

Quotations on the topic of ‘age’ from all listed authors (click on the ‘click to view listing’ links to view each quote in full).

  • “Men of age object too much, consult too long, adventure too little, repent too soon, and seldom drive business home to the full period, but content themselves with a mediocrity of success.” -Dale Carnegie

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  • What though youth gave love and roses, Age still leaves us friends and wine. – Thomas More

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  • If there is anything I would do differently in my life, it is that I would study business more. I’m trying to teach my daughter Chloe at an early age about investing and money so she’s not afraid of it. – Donna Mills

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  • Any young man who is unmarried at the age of twenty one is a menace to the community. – Brigham Young

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  • Time, in general, has always been a central obsession of mine – what it does to people, how it can constitute a plot all on its own. So naturally, I am interested in old age. – Anne Tyler

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  • The first crocodile I ever caught was at nine years of age, and it was a rescue. – Steve Irwin

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  • It’s getting better generally, daily, especially in TV, for women in acting and age and looks count less. As more women come into the business. Change of any sort takes a long time to happen. – Julie Walters

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  • I believed my story would be helpful to young women my daughter’s age, who are still in the process of forming themselves as women, and in need of encouragement to remain true to themselves. – Joyce Maynard

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  • The crucial task of old age is balance: keeping just well enough, just brave enough, just gay and interested and starkly honest enough to remain a sentient human being. – Florida Scott-Maxwell

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  • Men of my age live in a state of continual desperation. – Vita Sackville-West

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  • Starting a new retirement plan for those below a certain age is something tens of millions of Americans have already been through at work. – Mitch Daniels

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  • Well, Jeff Buckley for me is one of the greatest singers I’ve ever heard. And the reason why is he has an amazing range, amazing emotional power in his voice. And the music he put around it also just had this passion and this soul to it and this spirit to it that very few…

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  • I think the most exciting thing is that you expect people our age to know the music, but actually a lot of kids know the music, and if anything is left, we have left really good music, and that’s the important part, not the mop-tops or whatever. – Ringo Starr

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  • In my older age, I’ve learned to take things slower, because I used to be that total-fall-in-love-after-a-day guy. – Lance Bass

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  • Childhood itself is scarcely more lovely than a cheerful, kindly, sunshiny old age. – Lydia M. Child

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  • You watch yourself age and it’s hard to feel like a sex symbol. – Idris Elba

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  • I like to be alone so I can write. But focus can hurt you. I don’t want to be some stress casualty in early middle age. – James Ellroy

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  • I do think I feel it but you don’t think you are cause at a certain time you are no age but you don’t think you are anything. You feel the life you have lived. I feel that. It’s been a long fifty years. – Bob Geldof

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  • My first job was in retail at the age of 14, and I have worked in the industry ever since. – Rachel Roy

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  • Old age and sickness bring out the essential characteristics of a man. – Felix Frankfurter

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  • We hold that the most wonderful and splendid proof of genius is a great poem produced in a civilized age. – Thomas B. Macaulay

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  • The age we live in is a busy age in which knowledge is rapidly advancing towards perfection. – Jeremy Bentham

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  • In a spiritually sensitive culture, then, it might well be that age is something to be admired or envied. – Rowan D. Williams

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  • We live in an age of mediocrity. – Lauren Bacall

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  • Traveling to Russia and Germany and being able to see the world at a young age was really cool for me, and I really liked that. – Mia Wasikowska

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  • The reason can only be this: heroic poetry depends on an heroic age, and an age is heroic because of what it is, not because of what it does. – Lascelles Abercrombie

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  • I was always obsessed with being famous. I had Marilyn Monroe paper dolls as a child, and I was always obsessed with her. I’ve just been really driven in that direction, and none of my friends were. So, I don’t know what put that bug in me at a young age. – Holly Madison

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  • Even in this day and age, if you’re not married, there are people who are like, ‘Awww! Don’t worry, it’ll happen for you someday.’ – Kristen Wiig

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  • For students today, only 10 percent of children from working-class families graduate from college by the age of 24 as compared to 58 percent of upper-middle-class and wealthy families. – Patrick J. Kennedy

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  • I have worked very hard on being aware of my childhood but moving forward and not letting it bring me down emotionally. That is a hard thing – especially when you have children of your own and you remember what happened to you at that age. – Samantha Morton

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  • I vividly remember being 14. That was the age when I started to get happy: I started being a writer and stopped being a loser. – Anthony Horowitz

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  • I also find it interesting that a lot of people in their 30s are not married and don’t have kids. There are a lot of people in this age bracket that are out there dating and trying to find love. And I never thought that at my age I would be. – John Stamos

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  • The 19th century was the age of Individualism the 20th and 21st are the ages of Socialism. – Francis Parker Yockey

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  • I gambled and I lost. I failed in securing my options for this choice for myself, but I succeeded in verifying the Dark Age is still with us. – Jack Kevorkian

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  • When I was at school, I was in choirs more than anything else, from a very young age, about 9 years old. And then I started taking drum lessons. – Ben Barnes

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  • I want to be age appropriate. I don’t want to be that girl you see walking away and she looks 25 and then she turns around and she looks 90. – Stevie Nicks

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  • I never quite toed the line. I was a bit disruptive. All my early school reports from the age of 5 were ‘Daniel must learn not to distract others.’ And now, that’s what I do for a living. – Dan Stevens

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  • I’ve always tried to do my very best, and I want to be the very best age, whatever age I am. – Ann-Margret

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  • One problem with age is that patience begins to ebb. – Carl Hiaasen

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  • A woman my age is not supposed to be attractive or sexually appealing. I just get kinda tired of that. – Kathleen Turner

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  • Listen, in England people are already writing their memoirs at the age of 23. – Rupert Everett

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  • There is no age, height, or weight requirement to skate. It is good exercise no matter what your age is. If you want to be competitive, most start young. But, I practice with many adult competitors. – Nancy Kerrigan

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  • I remember when I was 6 years old and my brother used to go seek out guys that were 13 to come over and play football against me while he was the ‘permanent quarterback.’ I didn’t know exactly what the age difference was, but I was already playing against older guys. – Junior Seau

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  • Well, my son really loves wildlife. And everytime he draws a polar bear I want to tell him there probably won’t any by the time… he’s my age. That’s kinda hard to deal with. – Thom Yorke

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  • To be perfectly honest, I think that as I’m growing older, I’m just growing more impatient. I’ll be very happy if at some point people say, ‘Michael’s grown wiser and softer in his old age.’ But we’ll have to wait and see what my next project is. – Michael Haneke

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  • I was apprehensive. I feared every time I talked about poetry, it would be filtered through the lens of race, sex, and age. – Rita Dove

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  • Everyone takes pause at 40. It’s the age you have to assess everything in your life. It’s the fictitious marker that’s always coming up when you’re young. The world really does look at you to kind of have it together by 40, and be successful by 40. Whatever success means. – Paul Feig

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  • I started out modeling at a young age and surrounded myself with different brilliant minds. I have so many people to get educated from, and I’ve been a sponge. – Kellan Lutz

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  • People say women shouldn’t have long hair over a certain age, but I’ve never done what everyone says. – Jane Seymour

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  • We tend to think of age only in time, but I don’t think it has much to do with time at all there’s a whole load of other things. I’ve met 16-year-olds who are old and 90-year-olds who are young. – Roger Daltrey

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  • It looks good when you see someone kicking at the age of 51 with no double. It’s kinda cool for people to know that past 50 we can keep flexible. – Jean Claude Van Damme

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  • The second album was emotionally exhausting and my life felt like it had become very serious at a very young age. – Delta Goodrem

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  • I never felt totally, 100%, patriotically English… I’d seen a lot of the world by an early age – sort of spent a lot of time traveling around Lebanon and I’d seen Babylon, and Damascus, and all sorts of places in the Middle East by the time I was ten. Then we’d return to Ruslip…

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  • The first feminine feature that goes, with advancing age, is the neck. – Gloria Swanson

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  • You just never know when you’re living in a golden age. – Alexander Payne

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  • We were making the first step out of the age of chemistry and physics, and into the age of biology. – Jeremy Rifkin

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  • I’ve spent as much as 30 grand on a watch but it’s not about flaunting my wealth. I don’t have many extravagances but watches are my biggest one. I must have 30 of them now. I’ve been collecting since the age of nine, when I won a black TAG in a karting event. – Jenson…

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  • My parents were really, really cool about supporting what I wanted to do at a really young age. I think I was about 10 when I caught the bug. They would drive me down to New York if there were auditions. When I was 12, I did this show on Broadway called ‘High Society,’ so…

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  • Middle age is when your broad mind and narrow waist begin to change places. – E. Joseph Cossman

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  • Low levels of vitamin D in the population as a whole suggest that most people need to take a vitamin D supplement. This may be especially true for seniors, as the ability to synthesize vitamin D in the skin declines with age. – Andrew Weil

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  • Women would be disproportionately affected by the privatization of social security. It is one of the most important safety nets for American women in old age, or in times of disability, to insure financial income for their families. – Barbara Mikulski

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  • Part of the reason I sort of shot out like a cannon out of Michigan and left home at such an early age is because I had to feel independent. – Madonna Ciccone

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  • I think that everyone at any age should ask themselves, ‘where do I want to be today, where do I want to be tomorrow, and where do I want to be in a hundred years?’ We all have clear answers to those questions. We only have so much time. It’s a real shame if we…

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  • I was very sexual from a very young age. – Portia de Rossi

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  • It is a sobering thought that when Mozart was my age, he had been dead for two years. – Tom Lehrer

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  • One already feels like an anachronism, writing novels in the age of what-ever-this-is-the-age-of, but touring to promote them feels doubly anachronistic. The marketplace is showing an increasing intolerance for the time-honored practice of printing information on paper and shipping it around the country. – Lev Grossman

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  • I was drafted into the Army when I was 19 and came out at age 22. Most people that I knew didn’t think they’d come home alive. I didn’t think I would either, so I was happy when I did. – Ed Koch

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  • To own the dominant, or only, newspaper in a mid-sized American city was, for many decades, a kind of license to print money. In the Internet age, however, no one has figured out how to rescue the newspaper in the United States or abroad. – Eric Alterman

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  • I grew up loving horses. I was relatively obsessed, starting with my rocking horse at age 2, all the way through my painting and drawing phase. – Diane Lane

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  • I was equally in love with singing and acting from an early age. – Minnie Driver

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  • You can construct the character of a man and his age not only from what he does and says, but from what he fails to say and do. – Norman Douglas

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  • I never played much golf as a kid. I caddied quite a bit but never got serious into golf until about age 15. – Lee Trevino

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  • These days too many of us seem inclined to cover our ears, close our eyes, and blindly follow the most narrow, conservative tenets of religion or else seek comfort in the ancient traditions of New Age ritual. – Joan D. Vinge

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  • I just yesterday returned from a trip where I photographed a woman with two children whom I photographed first when she was the age of the older of the two children. – Jock Sturges

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  • I never wanted to do TV. I just did what I was trained to do through the Special Forces, and I’ve been doing that from a very young age. – Bear Grylls

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  • Here’s a proposal, offered only partly in jest: no resident of the United States, whether born here or abroad, should get to be a citizen until age 18, at which time each such resident has to take a test. – Eric Liu

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  • Second to agriculture, humbug is the biggest industry of our age. – Alfred Nobel

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  • When it comes down to it, it’s about who you know, and who’s a fan. It’s about whether you’re the right age, whether you’re hot or not, whether the studio is into you or not. – Marlee Matlin

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  • Another principle is, the deepest affections of our hearts gather around some human form in which are incarnated the living thoughts and ideas of the passing age. – Matthew Simpson

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  • My acting career began at age three and my parents got me into it. I was in a McDonald’s commercial. – Corey Feldman

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  • I think that age as a number is not nearly as important as health. You can be in poor health and be pretty miserable at 40 or 50. If you’re in good health, you can enjoy things into your 80s. – Bob Barker

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  • You live in a deranged age, more deranged that usual, because in spite of great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing. – Walker Percy

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  • To write a story about New York that only deals with people in your age and socioeconomic bracket, that feels dishonest to me. So much of New York comes from everyone bumping into each other. – Josh Radnor

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  • My mother inspired me to treat others as I would want to be treated regardless of age, race or financial status. – Tommy Hilfiger

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  • In 1981, at age 31, I was voted the best player in basketball, and the most valuable player in the league. – Julius Erving

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  • Almost all of your life is lived by the seat of your pants, one unexpected event crashing into another, with no pattern or reason, and then you finally reach a point, around my age, where you spend more time than ever looking back. Why did this happen? Look where that led? You see the shape…

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  • I’ve always been intrigued by color and by interesting hair. I was one of those weird little girls doing my own hair at the age of 9. I was, like, getting weird gels and new brushes and cornrow holders. I would tweak and perm at the age of 13. – Nicki Minaj

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  • There are no college courses to build up self-esteem or high school or elementary school. If you don’t get those values at a early age, nurtured in your home, you don’t get them. – T. D. Jakes

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  • The freethinking of one age is the common sense of the next. – Matthew Arnold

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  • If children are not introduced to music at an early age, I believe something fundamental is actually being taken from them. – Luciano Pavarotti

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  • It’s a little silly to finally learn how to write at this age. But I long ago realized I was secretly sincere. – Annie Dillard

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  • I did successfully kick tobacco at the age of 34. I smoked for like 20 years, from 14 to 34. – Larry Hagman

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  • For the moment I prefer to be a beautiful woman of my age than try desperately to look 30. – Demi Moore

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  • It’s not always possible to sit down and eat at home in this day and age of fast-paced living, but if you are going to eat out, do so as a family and support all the great local places in your areas. I’ll still eat at the same diner I did as a kid with…

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  • I worked hard in gymnastics since the time I was six years old until I retired at 23 years of age. – Nadia Comaneci

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  • India saw from the beginning, and, even in her ages of reason and her age of increasing ignorance, she never lost hold of the insight, that life cannot be rightly seen in the sole light, cannot be perfectly lived in the sole power of its externalities. – Sri Aurobindo

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  • Back in the 1960s, I saw Peter, Paul and Mary. I was at that age, about 14, and I was mesmerized. – Lucinda Williams

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  • For me from a pretty young age up until about 21 years old hallucinogenics had a huge place in my life. – Jon Fishman

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  • A sense of freedom is something that, happily, comes with age and life experience. – Diane Keaton

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  • Writers obviously have to bear witness to the harsh face of the age. – Alexander McCall Smith

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  • Stop living a day at a time and stop worrying about age. – Helen Reddy

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  • Young women from a very young age are taught that life will be easier if you can just turn on the charming smile and say very little and be complacent and docile and sweet. – Amber Heard

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  • I started writing when I had three kids under the age of 4. I used to write every ten minutes I got to sit in front of a computer. Now, when I have more time, I function the same way: if it’s writing time, I write. – Jodi Picoult

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  • I’m never overawed by a situation and I think that’s because I’ve always looked several years older than I am. So because people were treating me like I was 40 when I was 29, I’ve always felt in control of a situation. People used to say, when you’re 32, you’ll look 32. I’m still waiting…

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  • It was Julie Burchill who decreed that, beyond a certain age, a man should not be seen in a leather jacket. – Arthur Smith

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  • I envy the sensibility in Europe, appreciating beauty in women as they age. I’m going to go that way. I might dye my gray hair for a bit, but beyond that the buck stops. I’m not having any work done. – Rachel Bilson

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  • As a result of the digital age and the decline of first-class mail, there is no question that the Postal Service must change and develop a new business model. – Bernie Sanders

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  • I’ve watched my peers get better with age and hoped that would happen with me. – Bonnie Raitt

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  • My mother was 45 when she had me, so when I was in high school my parents were the same age as my friends’ grandparents. – Jack White

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  • I was well motivated. What I wanted to do was work for myself. I had twenty two jobs before I started my business at the age of twenty three and I didn’t want one more boss telling me what to do. So I was motivated simply because I didn’t want a boss. – Barbara Corcoran

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  • Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me, Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You. – Tom…

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  • An age which is incapable of poetry is incapable of any kind of literature except the cleverness of a decadence. – Raymond Chandler

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  • I’ve always felt that sexuality is a really slippery thing. In this day and age, it tends to get categorized and labeled, and I think labels are for food. Canned food. – Michael Stipe

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  • There must be a law against forcing children to perform at an early age. Children should have a wonderful childhood. They should not be given too much responsibility. – Maria Callas

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  • Each age tries to form its own conception of the past. Each age writes the history of the past anew with reference to the conditions uppermost in its own time. – Frederick Jackson Turner

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  • People quit on jobs. They quit on marriages. They quit on school. There’s an immediacy of this day and age that doesn’t lend itself to being committed to anything. – Emily Blunt

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  • The wonderful thing about age is that your knees don’t work as well, you can’t run down steps quite as easily and obviously you can’t lift heavy weights. But your mind doesn’t feel any different. – Roger Moore

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  • In a secular age, an authentic miracle must purport to be a hoax, in order to gain credit in the world. – Angela Carter

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  • But I think it’s a little different in Europe, because 40 is really the best age for a woman. That’s when we hit our peak and become this ripe fruit. – Juliette Binoche

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  • In the age of television, image becomes more important than substance. – S. I. Hayakawa

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  • Just call me a family man and an actor who digs his whole scene, side interests and all. Just say I feel mighty good at the ripe old age of 27. – Bobby Darin

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  • Maybe back in the day you didn’t need to be the greatest looking to be on TV and you didn’t need to speak the best, but in this day and age, I think you need to be the package. You need to look the part for your sponsors, you need to be able to speak…

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  • The culture of independent film criticism has totally gone down the drain and this seems to come with the territory of the consumer age that we are now living in. – Wim Wenders

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  • There are only three things that can kill a farmer: lightning, rolling over in a tractor, and old age. – Bill Bryson

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  • They say eyes clear with age. – Philip Larkin

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  • Growing up on stage, I was introduced to makeup at a young age and I will never forget the first time I tried on a L’Oreal Paris iconic lipstick – it was instant glamour and I’ve been hooked ever since. – Lea Michele

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  • I don’t mind my age. – Heather Mills

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  • Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative. – Maurice Chevalier

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  • I think it’s hard, the fact that there’s a certain age that we can’t have kids anymore. – Courteney Cox

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  • I’ve been going through photos of my mother, looking back on her life and trying to put it into context. Very few people age gracefully enough to be photographed through their aging. – Jamie Lee Curtis

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  • I am rediscovering the whole sexual dimension of life at the age of 86, really. And that also means discovering the feminine. So the whole of this dimension, which I had been seeking for a very long time, is now sort of opening itself up to me. – Bede Griffiths

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  • In the 1970s and 1980s there was so little decent fiction for young people, but we’re now in a golden age that shows no sign of fading. Philip Pullman, J. K. Rowling, Lemony Snicket are only three of the best known among a good number of equals. – David Mitchell

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  • Some broad themes brought me where I am today. At a very young age, my hobby became thinking and finding connections. – Dean Kamen

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  • I think you have to be a little bit strict. You can’t be friend and their parent in a lot of situations, especially in this day and age where it’s so dangerous for kids. So there’s a bit of sternness, I guess, in the way I raise my kids. – Tim McGraw

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  • I want to sell to people my own age, because that’s the way I write songs. – John Mellencamp

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  • Well, once you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that you are the more mature pop performer and you’re past the age you ever thought you would do it, you might as well do it as long as you can. As long as I can still lift a microphone, then I’ll do it, you know. –…

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  • It’s only at this age that I can say the word ‘art’ without flinching. – Mira Nair

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  • I hope to have one more boxing match at the age of 55. Given that demographic at the age of 55 to 65, you’ve got to make a statement with your life. Otherwise, you are just existing. – George Foreman

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  • While I had often said that I wanted to die in bed, what I really meant was that in my old age I wanted to be stepped on by an elephant while making love. – Roger Zelazny

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  • I basically started playing violin at the age of six. That lasted about three years because my previous teacher died and the second teacher didn’t really know how to successfully get me going. – Miroslav Vitous

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  • Age acquires no value save through thought and discipline. – James Truslow Adams

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  • I’ve had to be a man since I was 12 or 13. I had a job. And I was playing the piano for people twice my age. Handling responsibility is what makes a man a man. – Jamie Foxx

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  • Think back to yourself at age 18. I know I was mighty different than the Patti I am today. As we grow up, we grow out of our haircuts, our apartments and – often times – our romantic decisions. – Patti Stanger

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  • Parenting is an impossible job at any age. – Harrison Ford

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  • About the time I turned 50, I experienced the profound biological change that often accompanies women at that age. Also, I put two kids in college and lost both of my parents, so I’m no longer somebody’s daughter. – Jane Pauley

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  • Being successful at a very young age gave me the confidence and the capability to try out other things. – Joshua Lederberg

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  • I feel more mature than most people my age. – Leighton Meester

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  • Age does not bring you wisdom, age brings you wrinkles. – Estelle Getty

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  • I feel the 21st century is another new age. Not only can we collaborate again with nature, but we have to. It’s an emergency. – Bjork

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  • You can fake your age or mask it, but the passion that moves the characters has to be real. – Victoria Abril

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  • I think that clearly it has an influence, to be coming of age during the punk rock era, to come from a difficult and sporadically violent background, to have been in and out of such chaos, I think it actually helps. But I don’t know for sure. – Craig Ferguson

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  • I’d date someone younger or older age doesn’t matter to me. Or looks, really – it’s all about maturity. – Leona Lewis

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  • Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age. – George Sand

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  • Sally Field looks amazing in general, never mind her age! She’s a phenomenally talented actress and has had a career spanning so many decades. – Alison Sweeney

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  • IQ is a commodity, data is a commodity. I’m far more interested in watching people interact at a restaurant with their smartphone. We can all read ‘Tech Crunch,’ ‘Ad Age.’ I would rather be living in the trenches. I would rather be going to Whole Foods in Columbus Circle to watch people shop with their…

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  • Genius worship is the inevitable sign of an uncreative age. – Clive Bell

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  • I appreciate and enjoy my age. – Nikki Giovanni

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  • In the modern media age we are rarely surprised by what we see. Whether it’s on television or film or in the theatre, everything is so advertised, so trailed, that most entertainment is merely what you thought it was going to be like. – Rowan Atkinson

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  • We incorporated new tastes and flavors into our kids’ diets from a very early age, which helped to develop their palates and prevented them from becoming picky eaters. We don’t buy junk food and give them options of fresh fruit, yogurt, raw almonds, or dried whole grain cereals for snack time. – Cat Cora

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  • Most poetry in the modern age has retreated to the private sphere, turning its back on the political realm. – Terry Eagleton

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  • Filth and old age, I’m sure you will agree, are powerful wardens upon chastity. – Geoffrey Chaucer

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  • It has been claimed at times that our modern age of technology facilitates dictatorship. – Henry A. Wallace

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  • Working on the ‘Ice Age’ movies, I’m really proud to be in them. – Seann William Scott

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  • No Congress ever has seen fit to amend the Constitution to address any issue related to marriage. No Constitutional Amendment was needed to ban polygamy or bigamy, nor was a Constitutional Amendment needed to set a uniform age of majority to ban child marriages. – Judy Biggert

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  • We’re taught at such a young age that you can always be better and that you’re never perfect and that you’re never good enough. – Shawn Johnson

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  • The young people have MTV and rock and roll. Why would they go to read poetry? Poetry belongs to the Stone Age. It awakens in us perceptions that go back to those times. – Robert Morgan

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  • Study is the bane of childhood, the oil of youth, the indulgence of adulthood, and a restorative in old age. – Walter Savage Landor

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  • Because of my age and because there’s more work on the small screen. What it’s missing in quality it makes up for in quantity. From an actor’s selfish point of view. – Cesar Romero

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  • Old age is an insult. It’s like being smacked. – Lawrence Durrell

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  • One of the great challenges of our age, in which the tools of our productivity are also the tools of our leisure, is to figure out how to make more useful those moments of procrastination when we’re idling in front of our computer screens. – Joshua Foer

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  • I hope to find the roles that are age appropriate but not yearning to be younger, or parenting ad nauseam. – Debra Winger

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  • I try to write lyrics so that they won’t age, which sort of leaves you with the big subjects like death and love and sex and violence. – Florence Welch

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  • The greatest writers of this age… are aware of the mystery of our existence. – J. B. Priestley

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  • I don’t look my age, I don’t feel my age and I don’t act my age. To me age is just a number. – Joan Collins

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  • I grew up on a farm in a small town where you do or say one thing and everybody knows about it. You see it happen, there’s always the town gossip – ‘Oh did you hear about so and so, or did you hear what went on in this household?’ So I learned at a…

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  • If you love somebody, you love them. My parents had a 25-year age gap between them and my mum was the breadwinner, my dad the house husband. I’m a strong believer that a good relationship can work, whatever the situation. – Katherine Jenkins

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  • I don’t know whether it’s age or maturity, but I certainly find myself committed more and more to the looser forms of Western democracy at any price. – John le Carre

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  • Catholics and evangelicals need to remain allied, and in solidarity, against the increasingly aggressive secularism of our age. – Gary Bauer

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  • Losing both parents at a young age gave me a sense that you can’t really control life – so you’d better live it while it’s here. I stopped believing in a storybook existence a long time ago. All you can do is push in a direction and see what comes of it. – Jon Hamm

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  • Old age is not a disease – it is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappointments, trials and illnesses. – Maggie Kuhn

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