

Quotations on the topic of ‘travel’ from all listed authors (click on the ‘click to view listing’ links to view each quote in full).

  • “Now, therefore, the Directors of the company are hereby ordered to see that precautions are taken to make travel on said railroad perfectly safe by using a screw with at least twenty-four inches diameter.” -Joshua A. Norton

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  • “Sometimes I envy people who can be only half crazy, with one foot in the passion and one foot in the real world. But that’s not me. I dive into the total crazy experience. That’s the only way to travel.” -Kiran Ahluwalia

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  • “Wherever we go, across the Pacific or Atlantic, we meet, not similarity so much as ‘the bizarre’. Things astonish us, when we travel, that surprise nobody else.” -Miriam Beard

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  • “We need affordable space travel to inspire our youth, to let them know that they can experience their dreams, can set significant goals and be in a position to lead all of us to future progress in exploration, discovery and fun. Thanks to the X Prize for the inspiration.” -Burt Rutan

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  • “Actually, I started to become an actress because I met someone who was just a friend and I found his life wonderful, I thought, Oh my god, you can travel, you’re free, you can do what you want, you’re the boss. And then I met an actor and I was in love with him.” -Lea…

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  • “I sometimes think that Thomas Cook should be numbered among the secular saints. He took travel from the privileged and gave it to the people.” -Robert Runcie

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  • “Too often travel, instead of broadening the mind, merely lengthens the conversation.” -Elizabeth Drew

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  • “The biggest kick I get is to communicate with those who are exiled from the game – in hospitals, homes, prisons – those who have seldom seen a game, who can’t travel to a game, those who are blind.” -Jack Buck

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  • “Having my first number one single and being able to travel to places I’ve never been before has been amazing. The tour was also fantastic. There are so many things which I’ve experienced this year which I never even dreamed of.” -Gareth Gates

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  • “We must go beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey.” -John Hope Franklin

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  • “I hated the idea of a high school sweetheart. Growing up, oh my God, it just made me sick. I wanted to have a range of cool boyfriends. I wanted to travel around and date these interesting men. Then it just happened. You fall in love.” -Charlotte Arnold

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  • “A lot of people say that comedy doesn’t travel well. I found it very accessible.” -Mark Addy

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  • “Traveling is my form of self-education. Every stream I fish now is not as good as it used to be. Traveling is my form of self-education. Every stream I fish now is not as good as it used to be. If you keep your eyes open as you travel around, you realize we are destroying…

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  • “I think space will be conquered through the mind rather than the clumsy medium of space travel.” -Patrick Troughton

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  • “I travel the world, and I’m happy to say that America is still the great melting pot – maybe a chunky stew rather than a melting pot at this point, but you know what I mean.” -Philip Glass

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  • “Soul travel can be a general expansion of awareness and knowingness or conscious experience of the heavenly worlds.” -Bob Hayes

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  • “Everything has been homogenized. Over time, with television and jet travel, everybody has blended together. Some of our wonderful charm has been lost.” -Bruce Paltrow

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  • “There’s no need to travel further. The Los Angeles area is big enough for us.” -Marvin Davis

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  • “I travel a lot I hate having my life disrupted by routine.” -Caskie Stinnett

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  • “We have had a chance to travel to all 56 counties in this state, and I have had the chance to sit around with cups of coffee and having conversations about what matters to Montanans.” -Steve Daines

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  • “I usually travel with a lot of people, like my dad, mom and sisters.” -Booboo Stewart

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  • “Absolutely the worst thing about this job is the travel and being away from family. I have a wife and three wonderful children, the kids are all active in sports and it’s very difficult to up and leave and miss them growing up.” -Roy Clark

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  • “The thing I love about being an actor is the ability to travel and experience new cultures.” -Paul Wesley

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  • “I’m crazy about my father, he’s an amazing man, a real adventurer. He took us with him to travel all over the world. We were in places that were so remote, that white people hardly ever reach them.” -Peta Wilson

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  • “It’s hard now to imagine that kind of travel and the daily tasks they simply took for granted. If a wagon axle broke, you had to stop and carve a new one. To cross a river, you sometimes had to build a raft.” -James Houston

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  • “To enjoy enduring success we should travel a little in advance of the world.” -John McDonald

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  • “The travel writer seeks the world we have lost – the lost valleys of the imagination.” -Alexander Cockburn

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  • “I really enjoy travel, I enjoy the U.K., I enjoy Scotland, Glasgow.” -George Wendt

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  • “Travel is impossible, but daydreaming about travel is easy.” -B. J. Novak

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  • “My first ever job after college was as a flight attendant. I wanted to travel and could not afford it, so I decided to get myself a job where I could travel. I did it for two years and had great fun.” -Jacqueline Winspear

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  • “Whenever I travel anywhere, I’m constantly asked if I’m Swedish. It’s the burden of most Norwegians. The Swedes have just got a better publicity agent, I think.” -Christopher Heyerdahl

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  • “I have no plans to have any other home than Moscow. However, I love to travel, and I’m very comfortable in New York. In many ways, it reminds me of Moscow in its energy and drive.” -Mikhail Prokhorov

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  • “I always travel with my bike and it has become a little more difficult to do it nowadays, but I stick it in 3,5 by 6-foot case and wheel that thing in.” -Donny Robinson

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  • “I always enjoyed politics. I worked at the White House recently, primarily for the First Lady. Because of my experience running my travel agency, I was in charge of the files she kept on the Travel Office.” -Joseph Force Crater

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  • “You travel across the country, you visit departments, you give talks, you talk about the work at your laboratory – what’s going on, what the opportunities are there – you talk about your own research.” -Frank Press

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  • “As the President has indicated, my life has been a life of travel – for 60 years constantly moving over the wide world on journeys which first and last have taken me to 83 countries, and, what is more significant, to most of them again and again.” -John Raleigh Mott

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  • “To travel hopefully is better than to arrive.” -James Jeans

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  • “Travel is very subjective. What one person loves, another loathes. I would say a private paradise in the Caribbean. If you want culture and class, I would say Tuscany. If you want exotic, I would say Bangkok, Thailand.” -Robin Leach

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  • “Modeling has given me the opportunity to travel outside of Brazil and see the world. I have been meeting many interesting and talented people along the way.” -Izabel Goulart

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  • “I want to do more documentaries and travel to places I haven’t been. That is where I think I can be fulfilled.” -Tatjana Patitz

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  • “I grew up skateboarding it was fun. I didn’t think about money, I didn’t know how much professional skateboarders made. I just knew that if I became a professional skateboarder, I would achieve a lot and get to travel and do these great things.” -Jason Lee

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  • “You have to first be a writer and somebody who loves to write. If I couldn’t travel, I would still write.” -Tim Cahill

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  • “Restless, and in desperate need of adventure, I quit my job at an insurance company to travel west with a couple of guys I smoked pot with, scandalizing my family.” -Mink Stole

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  • “It would be a pity if, frustrated by the price of travel, we elected to become a society that never made contact, that never gave SETI a fair chance.” -Barney Oliver

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  • “Our covering ministry is Challenge for Christ ministries, and Travel the Road was solely our mission arm, designed to expose people to what missions are, then connect them with agencies that send people out.” -Michael Scott

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  • “I think it’s important to travel around in order to get a notion of what’s going on, to find out what people are think about. I enjoy talking on campuses most because people are more informed and discussion is generally livelier.” -Harrison Salisbury

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  • “My Christmas present to myself each year is to see how much air travel can open up the world and take me to places as far from sheltered California and Japan as possible.” -Pico Iyer

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  • “I intend to travel to Okinawa and to visit with Okinawa officials and the citizens of Okinawa at an early date. I will send my best analysis of that situation, including the local attitudes, back to Washington, to the government there.” -Howard Baker

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  • “Since traveling is such a big part of my life when I am working, I like to vacation relatively close to home. Florida is a great place for me to go and relax. It’s so close, which is perfect because it’s the minimal travel time.” -Hilary Rhoda

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  • “For me, Dracula has always been associated with travel and beautiful historical places.” -Elizabeth Kostova

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  • “Our government shouldn’t tell us where to travel and where not to travel.” -Jeff Flake

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  • “Foreign policy is about trying to deliver for them the best possible economic benefits, the chance to travel, to study, to work, the opportunity through trade to be able to sell their goods and services and as much peace and security so they can live and bring their kids up so they don’t have to…

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  • “I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I’ve been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I’ve done a tremendous amount of travel.” -Phil Keoghan

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  • “I might have been born in a hovel but I am determined to travel with the wind and the stars.” -Jacqueline Cochran

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  • “I was home-schooled. But going to high school, I never would’ve been able to travel the U.S. or been able to do acting.” -Ethan Embry

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  • “For people to understand me when I travel, I speak with my hands.” -Marcel Carne

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  • “Travel is the most private of pleasures. There is no greater bore than the travel bore. We do not in the least want to hear what he has seen in Hong Kong.” -Vita Sackville-West

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  • “I can tell you that when I travel the state, when I talk to people, they are really struggling, in a very real way. They’re losing their jobs, they’re losing their homes, they’re dealing with financial challenges.” -Alexi Giannoulias

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  • “I’m vegan on home base, but when I travel to other countries, I throw it all into the garbage.” -Lake Bell

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  • “I used to travel in tennis shoes I am just not allowed to anymore. I’m an old hippie from San Francisco.” -Amy Irving

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  • “I’d like to be able to travel anywhere in an instant.” -Jason Behr

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  • “I travel 330 days a year and eat every two and a half hours – I’m a big guy. I always carry a fork, little bottles of spices, and Sriracha. I eat what I feel like eating.” -Robert Irvine

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  • “When I began writing that I was able and did travel and met some fascinating people and also uncovered some history, which has not been discovered before.” -Arthur Hailey

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  • “I was afterwards sorry for this, though, if I ever travel again, I shall trust to none but natives, as the climate of Africa is too trying to foreigners.” -John H. Speke

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  • “But he knew people and he was head writer for Have Gun Will Travel, and if you took those early Star Treks that we did and put us in a western wardrobe and put us on wagon train going west, we can say the same lines.” -Majel Barrett

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  • “When I think of myself at 15, even 17, I could simply not have done this work on an international level and travel all the time, take care of myself and not feel lost. I feel very happy that this is happening now, and not 10 years ago, as I feel stronger as a person.”…

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  • “Spirit of place! It is for this we travel, to surprise its subtlety and where it is a strong and dominant angel, that place, seen once, abides entire in the memory with all its own accidents, its habits, its breath, its name.” -Alice Meynell

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  • “I don’t like to travel as much as I have in the past, but it’s good for my soul to get to pick, especially with these good musicians and these guys that play so well.” -Earl Scruggs

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  • “All I wanted was to be big, to be in show business and to travel… and that’s what I’ve been doing all my life.” -Count Basie

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  • “When the plane is delayed, it’s not the fault of the girl at the desk. I’m resigned to the fact that everything is out of my control and that air travel nowadays is barbaric.” -Tom Conti

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  • “I travel abroad constantly on book promotion and research, and the Internet is invaluable to me for accessing U.K. news in places such as America, which most of the time hasn’t heard of England.” -Peter James

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  • “My dad is a pilot so I think I was born with the travel bug.” -Isabel Lucas

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  • “It was a secular cathedral, dedicated to the rites of travel.” -Robert Hughes

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  • “I think I usually have quite ordinary dreams. Sometimes my dreams take me to other dimensions. I can travel in my mind especially when I’m dreaming I focus my mind on what I want to dream. If I want to fly, I focus on flying.” -Uri Geller

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  • “I travel like a gypsy, and I didn’t know how I could perform and be a mother.” -Natalia Makarova

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  • “I can travel anywhere in the world and I can pretty much fit in.” -Kristin Kreuk

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  • “I don’t travel anywhere without the PS3 and XBox. There’s nothing better to do on long bus trips while on tour.” -Soulja Boy

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  • “I would like to host a show, something like travel or cooking or something like that, something I’m really interested in, and so I’m pitching a couple television shows.” -Trishelle Cannatella

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  • “It definitely gets challenging at times. I travel a lot more now, and its never easy having to leave the kids, even if its for a few days.” -Peter Facinelli

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  • “You know, the interesting thing about having traveled around the country as much as I have, and I think it’s sort of inadvertently what made me come out or at least begin doing things within the community and thinking more about that, was that I get to travel quite a bit.” -Lesley Gore

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  • “It’s like this – because I travel so much, I crave certain foods or certain things, like from certain places that I’ve been.” -Alex Meraz

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  • “I have been able to travel all over the country and see many places that I probably never would have visited. I have also participated in many charity events for worthy causes.” -Rob Mariano

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  • “A world with a sudden limit on air travel would be tremendously different from the one we live in now.” -Charles C. Mann

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  • “I don’t write under the ghost of Faulkner. I live in the same town and find his life and work inspiring, but that’s it. I have a motorcycle and tool along the country lanes. I travel at my own speed.” -Barry Hannah

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  • “I’m extremely blessed because I travel extensively for my work, but I always try to incorporate a bit of leisure with business.” -Linda Gray

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  • “As far as my favorite sites, I do a lot of mundane stuff on line because I travel so much.” -Bruce Campbell

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  • “I just don’t see myself as a travel writer. I can’t. I don’t.” -Robyn Davidson

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  • “I don’t have any superstitions, but what I always travel with is my pillow and my coffee.” -Natalie Coughlin

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  • “While the spoken word can travel faster, you can’t take it home in your hand. Only the written word can be absorbed wholly at the convenience of the reader.” -Kingman Brewster, Jr.

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  • “If I had children, I would be very selfish. I wouldn’t be out doing things. But by not having kids, it makes me freer to travel the world and talk about things I feel are important.” -Linda Blair

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  • “At each of these northern posts there were interesting experiences in store for me, as one who had read all the books of northern travel and dreamed for half a lifetime of the north and that was – almost daily meeting with famous men.” -Ernest Thompson Seton

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  • “I have to travel a lot, but relaxation to me is when I am at home.” -Mikhail Khodorkovsky

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  • “Time travel may be achieved one day, or it may not. But if it is, it should not require any fundamental change in world-view, at least for those who broadly share the world view I am presenting in this book.” -David Deutsch

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  • “For young girls, whom I meet a lot when I travel around the country, it will be a big thing. It will really show them that there’s no post in Denmark that a girl can’t aspire to.” -Helle Thorning-Schmidt

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  • “I was always just into my music and maybe into trying to save the world a little bit. I never really thought I’d have a hit record or anything like that. I was prepared to travel around all over the country, kind of like a Johnny Appleseed, and sing.” -Don McLean

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  • “People think I’m crazy because I travel too much, but I haven’t been doing any of that lately because I got a little sick this year and I’ve tried to take care of it.” -Lee Hazlewood

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  • “I was in the studio so much, it was about the search for air in a metaphoric sense, and the breathing has more to do with travel for me, about the search musically for open air.” -Keren Ann

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  • “All of my friends are animal people. To me, cats are people, too. Animals are people, too. I travel a lot and when I go overseas, it’s really hard on me because the animals are treated much differently, especially in developing countries.” -AnnaLynne McCord

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  • “Ridiculous stuff happens when I travel.” -Rebecca Lobo

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  • “The travel and tourism industry, it’s just a huge part of our economy.” -Karen Hughes

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  • “The more you travel, the more well-off you’ll be, I think.” -RJ Mitte

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  • “Every job has its downside. For example, being in a band the travel part of it – getting picked up from your house in a car, going to the airport, getting on a plane, going from the airplane to a van, then going from the van to a hotel.” -Dave Lombardo

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  • “We need to be aware of all aspects: To check how they travel, how they eat, the competition conditions.” -Alberto Juantorena

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  • “Prison service vans that travel 90 miles to take a prisoner 90 yards paedophiles free to leer at children in the very parks where they have committed horrific crimes.” -Trevor Phillips

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  • “Travel is the frivolous part of serious lives, and the serious part of frivolous ones.” -Sophie Swetchine

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  • “I get to travel, see the world, meet people and be independent. I feel blessed.” -Bar Refaeli

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  • “I really have to dance more often, and so I travel around. If I don’t, I will crumble.” -Rudolf Nureyev

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  • “When you’re a kid, I think you want to be a film star. And I’m not as enamoured with that any more. The reality of that life is a lot of travel, and a lot of being away, which is impractical because I have four children, so I don’t want to be away that much,…

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  • “But when I really look back on my life, being really honest about it and now that I’ve got the chance to travel the world, seeing how a lot of little kids grow up – my life wasn’t so bad.” -Coolio

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  • “Rocket scientists agree that we have about reached the limit of our ability to travel in space using chemical rockets. To achieve anything near the speed of light we will need a new energy source and a new propellant. Nuclear fission is not an option.” -Wilson Greatbatch

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  • “I like the opportunity to travel the world and work in close company with other people.” -Marc Garneau

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  • “I never travel without my sketch book.” -Ian Wright

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  • “Modeling, for me, was not fulfilling. I didn’t see the point – although I was able to travel a great deal. I lived in Italy, Germany, and Spain, but I wasn’t devoted to it.” -Tom Welling

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  • “Every hotel room, every apartment we rent, I am sage-ing. And I have crystals that I travel with. It just makes me feel better.” -Jenna Dewan

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  • “I’m happy because I won’t have to train again, or travel or sit in team hotels.” -Romario

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  • “I lived at home and I cycled every morning to the railway station to travel by train to Johannesburg followed by a walk to the University, carrying sandwiches for my lunch and returning in the evening the same way.” -Sydney Brenner

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  • “Air travel survived decades of terrorism, including attacks which resulted in the deaths of everyone on the plane. It survived 9/11. It’ll survive the next successful attack. The only real worry is that we’ll scare ourselves into making air travel so onerous that we won’t fly anymore.” -Bruce Schneier

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  • “It’s a unique situation as well because England is a small country, so it makes it easy for the fans to travel. If we play down in London, they get buses and we’ll get three or four thousand fans come down. They’ll all sit in the same area and show their support for the team.”…

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  • “I like to think that if it hadn’t gone as well as it has, if I wasn’t able to make a living off of playing music, I would still be playing the music. But, of course, I wouldn’t likely have had the opportunity to travel, and a lot of the places have inspired songs.” -Bruce…

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  • “Strange, is it not? That of the myriads who Before us pass’d the door of Darkness through, Not one returns to tell us of the Road Which to discover we must travel too.” -Edward Fitzgerald

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  • “When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” -Clifton Paul Fadiman

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  • “I actually bought a travel guitar, and that guitar is really cool. You can actually fold the guitar, and you can plug headphones into it, but it’s acoustic, or semi-acoustic.” -Daniel Ek

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  • “Singing is my passion and I always wanted to travel the country.” -Thia Megia

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  • “The most useful form of time travel would be to go back a year or two and rectify the mistakes we made.” -Matt Lucas

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  • “Well, I took a sabbatical. I walked away from shooting movies because I couldn’t handle the travel. I’m a single parent. I had young kids, and I found that keeping in touch with them from hotel rooms and airports wasn’t working for me. So I stopped.” -Rick Moranis

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  • “Travel definitely affects me as a writer.” -Anthony Doerr

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  • “I enjoyed working as a model a lot as it let me travel and I got to do some really interesting projects.” -Patricia Velasquez

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  • “I loved the travel but I didn’t love the work. I mean, come on, modelling is only so stimulating!” -Brooklyn Decker

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  • “I only travel to good material, a good director and a good company. I won’t work in another country for a year any longer, because I have a lovely wife and I adore her and I can’t bear to be away from her.” -Jim Dale

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  • “It was good to travel to the other side of the world.” -Andre Braugher

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  • “The roughest part of that lifestyle is the travel and early mornings.” -Josie Maran

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  • “I’m having a great time. I get to travel and see the world. And yeah, I’ll have a family, because I don’t want to miss out on that amazing experience, but it’s not defining who I am.” -Krysten Ritter

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  • “I can’t wait to start something up myself that is actually about giving unsigned bands the exposure they deserve, especially when they travel so far to play the smallest gig they’ve ever played in their lives.” -Dan Hawkins

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  • “Travel provided many interesting experiences, but perhaps the most useful lesson I learned was that I really had no proficiency for learning the thousands of characters of the written Chinese language.” -Eric Allin Cornell

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  • “If you travel around America you see different sections of highways donated by this or that person, and that’s a slow beginning of what may end up being a situation common in the Third World: some sections of highways in wealthy areas are beautifully maintained and other parts are just dirt-strewn potholes.” -Robert D. Kaplan

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  • “Along with that ongoing process Sinn Fein took a decision to establish a peace commission which had the responsibility to travel around the country to receive submissions from the general public, also our opponents.” -Martin McGuinness

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  • “I travel in so many different ways I travel high, I rough it… it all depends on who I travel with.” -Diane von Furstenberg

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  • “Yes, I travel in unusual circles. George Osborne and his wife Frances are my cousins.” -Daryl Hall

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  • “I made 22 million in 14 years… with taxes, and travel and everything else, it gets blown out the window… which is why I still need to work.” -Boomer Esiason

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  • “But as far as being an American and loving this country and getting a chance to travel across it every day and meeting people on the road and folks in the military, I love this country on so many different levels.” -Dierks Bentley

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  • “As a general rule, I don’t plan to travel with my Oscars, but we may have to make an exception.” -Paul Haggis

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  • “I based in Brazil, Sao Paulo, but I come very often to the states, and I travel all over the world.” -Emerson Fittipaldi

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  • “I like to be at home because I just travel so much. I have four dogs, golden retrievers.” -Denise Richards

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  • “I don’t mind where I work, it’s really nice to be able to travel around and taste the flavours of different countries.” -Toni Collette

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  • “I aimlessly travel, meaning I have no agenda other than to get small in the world, be quiet and observe people.” -Walton Goggins

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  • “I don’t like to leave anything unfinished on my desk before I travel.” -Vijay Mallya

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  • “Within 10 years it will be impossible to travel to the North Pole by dog team. There will be too much open water.” -Will Steger

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  • “I wanted to travel from the beginning. As a kid, I used to dream about airplanes, before I ever flew in one.” -Mary Ellen Mark

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  • “I read everything: fiction, history, science, mathematics, biography, travel.” -Martin Lewis Perl

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  • “I travel Europe every couple of weeks. I just came back from London, Holland and Denmark. Every nation on this planet has its issues with race, and I am not sure if everyone has figured out how to deal with it.” -Montel Williams

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  • “We are not coaching on a daily basis because we often travel with our charity and commercial interests.” -Nadia Comaneci

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  • “Young people don’t want to be second to anyone. Everyone wants to be an overnight star. Look how many years I had to wait, how many roads I had to travel, how many songs I had to sing. And now I’m just beginning, never ending.” -Compay Segundo

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  • “As a child I sometimes used to travel to the West Bank to visit my family, so I know what the checkpoints felt like. I knew what it was like to live under occupation.” -Queen Rania of Jordan

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  • “My sisters and I were fortunate to travel through Asia and Europe at very young ages. We confronted extraordinary beauty in Athens and unspeakable poverty in India.” -Mary Chapin Carpenter

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  • “Being in Blur has allowed me to travel and hear the music that’s being made all over the world.” -Damon Albarn

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  • “My favorite travel pastime is writing music, either with my guitar or on my computer.” -Alexander Ludwig

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  • “Domestic travel and tourism-related spending has reached $1 trillion a year.” -Mark Foley

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  • “Until the June 1967 war I was completely caught up in the life of a young professor of English. Beginning in 1968, I started to think, write, and travel as someone who felt himself to be directly involved in the renaissance of Palestinian life and politics.” -Edward Said

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  • “There’s only one drummer. We all travel to his beat. Well, I couldn’t sing his song. Because for me, it wasn’t a truthful statement. Well, Linda sang it, and it was a monster for her.” -Barry McGuire

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  • “The world has become more complex as technology and easy travel mixes cultures without homogenizing them.” -Norman Spinrad

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  • “I’m terrified of bugs and I travel with sprays, lotions, potions the lot. I have to check the room before I go to sleep and if I come across a bug and fail to remove it I have to sleep in a separate room as I’m paranoid that I’ll be taken advantage of as I…

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  • “I get to travel around the world and meet all of these amazing people, and they’re singing my songs! And to me, that’s crazy.” -Kina Grannis

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  • “Lovers of air travel find it exhilarating to hang poised between the illusion of immortality and the fact of death.” -Alexander Chase

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  • “At American Airlines, we have built a business around the love of travel that has lasted three quarters of a century. And I’m pretty sure we’re just getting started.” -Gerard Arpey

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  • “All the rappers my age are getting Audemars and Rolexes. I want to find my own thing. That’s why I travel the world – for me, that’s my B-side, why we go places. I have a Hublot on from time to time but I want a home base watch – something that’s elegant but has…

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  • “I love to travel, but hate to arrive.” -Hernando Cortez

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  • “I hope to have more time to think, to look at the sky, dealing with less crisis management, to learn another language, to travel.” -Juliet Stevenson

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  • “Book tours and research provide a lot of travel – too much, I sometimes think, but we do take vacations.” -Bernard Cornwell

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  • “An unexpected benefit of my career in biochemistry has been travel.” -Paul D. Boyer

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  • “Golf is growing, and there are more good young players, but you don’t see them going abroad. It’s so expensive to travel.” -Retief Goosen

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  • “You have all these people in the city and everything has become centralized. If you live outside the city and you need a birth certificate or some official paper from the government, you have to travel to the city.” -Edwidge Danticat

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  • “My goal when I started out was to get to the point where I could tour a lot and make a living, which means getting paid enough to hire my own band, travel and end up with a bit of money, but I’m still nowhere near that point. Because I didn’t have a band and…

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  • “I think travel is probably the downside of playing professional golf, but you’ve got to do it.” -Karrie Webb

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  • “Then, after the war it was impossible to travel, after so many years of Hitler and Stalin.” -Gyorgy Ligeti

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  • “My goal is to ensure the Northern Border is safe, secure and allows for the free flow of travel and commerce.” -Rick Larsen

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  • “I got the travel bug when I was quite young. My parents took me and my sisters out of school and we travelled all over Europe. It was an eye-opening experience and, although I love Norway, I also enjoy visiting new countries. I don’t get homesick.” -Magnus Carlsen

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  • “Writing allows me the time to travel and see the world, which is what I always wanted to do. I’d really like to have been Sir Richard Francis Burton, but it’s the wrong century.” -Alan Dean Foster

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  • “The first trip I remember taking was on the train from Virginia up to New York City, watching the summertime countryside rolling past the window. They used white linen tablecloths in the dining car in those days, and real silver. I love trains to this day. Maybe that was the beginning of my fixation with…

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  • “I love the simplicity, the ingredients, the culture, the history and the seasonality of Italian cuisine. In Italy people do not travel. They cook the way grandma did, using fresh ingredients and what is available in season.” -Anne Burrell

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  • “I wanted to travel with my dad to be close to him again. Having babies and raising my own family took so much of my time, I didn’t have a chance to be with him very often.” -Nancy Sinatra

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