Donny Osmond


  • “If you’re climbing the ladder of life, you go rung by rung, one step at a time. Don’t look too far up, set your goals high but take one step at a time. Sometimes you don’t think you’re progressing until you step back and see how high you’ve really gone.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “With success came an ever-growing burden of responsibility. I lived with a near-constant low-level anxiety that I would make a mistake that would not only threaten my career, but also my brothers’ – not to mention the livelihoods of many people who work with us or for us.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “I never smile unless I mean it.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “I am not going to condemn anybody. That’s where religion gets a bad name, when people get holier than thou. We are all human. If my children make a mistake, I want them to know it is all right and they should try harder next time.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “I believe in the institution of marriage. Of course being a Mormon, we believe in eternity rather than just till death do us part. If you really try hard, if you make it work, it’s blissful. But I also know a marriage that isn’t working can be painful.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “This whole head of the home thing has been blown way out of proportion. Some guys just take it way too far. Some parents take it way too far. Yet children need guidance. They need a parent to help and guide them. They also need a friend. They need a confidant.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “The mindset of chasing that next #1 record doesn’t exist for me anymore. It’s more about being a well-rounded entertainer than being a pop artist. Obviously, it would be wonderful to have a hit record but I don’t base my happiness on that anymore. It’s about the accomplishment of a project that satisfies me. I…

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  • “Thank goodness I had a great family growing up, a great foundation. But I will say my faith, my parents, my family, all that stuff is very, very important. And I’ll say that until the day I die.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “‘Donny and Marie’ was a great experience. I tried so hard to be a great talk show host but it’s all about relaxing and enjoying it. Marie and I finally figured that out. I would have liked it to continue but I’m kind of glad it’s over because of the phenomenal workload.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “I believe in the institution of marriage. Of course being a Mormon, we believe in eternity rather than just till death do us part. If you really try hard, if you make it work, it’s blissful. But I also know a marriage that isn’t working can be painful.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “Maybe I am a little bit guilty of trying to convince myself that I am cool to this point – even today. But I am so much more healthy than I used to be in my twenties, because I was not accepted at all.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “Of course this is Vegas and it is the melting pot for all over the world, but people from all over the world know Donny and Marie. It is amazing. I have been in the business a long time to realize careers can be fleeting. Five years is a long career nowadays for some people,…

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  • “My father instilled in me the attitude of prevailing. If there’s a challenge, go for it. If there’s a wall to break down, break it down.” -Donny Osmond

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  • “Of course this is Vegas and it is the melting pot for all over the world, but people from all over the world know Donny and Marie. It is amazing. I have been in the business a long time to realize careers can be fleeting. Five years is a long career nowadays for some people,…

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