel that has the famous Coconut Grove.” -Lew Wasserman

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  • “I had a very famous trainer tell me once, ‘You can usually train a wild animal but never tame a wild animal, ever.’ They are always going to be wild, no matter what anybody says.” -Jack Hanna

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  • “I became an actor, and because I had success as an actor, I became famous. I was acting for quite a while before I got famous television made me famous. I guess that it’s television that is responsible for everybody’s desire to be famous.” -Kelsey Grammer

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  • “I’m really in no danger of being perceived as a famous movie actor!” -Lyle Lovett

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  • “My goal and my career is definitely not to be famous. That’s a really horrible goal, just to be famous for the sake of having fame.” -Joel McHale

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  • “I’m following my dreams and doing what I love as a designer. I did not want to be one of those kids with a famous last name that doesn’t do anything. That is very unfulfilling to me and I’m very happy.” -Nicky Hilton

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  • “I actually don’t feel famous.” -Anwar Robinson

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  • “Most of my life I have played a lot of famous people but most of them were dead so you have a poetic license.” -Christopher Plummer

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  • “I don’t want to be more famous than what I have right now. At least in that sense where people come up to me in the grocery store.” -Kathleen Robertson

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  • “I thought that somehow your life would be much different when you’re famous… and it’s not. You just buy more stuff.” -Nicole Sullivan

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  • “I don’t have the life of a famous person. But I do feel like I’ve been able to connect with a lot of people.” -Ann Brashares

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  • “I don’t know about this thing – being famous. I haven’t figured it out yet. It still mystifies me.” -Helen Slater

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  • “At each of these northern posts there were interesting experiences in store for me, as one who had read all the books of northern travel and dreamed for half a lifetime of the north and that was – almost daily meeting with famous men.” -Ernest Thompson Seton

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  • “Right now I’m the most famous silent movie actress in the world and I want to keep that for me. So I hope there’s not going to be any other silent movies.” -Berenice Bejo

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  • “If somebody tells me I’m famous I say, ‘I’m not.’ I can’t see myself as famous and I don’t think I’ll ever call myself famous. I definitely don’t feel famous.” -Shayne Ward

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  • “OK, so I’m not famous for the right reasons.” -William Hung

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  • “I’m the guy that made Joe DiMaggio famous.” -Lefty Gomez

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  • “It’s weird to have people so interested in your personal life. It’s a part of the business that grosses me out. I’m always bummed out for people who just happen to be dating a celebrity, and they’re also famous, and they can’t live their life.” -Andy Samberg

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  • “So I’m a young boy in the 1940s growing up, seeing Ralph Bunche on a regular basis, seeing Duke Ellington on a regular basis. We know that these people are famous. They’re living in the same community as we live in. They go to the same stores and shops.” -Ed Smith

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  • “When I came to New York, I began to meet the people who became the most famous artists of our time. I was insecure about my own level of ability, I didn’t know whether I could compete with these people and, at the same time. I was wondering what is this anyway?” -Henry Flynt

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  • “People seldom become famous for what they say until after they are famous for what they’ve done.” -Cullen Hightower

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  • “I never thought about being famous.” -Damon Wayans

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  • “I’m famous for being nicer to my fans than anyone on the face of the Earth because I figure a) They pay my salary, and b) It’s probably like a big moment in your life to meet somebody so I would say, just come on up.” -James Woods

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  • “Some people with blogs are never going to get famous, and they’ve been doing it for, like, over a year. I feel bad for them.” -Jessica Cutler

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  • “I’ve always been successful. Now I’m famous and successful.” -Chazz Palminteri

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  • “Being very famous is not the fun it sounds. It merely means you’re being chased by a lot of people and you lose your privacy.” -Colin Wilson

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  • “I’m famous by default. I came out of the womb, and people wanted to know who I was because of my parents.” -Frances Bean Cobain

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  • “All I say is that I don’t go out with famous men.” -Samantha Mumba

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  • “I didn’t set out to be famous if I’d wanted that, I would have gone on ‘Big Brother.’” -Sam Worthington

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  • “I’ve never been more famous than I was, suddenly, in 1986.” -Wendy Cope

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  • “I don’t want to be famous per se, but I want to write books for as long as I can. And I plan on writing a lot.” -Amanda Hocking

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  • “It’s not that I don’t want to become famous or that I’m obsessed by my work as an actress, but it’s all about not limiting myself, such as putting myself in a little jail that I can escape from.” -Sarah Polley

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  • “I heard so many stories from Gaomi’s peasants that I had an irrepressible urge to write them down. Today, Gaomi’s peasants know that they have become famous around the world through my writings, but I think they are a little puzzled by this.” -Mo Yan

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  • “I don’t care how famous a guitarist is, he ain’t learned everything. There’s always somewhere to go, something to mash up, but he ain’t found it yet. You never learn everything on that guitar neck.” -David Edwards

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  • “Normally, I name my characters after famous comedians.” -Paula Danziger

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  • “I don’t want to be famous as a movie star and have the whole world love me, I want to be a creative actress.” -Juliette Lewis

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  • “I’m really not for famous people who design a line for a company, when you know it’s not really them creating it but a team of designers, especially when there are so many talented people who’ve taken the time to go and study fashion.” -Bonnie Wright

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  • “Those who have known the famous are publicly debriefed of their memories, knowing as their own dusk falls that they will only be remembered for remembering someone else.” -Alan Bennett

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  • “I always thought it was strange when these artists like Kurt Cobain or whoever would get really famous and say, ‘I don’t understand why this is happening to me.’ There is a mathematical formula to why you got famous. It isn’t some magical thing that just started happening.” -Chad Kroeger

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  • “I think actors are divided into two groups: one that wants to be an actor to become famous and rich, and the other that wants to be an actor because they have to be. I’m more in the second group.” -Franka Potente

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  • “I think there are a lot more writers who are actors than you know they just don’t have roles on famous TV shows that you recognize.” -Danny Strong

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  • “I have also just finished three weeks on a soap opera in England. The soap opera is a rather famous one called Crossroads. It was first on television 25 years ago, and it has recently been brought back. I play the part of a businessman called David Wheeler.” -Jeremy Bulloch

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  • “I can deal with it now, but 13 is a tough age to be recognized and famous. It’s a tough age, period.” -Bill Skarsgard

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  • “These days there are a lot of people who just want to be famous. I think that comes from a naive place, because those people generally don’t know what it’s like.” -Catherine Keener

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  • “I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable with the idea of being famous.” -Alison Lohman

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  • “Having bodyguards is just part of being famous, I think.” -Dolph Lundgren

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  • “By virtue of some of the ways the game is played, in terms of message discipline, in terms of access for reporters, and especially in the way that sources and subjects, especially famous subjects, treat the media, almost by default there’s more news that’s falling into books.” -Ron Suskind

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  • “I got out of autobiography because my story is, I was famous, it was hard for me, I got into therapy. I had trouble with food, I got a nutritionist. There’s no story there.” -Courtney Thorne Smith

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  • “‘Howard the Duck!’ That’s a really interesting movie. I appreciate my career, because I’ve had a lot of very interesting ups and downs, and most people… That movie is such a famous flop. In a land of a lot of flops, it’s kind of awesome to be in a really famous flop. I mean, it’s…

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  • “Going to New York to do whatever – show business – it just seemed fun. It seemed fun to go to the big city and meet all kinds of different people and maybe be famous. It was just exciting. So I wasn’t scared.” -January Jones

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  • “In Germany I am not so famous.” -Hans Berger

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  • “Thank God I arrived the day before yesterday, the first of the month, at this port of San Diego, truly a fine one, and not without reason called famous.” -Junipero Serra

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  • “I’ve wanted to perform my entire life. I found a paper I wrote in kindergarten class about what I wanted to be when I grew up – and I wrote ‘a famous singer!’” -Heather Morris

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  • “I’m just not a private person. It’s not like I do things because I want things to be public it’s just that’s my way of expressing myself, and I happen to be very famous.” -Lily Allen

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  • “My goal was not to be famous or rich but to be good at what I did. And that required going to New York and studying and working in the theater.” -Shirley Knight

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  • “I used to think no one should go into show biz, but now I feel differently. I now feel like it’s a great career. If you can do it and make money at it and still not be so famous that you can have a normal life – then I think it’s a great career.”…

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  • “I’m hardly famous. I wouldn’t want to trade places with anyone else.” -Nikki Cox

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  • “Why does anybody want to be famous? You know what’s important to me? Having lunch! Pasta! Seeing my friends! Is that so crazy?” -Sherry Stringfield

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  • “Sonny and another Hells Angel who was at the meeting thought they were beyond a little patch so they headed down to a local tattoo shop in Oakland and were the first to get the famous One Percent tattoos.” -Chuck Zito

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  • “When someone becomes successful or rich and famous, people perceive that person as being different. But I’m the same guy I’ve always been.” -Barry Zito

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  • “I did grow up next door to Steve McQueen, who was a very famous movie star at the time, but as a kid it didn’t impress me. We always had great fun with him. He would take us out on Sundays on his motorcycles, riding around in the desert he was like a second father.”…

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  • “It’s hard to have a bad hair day when you’re famous.” -Marion Jones

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  • “I’m not unknown, yet I’m not super famous where I can’t go anywhere.” -Justin Guarini

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  • “I like photographing the people I love, the people I admire, the famous, and especially the infamous. My last infamous subject was the extreme right wing French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen.” -Helmut Newton

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  • “I don’t have any expectations as an actor and being rich and famous is not my driving force.” -James D’arcy

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  • “The seven wise men of Greece, so famous for their wisdom all the world over, acquired all that fame, each of them, by a single sentence consisting of two or three words.” -Robert South

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  • “I totally related to Cole Porter’s magnetic pull to any piano that was in the room, which he was famous for doing, as was Gershwin. You couldn’t drag them away from a piano.” -Kevin Kline

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  • “Celebrity culture, it’s everywhere, isn’t it? It’s reality TV, Big Brother. I didn’t become a footballer to be famous, I became a footballer to be successful. I didn’t want to be famous. Now people want to be famous. Why? Why would you want people following you about all day?” -Ryan Giggs

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  • “Being famous as a writer is like being famous in a village. It’s not really any very heady fame.” -Peter Carey

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  • “The world’s most famous and popular language is music.” -PSY

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  • “All my life, it’s been the same with men. Being a woman who is famous and adored by men is very hard for any boyfriend to handle. All my boyfriends end up insecure.” -Samantha Fox

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  • “I guess we decided to make a new record 3 years ago when Nancy was done scoring for Almost Famous.” -Ann Wilson

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  • “Well, yeah. At a certain point, you’ve got to be really honest with yourself. Like, ‘Why am I doing this? What are my motivations?’ Like, if you get into it because you want to be famous? Then you’ve got a long row to hoe. But if you really feel like it’s a labour of love…

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  • “Being rich and famous isn’t all happiness and at times the pressures have got to me.” -Annni-Frid Lyngstad

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  • “I’ve learned to stay away from publicity addicts, people who want to be famous for no reason.” -Paz de la Huerta

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  • “I believe some people in this business suffer from fame because they behave in a famous fashion.” -Stephen Rea

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  • “You’ll know if you’re a famous composer if 20 years from now your name appears on a pull-down menu in Band in a Box, alongside Hans Zimmer.” -Cliff Martinez

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  • “I think it’s real easy to be famous these days it’s not real easy to sustain success.” -Jerry Jeff Walker

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  • “I’m learning as I go. I don’t know everything. I never had anybody to look at, nobody ever taught me, and where I’m from I didn’t have any famous role models.” -Wale

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  • “I’m famous for being nicer to my fans than anyone on the face of the earth because I figure, a) They pay my salary, and b) It’s probably like a big moment in your life to meet somebody so I would say, ‘Just come on up.’” -James Wood

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  • “It struck me that working digitally with a small crew, I could lay out a general plan for Famous and hope for mistakes which would create something more than satire and something less than truthful reality.” -Griffin Dunne

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  • “The excitement for me lies not so much in interviewing the hard-to-get famous person, but the person whom you are about to discover. You know, like maybe the character actors who are just coming into their own and you’re realizing how great they are.” -Terry Gross

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  • “There’s so many things I want to do. I want to work with great filmmakers, great actors, great scripts. And there’s no reason for me to do anything short of that, because I’m 24, I don’t have a family, I don’t need to make tons of money, and I’m not dying to get famous.” -Tobey…

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  • “One of the hardest things for me, now that I’m famous, is finding people who can read my stuff and give me an honest critique.” -Ken Follet

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  • “One thing I think celebrities shy away from is exposing the reality that we’re all the same. Somebody’s not more important because they have a Bentley or a big house or a famous boyfriend or plastic surgery – we’re all the same.” -Aubrey O’Day

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  • “There’s such big pressure on people who are incredibly famous, on those who have people sitting outside their front door and taking photos every time they move.” -Miranda Otto

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  • “I never set out to be rich and famous. I wanted to follow my own path.” -Matthew Modine

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  • “In approaching our subject it will be best, without attempting to shorten the path by referring to famous theories of the drama, to start directly from the facts, and to collect from them gradually an idea of Shakespearean Tragedy.” -Andrew Coyle Bradley

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  • “My philosophy was, if I just do good work, someone will like it enough to employ me. It never made me famous. And I’m way, way too old now, mate. That boat’s sailed.” -Ian Hart

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  • “We were delighted to have Nigel as a producer. The only problem is that Nigel is so famous that he seems to dominate most interviews without being there.” -Stephen Malkmus

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  • “George Harrison was also a pleasure to work with. He was one of the most famous people I’ve ever known, but in spite of that fame, he was such a nice and friendly guy.” -Alvin Lee

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  • “I think I’ll always be famous. I just hope I don’t become infamous.” -Cee Lo Green

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  • “I never set out to become ‘famous.’ I mean, when you’re 14 you think ‘I’m gonna become a writer and people will want my autograph and that’ll be cool,’ but you grow up and you learn that’s just not how the world works. I resigned myself to the fact that I would probably never be…

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  • “On the other hand, when I give it closer thought, I realize I’m not enough of a dictator to conduct an orchestra because it requires a pretty awful person. When you read these biographies of famous conductors, they are all awful people who fail in their private relationships.” -Eberhard Weber

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  • “There are a lot of famous comedians from Liverpool, then obviously the Beatles, and the football club. That’s what people in Liverpool are passionate about.” -Ian Rush

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  • “I just don’t feel much interested in the lifestyles of the rich and famous.” -Michael Cunningham

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  • “Of course there have been times I regretted being the kid in ‘E.T.’ My world went completely crazy. I was that stupid kind of famous, where you can’t go anywhere.” -Henry Thomas

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  • “Hollywood people want to build you up and make you famous only to knock you off you’re the pedestal they built for you.” -Morgan Brittany

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  • “I was with a famous comedian when a young fan walked up and asked for an autograph. The comedian blew him off. I’ll never forget the look on the young boy’s face. He was devastated.” -Louie Anderson

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  • “I really had little interest in becoming famous. When I write my book, it will be my guide to avoid becoming a rock star.” -Edgar Winter

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  • “I love singing – singing is what I’m famous for doing. Now it’s turned into things I am famous for doing – like having rows with my mum or about my boyfriend, so it does get irritating.” -Charlotte Church

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  • “To put it simply – you know, a lot of people believe that the benefit of this job is fame and fortune. I believe that you pay for the fortune through the fame. I don’t buy into the notion that being famous is somehow a good thing, or an exciting thing, or a wonderful thing.”…

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  • “It’s not a sport you get famous at. If I wanted to be famous, I would have stuck with hockey.” -Eric Heiden

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  • “When I started on MySpace, people wanted to support me, but once I rose to fame with the MTV show, they felt like I had abandoned them for some reason, that I was too famous to talk to them anymore.” -Tila Tequila

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  • “Thus, after finishing high school, I started with high expectations and enthusiasm to study chemistry at the famous Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.” -Richard Ernst

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  • “I’m terrified of being too famous. What I’m really afraid of is that the audiences will go into the theater and not be able to forget that it’s me, that fame will stand in the way of my acting. I want to keep being able to change into different shapes and different personalities.” -Noomi Rapace

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  • “When I first became famous, I didn’t know if I could go where I wanted to because I didn’t know how people were going to act. Some folks would scream and holler, and I didn’t know what to do with that.” -Jill Scott

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  • “In a lot of aspects it’s cooler that we don’t have a lot of really overly famous people in the band.” -Neal Schon

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  • “Look at Gleason in The Honeymooners. He was humorous but the way he lived wasn’t really humorous. He was a bus driver. Who wants to be a bus driver? He didn’t have any money and he was not famous. But despite that, the show is humorous.” -George Thorogood

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  • “No matter how famous and established they were or however blessed they were with great songs or long careers, if they lived alone, they lived alone. That’s not the way I wanted to live prior to the tour or after.” -Edie Brickell

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  • “I’ve never had a desire to be famous. Lots of actors are actually extremely shy. I have shy areas.” -Jeremy Northam

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  • “Its only when you are a great actor and are recognised for your good work that you become famous. Unless you are in the news for the wrong reasons!” -Christine Lahti

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  • “I am super-proud to have a sort of famous character in my background that if you’re a certain age, he was probably a part of your youth. I think that’s pretty cool.” -Adam Brody

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