Louis C. K.


  • “I’ve learned from experience that if you work harder at it, and apply more energy and time to it, and more consistency, you get a better result. It comes from the work.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “When I was first divorced, I started dating younger women, and it was really exciting. But after a while I was like, ‘This is just dumb.’” -Louis C. K.

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  • “I’ve learned from experience that if you work harder at it, and apply more energy and time to it, and more consistency, you get a better result. It comes from the work.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “Breaking records is not something you expect to be doing. That’s like a sports thing, it’s not usually a comedy and writing thing.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “When I take my kids out for dinner or lunch, people smile at us.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “If you’re a woman and a guy’s ever said anything romantic to you, he just left off the second part that would have made you sick if you could have heard it.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “Well, when I was younger, I lied all the time, because once you understand the power of lying, it’s really like magic because you transform reality for people.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “It’s a positive thing to talk about terrible things and make people laugh about them.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “I don’t like comedy. I like funny things. I don’t like comedy. Like, comedy movies are just, ‘Oh Jesus.’” -Louis C. K.

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  • “I never viewed money as being ‘my money’ I always saw it as ‘the money.’ It’s a resource. If it pools up around me then it needs to be flushed back out into the system.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “When you’re a father in a marriage, you sort of become the mother’s assistant. And you sort of get a list from her every day and you run down the list and it feels very much like a chore.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “I’ve met a lot of people who’ve lost their jobs and they still have a sense of humor.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “I wish I could know everything ever, like that would be my wish – that’s what I hope heaven is, that they tell you who shot JFK and all that stuff.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “There’s no real preparing at home for stand-up. You just go and you just do it.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “When two kids are being completely berserk, and they’re naked and throwing food around, sometimes I just let it go because I can see a future where they’re going to be dressed, and they’re going to be at school. So I kind of let stuff go sometimes.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “I don’t like comedy. I like funny things. I don’t like comedy. Like, comedy movies are just, ‘Oh Jesus.’” -Louis C. K.

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  • “When two kids are being completely berserk, and they’re naked and throwing food around, sometimes I just let it go because I can see a future where they’re going to be dressed, and they’re going to be at school. So I kind of let stuff go sometimes.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “The problem is, the more famous you get, the more people see you who didn’t choose to.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “America’s a family. We all yell at each other. It all works out.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “I think you have to try and fail, because failure gets you closer to what you’re good at.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “It’s more fun to experience things when you don’t know what’s going to happen.” -Louis C. K.

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  • “When I was first divorced, I started dating younger women, and it was really exciting. But after a while I was like, ‘This is just dumb.’” -Louis C. K.

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  • “I have a crazy amount of different jobs, so the way I manage that is to not do more than one at a time. It’s like old computers that had small memory chips, they would do something called swapping, where they would fill the memory with one task, do it and get it out.” -Louis…

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  • “To me, art supplies are always okay to buy.” -Louis C. K.

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  • It’s kind of awkward to eat alone in a restaurant because everybody’s looking at me. – Louis C. K.

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